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look what i found!

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26 replies
4 watchers
i was popping out to the shop for some milk for "the cafe" when i bumped into Andy77777, he was loitering around looking like he wanted to come in, so i put him under my arm and here he is!
i prommised him that everyone is lovely, and we dont bite!
prove me right peeps!
hello ANDY, nice to see youve popped in
Aww thanks busty your hospitailty is very welcome ! Im new to all this so hopefully the ones in the know will show me the ropes although I tend to learn quickly lol.. anyway just stumbled over this site whilst bored at work nr chester and thought you all sounded fun and a thouroughly nice bunch.. oh andy stop creeping ur in now lol.. anyway hopefully my inbox will bulge with welcome notes xx
Hi Andy
Welcome aboard. Why don't you pull up a chair and tell us about yourself. That way we can all get to know you better.
Ta Mal... well where do u start??.. I live just outside Chester although not from here moved up a year ago from Brighton... love it here tho and wouldnt go anywhere else for the world.. work far to bloody hard and have decided that lifes for living.. must be a midlife crisis thing im 40 in august lol
Welcome Andy.....lovely to have you here.....
Hello Andy (from another North-westerner) - great to see you!
Hugs, Alex x x
:welcome: on board Andy smile
The're all mad in here. Prepare to become addicted.
Regards LC
A big welcome from the midlands.
Hope you have fun in the forums - as the advert should say.
Carlsberg don't make swingers forum, but if they did....!
Hi Andy, wave
Welcome to the nut house :haha: :haha:
Now youve got in,youll never leave. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Hi and Welcome Andy from another North Westerner kiss
Vicky xxx
Welcome to the forum from another "newbie".
It does become addictive this site, especially the cafe. The posts make me laugh. Enjoy your time here.
welcome to the asylum..... the nutters are in charge!!!! biggrin :D
seriously mate you'll have a blast and any friend of WBB is certainly a friend of mine...
sean xxxx
Hi Andy and welcome :wave2:
A welcome from me to Andy. wave
Quote by LoveCommando
The're all mad in here.

mon dieu!! mad? merde! ow dare you slur us all so dishoneurably! pah! duel
Quote by Clare
Welcome to the nut house

et vous clare? ooo are you calling un nutterrrrr???
Quote by fabio grooverider
welcome to the asylum..... the nutters are in charge!!!!

and ooo et vous tooo ave such opinions?? <<< slaps about a bit with a lacy hanky! >>>
andy :welcome: to the site. be prepared to kiss life as you know it goodbye! lol
and when all of the above makes perfect sense, it'll be too late mate! ;-)
have fun. sure well busty babe will look after you if she can tear herself away from her latest purchase!
neil x x x x
Hello Andy
:welcome: to :swingingchair: heaven
Hope you have a lovely time in here.
Lucys kiss
Quote by fabio grooverider
seriously mate you'll have a blast and any friend of WBB is certainly a friend of mine...
sean xxxx

Quote by neilinleeds
have fun. sure well busty babe will look after you if she can tear herself away from her latest purchase!
neil x x x x

i have no idea who this man is!!!
i REALLY did justfind him in my pm box on my way in... and you know how i cant resist a (whats the male equivalent of a damsel in distress?)! :twisted:
gosh.. i sound like a tart! rolleyes
Quote by well_busty_babe
gosh.. i sound like a tart! rolleyes

Sound???..... I thought you were!!.... redface
P.S. Luv ya really babe kiss
Quote by shireen-steve
gosh.. i sound like a tart! rolleyes

Sound???..... I thought you were!!.... redface
P.S. Luv ya really babe kiss
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
dont worry.... :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: i am not offended!
anyway...... takes one to know one! wink
lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
Quote by well_busty_babe
anyway...... takes one to know one! wink
lol :lol: :lol: :lol:

:rude: :rude: :rude: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Quote by well_busty_babe
i was popping out to the shop for some milk for "the cafe"

Here's what she really ment.....
the large box of 50 Duracell batteries I bought are now all exhausted and I was racing to the shop when....................... :P lol
:welcome: Andy from yet another northwester. wave
Quote by well_busty_babe
look! i was still going to the shop! lol

What about rechargeable batteries, least you can run around instead of runnin to the shop!
Quote by well_busty_babe
look! i was still going to the shop! lol

Fair enough. LOL lol
Quote by MrDarcy
What about rechargeable batteries, least you can run around instead of runnin to the shop!

I'm begining to think that a bike dynamo might be a better idea.
It's low voltage, so no mains voltage through your parts problems.
It's relatively cheap when compared to a box of 50 Duracell a weekend.
All you need is to rig up a bike somewhere and get someone to peddle.
Ever thought of moving into a flat next door to a gym? :P :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: