i must admit i`m a rite perv,
but that said i also like a laugh.
for the first time yesterday i clicked on the gallery button,
wow what alot of pics :twisted:
then i started to notice the things in the background of the pics,
one in paticular stood out (and i thought my bedroom was a mess).
i then went through loads of pics just looking at the backgrounds (honest)
i never really look at what is behind when i take a pic and it would seem many others don`t either.
from my extensive research i have found that,
some people have lovely homes and take great pride in them,
while others, like me spend far to much time in sh towers and don`t seem to give a hoot.
well thats all really, just thought i`d put a thread up saying that.
not sure why? just thought i would, so i have, so there! can`t belive you are still reading this, the point was made earlier, so you can stop reading now.
thats all.
be good and take care.
come back soon,
don`t let the door hit your ass on the way out.
sod off now and stop reading.