Hi, not sure whether this fits here, but couldn't really put it in "let's meet up" as I'm not able to for at least the next 5 months.
I'm one of over 4000 British Servicemen serving in Afghanistan and am looking to exchange emails with any ladies or couples. I'd love to read about your experiences and "chat" with you. Due to bandwidth restrictions video chat is not an option out here, but we do have pretty good access to the internet. I've been reading the stories section on here and have really enjoyed some of the tales contained there. Now I'm looking to extend that to email chats with you.
Anyone interested can contact me through here initially. Hope to hear from you soon.
Wishing you well and a safe return
sorry mate but i really hate the guys that need to say they are in the forces to attract women/ couples! I served in the RAF for a good while and really think that those who use it to get meets, are putting a finger up those, like myself, who spent months away missing thier families and risking thier lives in the name of the job. I served to get some self respect and to make my misses proud Not to come home with tales and scars to get my leg over.
Im sorry if this offends mate, but seriously. Id expect it from a young lad of 19 not from someone with a bit more experience!
I'm not a 100% sure but please correct me if I'm wrong but are you supposed to be identifying the fact that you are (a)a serving soldier and (b)you are posted in afganistan, on the internet.
Particularly as the threat level in the uk is currently set as substantial and I believe this section of this site is open to none members.
I don't see anything on here that identifies Thargor, his rank, regiment or position so where is the problem.
A lot of us on here have served and some in right shitholes as a lot of the lads are now and as far as i am concerned a few mails etc can give you something to think about other than where the next projectile is likely to come from.
I hope people can put their anti war thoughts aside and support the troops even if it is just to send a few messages to help boost moral.
At the moment the war in Afghanistan seems a long way off to most but just remember that one day it could return to the shores of Europe and who will you be needing then.
Here is to wishing all the guys a safe return.