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love heart sweets

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i am on holls
:happy: :smile2:
so have had quite a productive few days, anyway, i soent this morning organising and ordering tonguey to open packets of love heart sweets ( something to do with the W occasion lol) and sorting them out. anyway, we had way over bought and found we had loads and loads spare(maybe a couple of hundred).
there are only so many sweets you can eat without being sic so i neeed to think of a use for them.
i thought about making them up into sentences and sending them instead of letters, but with the new royal mail prices, that may not be cost effective lol.
i need to ask you geniuses for some tips and ideas.
if anyone thinks of something outstanding , you will be rewarded greatly( with love hearts lol).
I had a packet of love hearts once that was full of insults, best find ever! Nothing extreme just things like you smell, grow up and just say no
make them in to an edible necklace and before anyone says it not a pearl one :giggle:
Instead of mailing the letters ( cos yes, very expensive) you could make little signs ( I love you or I miss you etc )and then take a picture and email to recipient ( or post on here ).
Or you could lay them in a trail ( like breadcrumbs ) for when your love comes home and at the end he finds you.
Dunno ... just rambling. lol.
Quote by Abilene
Instead of mailing the letters ( cos yes, very expensive) you could make little signs ( I love you or I miss you etc )and then take a picture and email to recipient ( or post on here ).
Or you could lay them in a trail ( like breadcrumbs ) for when your love comes home and at the end he finds you.
Dunno ... just rambling. lol.

yes but would he not have to eat them as he went, might get ill before he gets up the stairs :giggle:
buy one of those box frames, not too deep though, and frame the ones you like, throw all the others in the bin lol Ok I have to admit I don't actually like the taste of lovehearts
Quote by Abilene
Or you could lay them in a trail ( like breadcrumbs ) for when your love comes home and at the end he finds you.

WOW Abi,
You old romantic you :rose:
Isn't it odd, some people just never cease to amaze you :shock:
Quote by Manolishi

Or you could lay them in a trail ( like breadcrumbs ) for when your love comes home and at the end he finds you.

WOW Abi,
You old romantic you :rose:
Isn't it odd, some people just never cease to amaze you :shock:
Yeah I didn't mention the most romantic part ... he would find me at the end of the trail with my bare ass in the air and a flogger laying on the bed ready for his use. :twisted:
Get the gaffa tape out and make yourself a new outfit lol lol lol
is there a
spank me
love heart?
love hearts now are crap.
They all say "text me" or "e-mail me"
Romance is dead, but i do think they are tasty!
is there a
take you roughly from behind, pressing down on the small of your back, pulling back on your shoulders, whilst whistling a merry tune
love heart?
Quote by LondonPlaything
is there a
take you roughly from behind, pressing down on the small of your back, pulling back on your shoulders, whilst whistling a merry tune
love heart?
i think you might need a rather large one to fit all that on!!
Quote by Warmer
is there a
take you roughly from behind, pressing down on the small of your back, pulling back on your shoulders, whilst whistling a merry tune
love heart?
i think you might need a rather large one to fit all that on!!
They do make really big ones now!
And KL - Parma Violets are yukky - they should be consigned to the same bin as Marmite, peanut butter and Fisherman's Friends.
Quote by Kinky Lizard

Love hearts are for librarians and blokes called Tarquin or Cuthbert....
Parma Violets are much more cooler!
Take 'em all back to the shop and demand some 'PVs'
Yum Yum!

yuck yuck yuck...i couldn't stand them!
Parma Violets taste like soap, i always found tht!
Quote by Freckledbird
is there a
take you roughly from behind, pressing down on the small of your back, pulling back on your shoulders, whilst whistling a merry tune
love heart?
i think you might need a rather large one to fit all that on!!
They do make really big ones now!
And KL - Parma Violets are yukky - they should be consigned to the same bin as Marmite, peanut butter and Fisherman's me then lol
whilst i agree on the parma vile-ets..i am partial to marmite and peanut butter.
Quote by Drewxcore
Parma Violets taste like soap, i always found tht!

Depends what soap you eat, I suppose :shock:
Quote by Freckledbird
is there a
take you roughly from behind, pressing down on the small of your back, pulling back on your shoulders, whilst whistling a merry tune
love heart?
i think you might need a rather large one to fit all that on!!
They do make really big ones now!
And KL - Parma Violets are yukky - they should be consigned to the same bin as Marmite, peanut butter and Fisherman's Friends.
So, no one likes Parma Violets.....Hmmmmmm, now I know why no one wanted any of my sweets as a kid...and I thought it was cos I smelled! Well, that's a relief! biggrin
Quote by Warmer
is there a
take you roughly from behind, pressing down on the small of your back, pulling back on your shoulders, whilst whistling a merry tune
love heart?
i think you might need a rather large one to fit all that on!!
They do make really big ones now!
And KL - Parma Violets are yukky - they should be consigned to the same bin as Marmite, peanut butter and Fisherman's me then lol
whilst i agree on the parma vile-ets..i am partial to marmite and peanut butter. top bird!
& FB!... your buds need edjucatin'!