Quote by eroticuk
Am i right in thinking ur in the scene and your wife doesn't know??
She swings I swing, but not together. We talk about it but not what we have done. She know, she knows I know. The rules seem to have built themselves over the years. She prefers not to know my what, who, where, when. I would like to swing together, we respect each other wishes.
Well IMHO.... i'd say there is less love in your relationship/marriage than what there is in any of the cpls on this site....
All the other cpls on this site, that i have met or spoken too do it together. They talk and take into consideration how the other feels and if they wanna meet the said cpl/single they are chatting to. Very few cpls i know swing seperatly... and if they do there partners know about it, also know exactly where they will be when meeting somebody else.
Sorry to drag this from page one Lilmiss, but I disagree so much with what you said.
My partner and I swing sepparately and we love each other so much it keeps us going through everything. There isn't a day passes by where I don't think about him even though he lives quite a few hundred miles away.
We don't tell each other everything we do or dont do because our main rule is to be safe. We leave that up to the discretion and judgement of the person going through with things as only the person themselves knows if theyre comfy or not.
This doesn't detract from how much we love each other or our commitment to one another either. We also talk about it but not the gory details of everything that happened cos we trust each other.
Do swingers have more love??? Well, its a real cross section of people and there is as much variety in the swinging scene as there is walking down the high street where you live. To generalise about love and swingers would be a huge mistake as swinging with others is about sex, physical stuff that doesn't really have room for loving extra people... thats polyamoury???
Do swingers have more trust than other couples might be a more cut a dried "Yes" or "no" answer, but with love... complicated thing as no-one can seem to define what love is and it means something different to each person.
Thank you, that puts it very nicely, but I do hope that is not the end of the thread.
Like you we both spend time away from each other.