your comments please is it looks or is it the person inside you fancy does age come intoi it there are some very active older people out there
Personally, I'm often attracted to a person beacuse of the way they look, but if they don't match up with a personality then its doesn't matter how attractive they are.
But ultimatly I'll talk to anyone regardless of how they look, and usually end up attracted to them on some level.
Age is sometimes an issue, but only because I may not have enough in common with an older person. Not many 60 years old can neck 15 tequilas in a row and still get up and dance!!!!!
i think looks come first as in many cases u see a person, even if its a profile pic, b4 you get 2 know then, after all if you opened a profile and saw a pic of someone u though was ugly how many peeple can honestly say they'd think oh well ok they ugly but they could be nice so we'll ask if they want 2 meet anyway? i would say not many, but then personality comes into it after all could you shag someone you really didn't get on with even if they was good looking? but then i suppose taking it the other way round if you got to know someone that u didn't find attractive i think if you really get on in time ouu find things that are attractive in them that maybe you didn't spot str8 away, hummm i know what i mean lol
still looking for the person with both but my answer would have to be either. I can be shallow and have had some great times with people who I have dated entirley for there looks(although these are the relationships that sour the quickest) and have had great times with people who have turned me on by there spirit alone.
I think everyone has something to offer, so try them all :twisted: :twisted:
weve met a couple who are out of our age bracket..(as in weve made a certain age the limit)..............but they are so attractive and have such a nice personallity that we will play with them...........they ring our bells....and hopefully they`l let us ring the`yers... :twisted: know who u are lol...............but as fare as personality and looks goes.........we used to look for looks alone....but quickly found that, they may be the most attractive cpl in the world.....but the attitude freaked us a mix of both is good :twisted:
scarilly looks vaguely like my mum when she was younger???!!