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Whereabouts did you lose your virginity, How was it???
Well I lost mine on a saturday night in the local school, in the bike sheds. I wasnt sure if I did it right, the first time, lol
That was 15 years ago, lol
So how was it for all you Singing Heaveners????
I was 18 (going on 19) when I lost mine - late starter.
It was to the man I married (BIG MISTAKE).
At a party around a mile away from where I was meant to be being lectured.
Learnt more that day, for sure........
We all make mistakes Alex, lol
You just married yours, lol
Another late starter.
I was 20 and it happened with a girl I had previously gone to school with, in a drunken haze after a night in Chicago Rock Cafe, Bury.
Not the best introduction to sex.
I haven't lost mine yet sad wink
Quote by Gmanxxx
with seriosu head on am sure not a good thing....Gosh I have gone all seriosu... any thoughts...?

What is a 'seriosu head' - could we use it on the Sgt Bilko action figure - battery model?
Well I was legal at least.....16, in a field in Wetherby...which we later found out was inhabited by a herd of cows!......oh and by the way if you recognise this scenario and think this may be you get in touch lol
I was nearly 17, very young going by previous posts redface
It happened in the woods, behind the youth club. I can remember it in every detail, even though it was more than 28 years ago :sleeping: :sleeping:
Hiya Novice1 - and WELCOME !!!!!!!!!!
Alex x x
Hi Alex, looks like we should have the same signature rotflmao :rotflmao:
Welcome to SH Novice1.
Have fun in the forum!
Sappho xxx
Quote by Novice1
Hi Alex, looks like we should have the same signature

Is your name Alex too???????
Quote by Gmanxxx
Nah he means he is a 45 YO 25 stone wrestler silly

Do you know something about Novice1 that we are not privvy to?
Alex x x
Oh dear, thanks for the welcome everyone lol :lol:
I am another 45 year old 25st female wrestler, hope that clears things up?? wink :wink:
Yippeee - welcome Sis!
Hi Novice1 wave :wave: :wave:
Welcome to the Forum. Any time you fancy taking Alex on for the Female Wrestling Championship let me know and I'll sell the tickets!!!!
wink lol :lol: :lol:
I dont know Alex very well yet, but from what I've read of her forum posts, I dont think female wrestling is up her street, (it's definately not up mine) :doh:
Is that a thousand male fantasies dashed, or me having a go a making assumptions?? redface surprisedops:
Thanks for the offer though!! wink :wink:
Spot on Novice!
But let them dream!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alex x x
Hiya Novice1 wave
Welcome to the forum, enjoy biggrin
Virginity thing, 18 and to husband, but not on wedding night! not that quaint lol
Hi mischief lol
And sorry to dissapoint gman and sarge :cry: :cry: I'm just a pathetic girlie too, even though I'm a 25st 45 YO Fem rolleyes :roll:
Bloody 'ell, only been here a few days and I'm picking up the slang!! :shock: :shock:
Commercial opportunity alert:
Just imagine: our very own team of not only gorgeous, but also totally unbeatable, wrestling stars. They could tour the circuit, conquering all before them with their combination of deadly martial talents and stunning looks. They could each have their own specialities:
The Rabbit Punch-should be plenty of advice on that one from certain quarters
The Admiral Nelson-bit like the Half Nelson but ends in Alexandra shouting 'Kiss Me'
The Karma Sutra-new one that, taught by ancient warriors, consisting of a lengthy sequence of grisly contortions which leaves the opponent slumped on the canvass smoking a cigarette
The Head Butt-(yes I'd love to give you 'head', but...)
The Wrist Lock-(copied from painful condition experienced by Forum Members when Sappho's picture was -all too briefly-posted)
The Upper Cut-or at least it sounded something like that?
The 'Nakasaki' not named after Kendo, the wrestler, but rather the piece of male equipment squeezed to build up wrist strength
The Jaw Breaker-highly technical move involving several hours discussing Corrie and 'Stenders.
And of course-remebering the old 'Four Post Smash', when Mick McManus bounced his opponent off every corner of the ring, Alexandra could develop the '300 post smash'-on current form, should take about ten days.
...Oh, we are ging to be rich...
...and just think of the back up team:
The Sarge and Steve G_NW would be a natural to organise the itinerary
Will69 can sharpen his quill and rattle off the PR blurb
Sappho can publish it
GMan can teach (very secret, for Government eyes only) killer techniques
Wilma can gather the WI to provide travelling support
Carpathian could choose the music to be played as they enter the ring in triumph...oh, it's a winner
oh yes, and little me, with my background in boxing and rugby training, would-only if you all ABSALOUTELY insisted-would be prepared to hone the girls to a peak of physical perfection. This would involve all the latest ideas including :winter 'breaks' in the sun; daily massage sessions; jacuzzi sessions; saunas; close supervision of upper body responses during jogging sessions; plenty of bed rest-and a bit of sleep occasionally; cpoious mud wrestling etc.
and a name?How about 'Swinging Heaven ''All-in'' Grapplers..second thoughts, methinks that acronym is already taken. But anyway, rack your brains folks, this could be a winner
Yes, I commend this idea to the House
Bring on the opposition...
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Quote by artificer
This would involve all the latest ideas including :winter 'breaks' in the sun; daily massage sessions; jacuzzi sessions; saunas; close supervision of upper body responses during jogging sessions; plenty of bed rest-and a bit of sleep occasionally;

Think I've changed my mind, how about you Alex? rotflmao :rotflmao:
Good to have your support Gman-do I have to learn a funny handshake? You're so right about the 'cabbage crates over the briny': I scan the skies daily to do my bit for National Security. Can't trust Johnny Foreigner-especially now we've stuffed 'em all at Rugger. Anyway, 'mum's the word'- tapping side of nose and winking-your secrets are safe with me-and Sappho-and Carpathian-and the Sarge (good egg for an NCO)-etc
Gadzooks Gman, I was looking forward to a really peaceful weekend in the GFZ: instead of which I spent all day trying to get a paranoid ferret, still in a state of mortification after being called a rodent, to eat his grub.
Anyway, next time eh?
Quote by bluexxx
I haven't lost mine yet sad wink

Liar, liar, pants on fire!!! lol
Well Gman, I am stunned by your comments!
How lovely of you to say - yes it was a laugh!
Okay - back to the thread
First time was in the back of a car at Pickmere (no - I wasn't dogging - never heard of it then).
Second (SH one) - not saying even tho most seem to know who to!
Alex x x
Second (SH one) - not saying even tho most seem to know who to!

Well, Alex you couldn't have chosen a nicer guy. He's gorgeous - inside and out.
Sappho xxx