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Magical Movie Moments.....

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45 replies
9 watchers
Sometimes you watch a scene from a movie and you get a shiver down your spine, or the hairs on the back of your next stand sometimes you just say to yourself... wow!!!
So, what are your magical movie moments????

My favourite film is Apocalypse Now and for me it has two of these magical moments:
Martin Sheen’s head emerging slowly from the river, covered in mud, to the sound of ‘The End’ by ‘The The lighting in this shot is so eerie, and the music complements the scene perfectly. SpOoKy!!
This next scene for me is the most dramatic piece of cinematography that I have ever witnessed. It is the helicopter scene where they are about to attack, which is played to the backdrop of Wagner’s ‘Ride of the Valkyries’…..Double WOW! That is as close to cinema heaven as I have been.
Other magic movie moments include:
The Deer Hunter: The Russian roulette scene.
Robert Di Nero returning home to see Meryl Streep with 'Cavatina' by Stanley Myers (performed by John Williams) in the moving.
The Good, The Bad And The Ugly: The Mexican Standoff between Clint Eastwood, Eli Wallach and Lee Van Cleef
Matrix: Helicopter crashing into the Skyscraper
The Wild Bunch: Final battle scene
Bullit: Car chase
Usual Suspects: The ending
Spartacus: “I’m Spartacus”
ok, ok, I’ll stop!
.…Go on then tell me yours!
Kinky Lizard
The one in Dirty Dancing, when Patrick Swayze comes up to the table and says "Nobody puts Baby in the corner" and then they dance on Stage.
Millions of 'em.....just stop me when everyone is asleep.
'The Third Man': the scene where Harry Lime (Orson Welles) steps out of the doorway. The smirk on his face, the music, the incredible lighting...brilliant.
'Lawrence of Arabia': the opening scene as Omar Sharif rides in from the far distance.....gobsmacking.
'The Remains of the Day': several scenes where Anthony Hopkins almost reveals his feelings to Emma Thompson: class acting.
'Local Hero': the 'waltz' scene at the Ceilidh.
'My Darling Clementine:' The dance scene (spot a thread here?)
'Once upon a time in the West'...just about all of them, but in particular, the first time we see Henry Fonda's 'Frank': the image of evil incarnate.
'Saving Private Ryan'; the Beach Landings
'Brief Encounter': the final parting scene-tearjerking.
'Bridge on the River Kwai: the scene where the raggle-taggle outfit of Brits march in, upper lips still stiff, speaks legion about our culture.
Films are wonderful: I'll shut up....
bambi when his mother dies :cry:
umm babe the sheep pig when he wins and owner says thatll do pig
humm im thinking i need to stop watching disney films and get some culture in my life ( and not the thrush type of culture ewwwgghhh )
Some classy moments already logged. many more to add but for starters what about John Mills banging his foot on the wooden panel in Ryan's Daughter - I can see his face now - magic!
Hobsons Choice Classic
The first 5mins of the amazing "Lost in Translation" - just spellbinding. The rest of the film is no slouch but thats just got you from the off.
"Richard" ( the Asian fake British secret agent from the American airforce - are you following this?), suddenly taking off and flying through the air whilst breaking into a song and dance number in "Happiness of the Katakuris". Please let at least one other person on here have seen that !
Quote by MrFC
Hobsons Choice Classic

Do you mean the bit where he sees the moon in the puddle or the whole film.. You're gonna have to be a bit more specific for moments smile :) Love the film.
Arti, you're right about Once Upon A Time In The West.
Also, Rutger Hauer's dying speech in Blade Runner - which he apparently pretty much made up on the spot.
And the huge pie fight at the end of Bugsy Malone.
And the bit in Hannah And Her Sisters with that sublime e e cummings poem whose last verse goes
(i do not know what it is about you that closes
and openssurprisednly something in me understands
the voice of your eyes is deeper than all roses)
nobody,not even the rain,has such small hands
What about the time the big guy (sorry getting pissed and incoherent now) in Captain Corelli's Mandolin throws himself in front of the man himself to save his life when the Germans shot them and the german officer came up afterwards. I read the book and then saw the film and although a lot of people said the film was crap that really got to me - more thn the book - spooky!
Quote by blissed
Also, Rutger Hauer's dying speech in Blade Runner - which he apparently pretty much made up on the spot.

Ooooh, thats a very good one - Roy Batty's "like tears in rain" speech. Mmmm, must dig that film out over the weekend.
"Hey, didn't I did your eyes.....?"
Totally trivial, shallow and uncultured ...... but one move scene which stays with me and the first one I thought of when I saw the thread title is Grease redface
I was about 13, and when Sandy came along all dressed up at the end, stubbed out her cigarette before the dance routine - well, it was enough to send me out the next day to get some silk trousers, little top and high wodden clogs! cool
Not quite the same tho, don't think lycra was around then, so trousers were a bit baggy, top was more of mums choice of sensible blouse and high clogs were not allowed to be more than about 2 inches evil
too many to mention
..the look on Butch cassidy and Sundance's faces when they charge out of the shed at the end
....Richard Todd as Guy Gibson, saying 'No thanks, I have some letters to write' at the end of the Dambusters
...the opening scenes of 'Saving Private Ryan'
....the zero gravity striptease in 'Barbarella'
...most of 'Zulu'
etc etc
Apologies first of all but im going to lower the tone here with this one.
I know,your all going to say you lower the tone anyway but this really is in that category.
Right here we go then from the classic "Animal Farm"
The guy has just had the chicken and says "you were crap,i`m sending you to market"
It makes me laugh so much that.
I wonder if a certain well known boutiful poultry farmer uses this method of fowl testing ?
Once Upon A Time In The West......yes! I have to agree. Lots of good 'wow' moments!
There is a scene where Jack Elam traps a fly in his gun and puts it to his ear to listen to it struggling, I always remember that. Oh, and the haunting sound of the harmonica.
When you get a dramatic scene combined with the ideal score, it just works so well.
Laurence Of Arabia has that perfect combination in several scenes.
Titanic is another one where it works well. Pulp Fiction too.
bambi when his mother dies

Ahem, it a cornish thing or what??? On our first date you certainly aren't taking me to the cinema! wink
Kinky Lizard
lol Wow loads of classics already mentioned and summer lovin a fave from Grease too, mine are Buster and all the music too it(have soundtrack too ) Ghost the bit where they are on the potters wheel,Braveheart oh my god just love that film! Rob Roymmm god do you think i have a thing for men and dressing up? lol oh officer and gentleman where he goes in the factory and picks her up aahhhhhhh wouldnt mind getting picked up by Richard Gere i think i best stop there i feel im waffling bye for now all xxxxxx love peppsxxxxxx smile
Mel Gibson
Now thats hairs standing up :-)
Silky Sez
The final scene going over the cliff in Thelma and Louise many good bits in there (when Ben sings to Liv "leaving on a jetplane" and when Bruce dies and when they come back at the end, I always cry).
Gladiator....I haven't actually seen it, but Russell Crowe, what else do I need to say?
Pirates of the Caribbean.......any part with Orlando Bloom.
Lord of the Rings, Return of the King......the end, I won't spoil it for those that haven't seen it.....but just two words Viggo Mortenson!!!! Mmmmm he can send shivers down my spine any day of the week.
G I Jane.....the bit when Demi says "Suck my dick"....LoL.
The one that stands out for me , is the ending of One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest. Where the big chief picks up the water fountain , and throws it thru the window. The music in the backgound , brings tears to my eyes everytime.... :cry:.. sissy..
Also James Stewart , running down the street in .Its a Wonderful Life.
Quote by DreamerHelen
Lord of the Rings, Return of the King......the end

I actually cried in the cinema at the run in of that - never done it before....ever. A couple of bits during the ending had been causing lumps in the throat but one scene pushed me over the edge and the tears ran.....
SUCH an amazing film......
Quote by marcoow
The one that stands out for me , is the ending of One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest. Where the big chief picks up the water fountain , and throws it thru the window. The music in the backgound , brings tears to my eyes everytime.... :cry:.. sissy..
Also James Stewart , running down the street in .Its a Wonderful Life.

Marcoow! Hello, don't think we've spoken yet, but thankyou for reminding me of this: I remember wanting to stand up and shout 'YES!!! Take that up your hemline Nurse Cratchett!!'. A fantastic film.
I've been thinking about this thread a lot. I remembered , as a yound lad, watching 'Shane'. It probably cemented my love of westerns, especially the farewell scene , where the hero rides away, with a vista of snow-capped mountains in background, and young boy left crying for the hero whom he knew was his mother's true love. (Excuse me while I blub!!) If you haven't seen it, watch it.
And the 'mountain path walk' scene in 'Last of the Mohicans' BRILLIANT. The wonderful music rising to a crescendo as Cora leaps to her death, Uncas is killed and Chingachgook wreaks his vengeance on Magua, the killer of his son. I can't recall an 'action' movie to match this film; wonderful.
Off now: two good films on tonight: 'Leaving Las Vegas' and 'Gangster 101'
We really should start an SH Film Club....(and not the kind that 'deirdre' and 'The Sun', might expect!...)
There are so many...
Remains of the Day has already been mentioned.
Kramer versus Kramer...
The Long Good Friday...
Field of Dreams...
Sixth Sense...
Thanks for giving me the chance to remember them. smile
Bit of a sixties fan so what about....
The Wanderers - superb soundtrack, hilarious whenever the 'Baldies' are around, and lump in the throat at the Kennedy news bit. Also great fight scene at end.
The Warriors - sureeal gang warfare, best bit when the nutter shouts ' we're hear're come out to play' !
Don't forget The Blues Brothers -
'we're on a mission from God'
another great soundtrack.
The Sixth Sense was on TV the other night. When he pulls the tent off the girl: that was the moment that made the film for me. His fear was so convincing I felt it myself.
I don't believe in ghosts, and I'm not normally scared of the dark. I take short-cuts home through cemeteries on moonless midnights and think nothing of it. But after watching that movie, I have to sleep with the lights on.
Robert De Niro's character Jimmy in Goodfellas surveying the scene in the bar as Sunshine Of Your Love burts into life. The very definition of cool, I have this picture as my desktop background on my computer.
The establishing shot of Shawshank Prison as Andy Dufresne begins his sentence there. A collosal gothic building, searing orchestral score and sense of deep, deep forboding.
Steve Coogan's speech as Tony Wilson at the end of 24 Hour Party People. It begins "Most of all, I love Manchester..." and is over an aerial view of a vibrant, pumping city at night. The music is Hallelujah by the Happy Mondays and it's a seamless mix. From the same film, members of Joy Division driving down the Mancunian Way on a winter's night soundtracked by their song She's Lost Control.
Kevin Spacey giving the smiley-faced-but-stab-you-in-the-back-the-moment-you-turn-away creep Brad in American Beauty the answer you always want to give but never have the nerve to:
"Hey Les, you got a minute?"
"For you Brad, I got five!"
American Pie (I know, not raising the cultural level here lol)
The moment when Alyson "Willow" Hannigan practically strangles the boy under her and shouts "Say my name, bitch !"
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
And of course the last ten minutes in any film by M. Night Shyamalan, especially "The 6th Sense" and "Unbreakable". You can't help mumbling, "damn, damn damn !" :shock:
Thomas xxx
Die Hard - John Mclane - Yippe Ki Yay M***** F******
Happy Gilmore - The whole god damn film
The Matrix - Take the blue pill and well see how deep this rabbit hole goes
Shashank Redemption - Clambering through the drainage system (genius)
We really should start an SH Film Club

Yeah, I agree arti...we should visit a different cinema once a month, then after the movie we can visit a local hostelry and debate the merits of said film…..
Well, if I’m honest, I’d only be interested if I could get DreamerHelen and fem_4_taboo on the back row together! Woo hoo! NOW! That would be quite a scene! Ding Dong!
Kinky Lizard