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mal the donkey

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Master of Sex
i had a little white donkey foal born today.
and as ive just read that its mal609s birthday...i have decided to call him..
i think it sounds like a lovely name for a little boy donkey...donkeys are well hung you wink
Quote by willing but nervous
i had a little white donkey foal born today.
and as ive just read that its mal609s birthday...i have decided to call him..
i think it sounds like a lovely name for a little boy donkey...donkeys are well hung you wink

lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Sex God
Aw, I love donkeys, they're so cute..... give your new little donkey a big kiss from me kiss :kiss: :kiss:
Quote by willing but nervous
i had a little white donkey foal born today.
and as ive just read that its mal609s birthday...i have decided to call him..
i think it sounds like a lovely name for a little boy donkey...donkeys are well hung you wink

Thanks Willing. kiss
That's probably the nicest pressie I could get!!! lol That means i'll have to come down and see him. In the meantime, you'll need to send me some pics
thanks honey
Master of Sex
i will take some pics tomorrow, if its not raining and will either send you some or try and post one on here..might need a little help from midlands to do that tho.
he is lovely..he is white ( and you dont get many white ones ) and he has a fudge stripe down his spine..that might disappear when he gets older ?
the name mal suits him.
That is just so cool!! My own donkey!!
You can tell i'm chuffed!! :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled:
Quote by mal609
That is just so cool!! My own donkey!!
You can tell i'm chuffed!! :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled:

Dear Mal;
I would refer you to threads passim... (except I can't do the link thingy)... but you know the one I mean... When Sarge was caught in the WBB Man Trap... and a Donkey got involved ... and there was a certain incident..
I'll leave it at that and let you reflect
Nah, you can't rain on my parade now Paul, now theres' two of us, we can gang up on folk!!
and little Mal
Quote by mal609
Nah, you can't rain on my parade now Paul, now theres' two of us, we can gang up on folk!!
and little Mal

Now hang on Mal... You may say "Little Mal" ... but he's a Donkey FFS (tm) ... Just imagine how much room he's going to take up in your bed !!!! And the snoring !!! How the f*ck is "Little Mal" going to put up with that ?
Think again... I am only trying to give you some sage advice..
Sex God
Quote by willing but nervous
i will take some pics tomorrow, if its not raining and will either send you some or try and post one on here..might need a little help from midlands to do that tho.
he is lovely..he is white ( and you dont get many white ones ) and he has a fudge stripe down his spine..that might disappear when he gets older ?
the name mal suits him.

Post them on here, we all want to see the foal! :boo:
Mrs RSAB2 xxx
Master of Sex
will try to post pic on here.
mal..and..little mal...that is sooooooooooooo your is a little boy you know.. wink
Sex God
Quote by mal609
Nah, you can't rain on my parade now Paul, now theres' two of us, we can gang up on folk!!
and little Mal

I just want to are still talking about the donkey here? confused
Quote by Kinky Lizard


i just want to point out that had i not told the world it was mals birthday.. then he would not have had a donkey named after him!!!!!!!!!!!!
WBB(sulking.. cos no one name d a pet after her!) lol
please post the pics on here.. we need to check for the resemblence!
Sex God
So it's Big Mal's Little Mal???? Can we expect Dermot to get involved???
Bet Little Mal is better looking and got more hair.
lol :lol: :lol:
definitely want to see pics. you've all seen my arse, now you get to see my Ass!!! Then I can change my avatar and show Little Mal instead!
And thanks Busty, without you none of this would have happened. I owe you another one!! kiss
and Little Mal wink
Quote by Jags
So it's Big Mal's Little Mal???? Can we expect Dermot to get involved???
lol :lol: :lol:

No, but Devina can pop round ANYTIME she likes!! hump
Quote by Jags
Bet Little Mal is better looking and got more hair.

Probably, and just as cute as me!! :lol:
and Little Mal wink
Master of Sex
ahhhhhh.. your gonna change your avatar.. little mal will be so pleased. wait till i tell him tomorrow morning. cant tell him now..hes in bed.
and i couldnt call him well busty babe...hes a boy..sorry..
little mal could be the sh mascot.
well_busty_babe wrote:
WBB(sulking.. cos no one name d a pet after her!) lol

And this is Little Mal!!!! lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Thanks again to Willing for the most generous gift anyone could think of kiss
So, to answer the age old question "what do you give a guy who has everything? A Donkey, of course!!!!!"
and Little Mal wink
Sex God
Oh look - that is just soooooooooo adorable.
Isn't he just!!! lol
and Little Mal
Awww, he's so cute :inlove: :inlove:
Well done Willing for such a lovely thought and lucky Mal for being so highly thought of. :thrilled: :thrilled:
just an update on little mal , i went to say hi to him today hes gorgeous bit scared kept hiding behind his mum so we kept our distance , with look we should have a pic of both of them up soon, or if you can do that mal id appreciate it, the one i sent you in your email
awwwwwww i am in love!
i am sure big(in his dreams! lol ) Mal wont mind me saying that little mal is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much cuter than even the origional.
willing.. give him a pat from me.
Sex God
Just had an uncharacteristic girlie moment! What a cutie!!!!!
Well I never thought that I would find a picture of a donkey appealing.. But he is a real cutie, and so much like Big Mal...
Only thing though is that every time I see the thread title "Mal the donkey" it always seems to me that it is somewhat insulting to Big Mal.
Could we not retitle it to something like;
" Mal: and his Donkey son"
" Mal: a Donkey is for life"
" Little Mal: My lust for Big Mal" (as told to The News of The World)
or some such thing
But all in all, it must be a great pleasure to have an animal named after you