Was just wondering if you ladies on the forum can give me some feed back
What is your perception of lorry drivers???
Are we all the "dirty, smelly, overweight yorkie eating" people that the most of the general public seem to think we are?
Have you or would you ever meet up with a lorry driver for mutual fun?
I have been doing the job now for 13 years and yes, I have to admit that there are alot of the afore mentioned drivers about, but I for one like to take my hygeine and cleanliness serious. After all......water is free in most places haha.
I think in all the time I have done this job I have met up with only 2 women and have to admit it ladies but it was great haha. Also I hear all the time about all these lorry drivers who see all the flashing and stocking tops in cars etc. Ive seen it only about 3 or 4 times. Does all this really happen? and if so, where haha
Anyway I would love to hear back from anyone who feels like putting a reply to this.
Thanks everyone and remember......Keep it lite and 10/10 for now!!!