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lorry drivers

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Warming the Bed
Hi ya folks
Was just wondering if you ladies on the forum can give me some feed back
What is your perception of lorry drivers???
Are we all the "dirty, smelly, overweight yorkie eating" people that the most of the general public seem to think we are?
Have you or would you ever meet up with a lorry driver for mutual fun?
I have been doing the job now for 13 years and yes, I have to admit that there are alot of the afore mentioned drivers about, but I for one like to take my hygeine and cleanliness serious. After all......water is free in most places haha.
I think in all the time I have done this job I have met up with only 2 women and have to admit it ladies but it was great haha. Also I hear all the time about all these lorry drivers who see all the flashing and stocking tops in cars etc. Ive seen it only about 3 or 4 times. Does all this really happen? and if so, where haha
Anyway I would love to hear back from anyone who feels like putting a reply to this.
Thanks everyone and remember......Keep it lite and 10/10 for now!!! wink :wink:
I often flash my tits at lorry drivers when we are on the motorway! Also have to admit to wanking one off at a sevice station near Northampton while hubby watched me! Very sexy too!
Sex God
Quote by monty2u4fun
Have you or would you ever meet up with a lorry driver for mutual fun?

redface surprisedops: :oops:
Eagerslut9 :inlove: and I had our first meet in a layby outside of Gloucester. :twisted: :twisted:
I've never seen him eat a Yorkie (yet!) and he's definitely not overweight.
Is he dirty????.................................................hell yes!! :twisted: :twisted:
Quote by KcKat
Is he dirty????.................................................hell yes!! :twisted: :twisted:

I just KNOW that you are talking about the good kind of dirty here lol :lol: :lol:
Not a lorry driver, but will be a preserved bus driver when I've got it back on the road!
There won't be any dirties or smellies in my cab either!
If any of you are passing when I'm out, give me a smile or whatever, you'll see what it looks like as I'll change me avatar!
Rick biggrin
Sex God
My perception of truckers in the NW has gone downhill of late cos I can't find a bi one anywhere rolleyes :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
Yes truck drivers are dirty stinky smelly things lol :lol: :lol:
Sorry thats hubby.....woops he's a truck driver........seems as thou I was correct first time :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Dambuster is a truck driver too, noit the smelly, dirty variety though.
Truckers are no different to any other guys I guess , all types of different ones ( including the smelly variety) but what they are is convenient . Kinda like a drive through flashing/voyeur service.
Sex God
Quote by Nomad_Soul

Is he dirty????.................................................hell yes!! :twisted: :twisted:

I just KNOW that you are talking about the good kind of dirty here lol :lol: :lol:

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Yep :rascal: That kind of dirty!
Quote by monty2u4fun
I hear all the time about all these lorry drivers who see all the flashing and stocking tops in cars etc. Ive seen it only about 3 or 4 times. Does all this really happen? and if so, where haha

On any road leading to Glasgow at Easter for the Scottish Munch. lol :lol: :P
Quote by sheffieldfun4two
I often flash my tits at lorry drivers when we are on the motorway! Also have to admit to wanking one off at a sevice station near Northampton while hubby watched me! Very sexy too!

You two don't have a small 4x4 type thing do you by any chance??
Quote by Gorgeous of North East
Dambuster is a truck driver too, noit the smelly, dirty variety though.

Why - thank you, Miss kiss
Sex God
I would never meet a lorry driver in a layby :P wink
And yes they are clean, if not just put them in the bath or shower, soap, rinse, dry, and way you go............. biggrin
I started in transport as a lad of 15 a ways back in 1955 and did nothing else till I quit at 62 and ran away to the USA for 3 years a bit late for that I know but didn’t have the time till then. And I must say I have had a ball as a driver, wondering all over the UK I had every grab-a-granny night there was in my little black book and lots of wonderful girls that loved truckers and being in there company (no offence intended by that ladies but it was the way to describe the local dances befor political correctness) I could tell some story’s but this is not the time of the place. All I can say is that driver wash up well and have the gift of the gab when out on the pull. :rose:
God steph looking at your pic I wish I would had your number in my little book when I was going to the Fusion but I bet you would have still been in nappies then. :boo:
Well you are going to make my face red I keep saying I am 23 Ok so I am 64 but still in good working order (goodish working order) redface
Steph I think that would be about 1970/73 I mover in to Leicester in November 74. I parked my truck next to Smiths haulage Off Abby Lane. Would dance till 2:00 am and if I got lucky shag till 4:00am and back on the road by 7:00am man that was the life. hump Now I have to have my coco and be in bed for 9sillym:yawn:
Past your bed time then Keith.
Go on with you, up the wooden hill. :giggle:
Sex God
Now which lorry drivers bunk can I help prepare :P
and then maybe be allowed to share :twisted: wink
Promise I won't fidget, and will go to sleep,
My father is the prime example of an overweight, cholestoral ridden, smelly, permanant `dogend out the mouth` lorry driver. I spent much of my childhood helping to load the lorry (would explain the potty mouth :mrgreensmile and sometimes accompanying him on trips. He drives a tractor too. :mrgreen:
Love him to bits.
Gummy I had a long nap this after so I am ok till the pills kick in, Sarah1448 you can cum in my bunk and fidget all you want 69position hump blast :inlove: I think I am in love
Sex God
Truckers confused
Why do the bored ones come out to play whenever I'm on the motorway? You know the ones I mean: The one on the inside lane doing 59mph and the one overtaking him at so for half an hour everyone has to bottleneck their way into lane 3 (if you're lucky enough to even be on a stretch of road that has a lane 3) to get past them. mad
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Eat Yorkies sometimes :grin:
Don't carry any flab
Mostly clean but sometimes minging redface surprisedops:
Total perv at all times wink :wink:
Typical trucker? :undecided:
Quote by VenusnMars
My father is the prime example of an overweight, cholestoral ridden, smelly, permanant `dogend out the mouth` lorry driver.

Oiiiii ! ! ! !
I've never even met your mother ! !
Quote by Sarah1448
Now which lorry drivers bunk can I help prepare :P

dunno :dunno: :dunno: :dunno: lol :lol:
Quote by Sexysteph
Very true Dammie is lovely ........... but enjoys some good dirty funnnnnnn too mmmmmmmmm.
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Quote by Ice Pie
Truckers confused
Why do the bored ones come out to play whenever I'm on the motorway? You know the ones I mean: The one on the inside lane doing 59mph and the one overtaking him at so for half an hour everyone has to bottleneck their way into lane 3 (if you're lucky enough to even be on a stretch of road that has a lane 3) to get past them. mad

Well Ice
Would you want to sit behind another truck (on the M1 for example) for hour after hour when you've got a slight speed edge on him and can get past him?
Trucks over 7.5 tons are not allowed in lane 3 of a 3-lane motorway so we have only lanes 1 and 2 to use. Cars can use all 3 lanes, pay less road tax, are faster and more manoeuverable etc, etc. If you lose your momentum in a heavily freighted truck it takes a long time to get it back again.
Live and let live eh? wink smile

Quote by Eagerslut9
Well Ice
Trucks over 7.5 tons are not allowed in lane 3 of a 3-lane motorway so we have only lanes 1 and 2 to use.

I'm sure that's only optional at 3 am, 37 and a half, downhill Leicester Bank, running for home dunno
Sex God
Quote by dambuster

Well Ice
Trucks over 7.5 tons are not allowed in lane 3 of a 3-lane motorway so we have only lanes 1 and 2 to use.

I'm sure that's only optional at 3 am, 37 and a half, downhill Leicester Bank, running for home dunno
Pssssssssst, I think he's just trying to emphasise that he's got a growler truck again now and not the ;)
Quote by KcKat

Pssssssssst, I think he's just trying to emphasise that he's got a growler truck again now and not the ;)

rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
But has he got one that bends yet?
Sex God
Quote by dambuster
But has he got one that bends yet?

Hell no, that would be multi-tasking rolleyes :roll:
I'll just smack meself now - save him doing it smackbottom
Quote by dambuster

Pssssssssst, I think he's just trying to emphasise that he's got a growler truck again now and not the ;)

rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
But has he got one that bends yet?
Yeah, well................ punishment's over now and I can flatten elephants again!! lol :lol:
Oh yeah! And cars that hog all 3 lanes as well. Yep. Back on form. :twisted: :twisted: