we had choclate fondo at a xmas party a couple of years back.
Hands up who has a scooby on their key-ring?
Magic eye posters be bolloxed. It mass insinuation at its greatest you want to see it because others say its there so then you convince yourself you can see it this it becomes real.
As for Rubik's cube - bloke should of been shot silly twat of a thing it is.
OMG missy, I had pippa dolls....you know they go for an absolute mint now on Ebay!!!, I could have had a fortune had i kept them in the boxes unplayed with for the last 35 years!!!
AND....i cant do magic eye thingies for the life of me....not a one!! I squint my eyes, go cross-eyed, tilt my head one way then another, and move the book/pic back and too away from my face like a loon, and still nothing jumps out at me......
I always say that its only people lower down the evolutionary scale that can see them!!.....thats my excuse and Im sticking to it :giggle:
My naff thing is so very, very naff that it would appear to have been wiped from Google Images...
Grolsch bottle tops on trainers.
Decided to look up some alternate ones :twisted: