Only got one tip that my grandmother passed onto my Mum and my Mum passed onto me.... best way to test the temperature is to stick ya finger in it :smug:
It won't smell the same when its cooking, and temperature control will be a bugger, also I'm not convinced that she will be able to cook as much, Jam needs a bloody big saucepan, I don't think it will work, but if it does I look forward to reading Mrs F's Jam making guide in a microwave, unless she tries it we will never know, having said all of that I did a and many people have, so maybe it will work out just fine.
Let us know if it works out.
I've never heard of it being done, maybe I should get out more...???
It will almost certainly boil over - be VERY VERY careful.
I can't imagine it would be anywhere near as good as properly made jam.
I'm a bit of a jam-snob. You can buy electric jam-pans from Lakeland - I wouldn't touch them with a barge-pole. Apparently my bread-maker will also make jam - about one pot given the size of the container.
For me it's a pan or nothing, and a wooden spoon - stained blood-red from years of jamming. I love making jam, and I do like the equipment like jam thermometer (I still do the drop on a cold plate test too) and the dinky jam funnel that means I no longer have jam trails down all may jars. And I have a very expensive jam pan courtesy of a birthday present but also use my old-fashioned pressure cooker for smaller amounts. My normal amounts are rather undustrial.
Interestingly you can make 'freezer jam'. It isn't really jam but makes a delicious spread. You crush soft fruit - perfect recipe for raspberries - you stir in sugar and pectin powder/liquid or use jam sugar, a good squeeze of lemon too. Stir gently until the sugar is dissolved (so don't chuck it in in a heap - spread it about over the fruit).
Once it's dissolved, put into smallish freezer boxes and chill until the mixture stiffens up - that's the pectin doing its thing. Seal and pop them in the freezer. Defrost (obviously) before using and use up quite quickly - like you'd be able to resist!