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magic eye posters

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I love them magic eye posters!!! lol
Stare at em for ages, nothing nothing still nothing this ones a fake just done it for a laugh to make people like me stare at em for ages hope noones looking at me hmmm others are joining in with nothing grunts too what a rip of........
Naff fads
Oh how comical we all were in our novelty headbands confused
we had choclate fondo at a xmas party a couple of years back.
Quote by brucie
awww man I LOVE FONDU!!! i havent had one for years. im going to go in search of fondu soon.

Here in France we have meat fondue fairly frequently... Great conversation piece and no complaints about the meat being over/under cooked either :grin:
Lots of nice little sauces as an accompaniment.. horseradish, various mustards, bearnaise etc.
We bought our cast iron fondue in UK before we moved here. It cost all of £3 in a boot fair - never having been used!
Hands up who has a scooby on their key-ring?
Quote by fluff_n_stuff
Hands up who has a scooby on their key-ring?

Not on my keyring, but i have 2 in a pot here. lol
Lost count of how many i helped my daughter make when the were all the rage a few years ago. Even made the owl which had sticky on wobbly eyes :lol:
Quote by jesster
Hands up who has a scooby on their key-ring?

Not on my keyring, but i have 2 in a pot here. lol
Lost count of how many i helped my daughter make when the were all the rage a few years ago. Even made the owl which had sticky on wobbly eyes :lol:
omg i'm so glad others got caught on the scooby thing we were all doin them in my salon ffs very adictive they became looked like a bunch of overgrown 5 year olds we did :lol:
Those scoobies reminded me of the days way back when no house was complete without a bit of macrame in it confused
I'm sure most people had one of these cos my dad made hundreds of em :?

Forgotten how to do it now - but at one point the whole family were at it :?
remember these?
Quote by Missy
And one of these were an absolute must for the fasionable 70s family confused

at one point the whole family were at it :?
:shock: :shock:
Hard to get an idea of scale. Is that a love swing? :twisted: :twisted:
And 'the whole family were at it', well, how uninhibited!! lol
Quote by brucie
i hated the rubiks cube almost as much as i hated the people who could do it

The one I just finished for my daughter is sitting on the arm of the chair right now! flipa
What about car windscreen sun strips with names across them? confused
Magic eye posters be bolloxed. It mass insinuation at its greatest you want to see it because others say its there so then you convince yourself you can see it this it becomes real.
As for Rubik's cube - bloke should of been shot silly twat of a thing it is.
Quote by Lost
Magic eye posters be bolloxed. It mass insinuation at its greatest you want to see it because others say its there so then you convince yourself you can see it this it becomes real.
As for Rubik's cube - bloke should of been shot silly twat of a thing it is.

Not much of a puzzle man are ya Lost? rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Any girls remember the Pippa Dolls?? Oh how I loved them, could never afford Princess Pippa tho sad Moved her arm up and down and her head moved from side to side - pure genius! worship Not to mention that gorgeous green dress with sparkles in!! :worship:
OMG missy, I had pippa know they go for an absolute mint now on Ebay!!!, I could have had a fortune had i kept them in the boxes unplayed with for the last 35 years!!!
AND....i cant do magic eye thingies for the life of me....not a one!! I squint my eyes, go cross-eyed, tilt my head one way then another, and move the book/pic back and too away from my face like a loon, and still nothing jumps out at me......
I always say that its only people lower down the evolutionary scale that can see them!!.....thats my excuse and Im sticking to it :giggle:
Quote by Missy
Magic eye posters be bolloxed. It mass insinuation at its greatest you want to see it because others say its there so then you convince yourself you can see it this it becomes real.
As for Rubik's cube - bloke should of been shot silly twat of a thing it is.

Not much of a puzzle man are ya Lost? rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Any girls remember the Pippa Dolls?? Oh how I loved them, could never afford Princess Pippa tho sad Moved her arm up and down and her head moved from side to side - pure genius! worship Not to mention that gorgeous green dress with sparkles in!! :worship:

Pippa you have nice eyes. Any chance Princess Pippa would be interested in a Very Very unendowed black action man in uniform? fullbody/face pic enclosed
Quote by Missy
Magic eye posters be bolloxed. It mass insinuation at its greatest you want to see it because others say its there so then you convince yourself you can see it this it becomes real.
As for Rubik's cube - bloke should of been shot silly twat of a thing it is.

Not much of a puzzle man are ya Lost? rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Any girls remember the Pippa Dolls?? Oh how I loved them, could never afford Princess Pippa tho sad Moved her arm up and down and her head moved from side to side - pure genius! worship Not to mention that gorgeous green dress with sparkles in!! :worship:

Pippa you have nice eyes. Any chance Princess Pippa would be interested in a Very Very unendowed black action man in uniform? fullbody/face pic enclosed
Quote by Thebonediggers
AND....i cant do magic eye thingies for the life of me....not a one!! I squint my eyes, go cross-eyed, tilt my head one way then another, and move the book/pic back and too away from my face like a loon, and still nothing jumps out at me......
I always say that its only people lower down the evolutionary scale that can see them!!.....thats my excuse and Im sticking to it :giggle:

i can only do them if I take my glasses off!
Quote by Thebonediggers
AND....i cant do magic eye thingies for the life of me....not a one!! I squint my eyes, go cross-eyed, tilt my head one way then another, and move the book/pic back and too away from my face like a loon, and still nothing jumps out at me......
I always say that its only people lower down the evolutionary scale that can see them!!.....thats my excuse and Im sticking to it :giggle:

I can only do them if I take my glasses off!
My naff thing is so very, very naff that it would appear to have been wiped from Google Images...
Grolsch bottle tops on trainers.
Oooh that reminded me of the 'craze' for stealing VW badges and wearing them as medallions rolleyes - one I didn't indulge in!
Quote by Lost
Pippa you have nice eyes. Any chance Princess Pippa would be interested in a Very Very unendowed black action man in uniform? fullbody/face pic enclosed

rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Oh Lost, bluddy hilarious :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Dear Mr Unendowed,
Thank you for your message and picture (nice pic by the way wink ). Thank you for taking the time to read my profile before messaging me.
Although I have said I'm after a man in uniform, unfortunatly Prison Orange wasn't the kind of outfit I had in mind. I know I'm fussy, but it kind of makes it difficult for that spontaneous spur of the moment meet, when you've got to 'escape' every time confused
Hope you find what you're looking for
Quote by Lost
Magic eye posters be bolloxed. It mass insinuation at its greatest you want to see it because others say its there so then you convince yourself you can see it this it becomes real.
As for Rubik's cube - bloke should of been shot silly twat of a thing it is.

An experiment :twisted:
If Lost gets 1000 PM's by the end of the day identifying the item in the top picture linked below it will prove Stereograms work, Stereograms is posh for magic eye poster lol

Second image is a Mermaid :smug:
I actually have tucked away on top of a cupboard a stereogram video :shock: got cleared from my Brothers house, never watched it
As for pointless fads what about finger boards

Right load of old toss that was
Quote by tweeky
If Lost gets 1000 PM's by the end of the day identifying the item in the top picture linked below it will prove Stereograms work, Stereograms is posh for magic eye poster lol

Sent my PM to Lost :smile2:
Quote by Lost

You may laugh Missy but at least it taught me something ...Not to get dressed and prepped up, without checking out the confirmation e-mails first. sitting here best bib n tucker, Calvin Klein dripping from ever inch of skin(thats a lot of CK BTW) for a meet Bugger!
Decided to look up some alternate ones :twisted:

Quote by tweeky
Decided to look up some alternate ones :twisted:
- What Pizza looks like after too much beer
- The seven layers of the Epidermis under a microscope
- A badly drawn head of a girl repeated 4.5 times

Nope still don't get it.
Quote by Lost
You may laugh Missy but at least it taught me something ...Not to get dressed and prepped up, without checking out the confirmation e-mails first. sitting here best bib n tucker, Calvin Klein dripping from ever inch of skin(thats a lot of CK BTW) for a meet Bugger!


Never realised you were that way inclined, oh lost one.