I'm not sure that they're hiding something but I know when I wear make-up it's more fpr my own protection than anything else - a confidence boost. So I'm wondering if it's worn as a barrier - a 'front'. If that's the case then I wonder how they'd feel if they had to go out without make-up on.
Plus I envy a little the organisational skills of having the time to put the slap on before leaving the house, I'm usually late where ever I go and rarely have time to think 'does this lippy clash with my blouse'.
As a slight aside, have I started making sense yet?
Well.... yes we notice!!
We notice those that don't make an effort... just as you girls would notice a fella who isn't shaven or has clean clothes on or made an effort with his hair.
No need to go over the top though.... personal pride is a good thing.
Mike x
well girls I just cant get by without it .............or maybe even with it , havnt quite got it right yet !!!
I used to wear make-up everyday, all day.
It was a protection thing I think. I wanted to feel good about myself and the make-up made me feel accepted and was a kind of mask.
These days I can go days, even weeks without wearing any make-up. I don't "need" it like I used to.
I do make an effort if I'm going out for a day or evening or I'm seeing friends but it's not a vanity thing, just showing them that I have made an effort.
I've never been one for full-on makeup anyway. No lippy, foundation or anything. It's just my eyes that I do: eyeshadow, eye liner and clear mascara.
Don't you just love it when the mascara or eyeliner runs off on the pillows/bedcover during passionate moments? Then you know which man is playing behind his woman's back by the speed he rushes to change the bedsheets, clean the marks up, burn the evidence! LOL
A kiss on the cheek, then lick lick lick my lips to remove the deposit of foundation, blusher, and who know what, yuck.
beauty is in the mind not what is on the face.
Full makeup in this weather? Mascara and a little 'coverup' is all I can handle. Personally I find women who wear lots of makeup a bit of a turn off. For me subtle is best.