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Look before you Leap!

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Ok the sprout is back, and this time I’m sprouting on about the thick idiots out there that complain about people not putting much information on their profiles, yet don’t seem to bloody read them anyways. It’s getting beyond ridiculous really, and I’m fed up of sending mail back correcting the dumb gits for fear of being titled as ignorant if I just ignore them!
It’s the not looking before you leap syndrome, I’m afraid. Where people are spotting the picture and ignoring the details and rushing to get in touch, though I don’t understand why, it’s not like the world is going to end in the two minutes it takes to read a profile.
I don’t even get it, they is not even much to read on my profile, yet some people (well-known members as well as new) are just not bothering.
Basically the problem is single males, heterosexual couples and bisexual couples that only play as a couple send the same sort of shit day in and day out.
“Hi, I’ve read your profile and would really like to talk further regarding meeting…blah blah blah!”
Well if you did read my profile you would realise one big problem with your mail that suggests your nothing but lying sods eager to get your hands on anything without any care for the individual at all. I’m fucking GAY!!! Which means I don’t sleep with males or find them sexually exciting at all!
Please can everyone take into consideration that profiles are there for a reason, and completely ignoring them can cause annoyance to others and does make you look a complete prat!
Thank you, rant over…
Hey Spirit
I think what causes the confusion is that there are loads of females on here who have "gay female" on their profile but still love to have sex with guys.
And guys are just the same too..
Surely they should have bi then??
But people chose to class themselves what they want and it's not anyone's business what they chose to put or how they live their life, but it sure as hell causes Masses of confusion lol.
So there you go and by the way any chance of a shag??
Failing that, can I just stare into your gorgeous eyes redface
all i can say for me is awwwwwww but nat says mmmmmmmmmmm lol..whatever sexual pref ur prefer we still think your lovely xx
Well there's little chance of winning the lottery but people still play, something like 14,000,000,000:1 chance of the jackpot.
So, they send the pm on the off chance that its the day you suddenly fancy a bit of cock lol
(failing that, d'you fancy the 'ladies' off the bounty kitchen towel ads? i could probably find a dress and a wig on Ebay :rascalsmile