Of course ...when I gleefully made this and named it the U.S.S. Abilene ( you can't quite read it on the pic ) I didn't realise it would take me 4 hours and 45 minutes to drive 9 miles home. If I had I would have built a fucking ark.
Quote by varca
so what would you fill it with?
Quote by varca
:shock: Ohh that's awful Abi, Mother Nature eh? She likes to play us indeed!!
Okay... so if you had built an ark and aside from the important bit about it facilitating a faster homecoming for you, if you had to fill that ark, cos that's the rules you know, what would you fill it with?? Noah was clearly into "couples.. two x two" lol, so what would you fill it with? :D
Quote by Abilene
so what would you fill it with?