OK.. Mrs DD and moi have been in a rather in depth discussion concerning the concept of
'Heavy duty Man flu' vs ordinary 'woman' flu.
As you could guess at this point we both have colds - one far more serious than the other....of course...
After extensive research (The 1969 book of unanswered questions for boys, Playboy magazine etc) I have suddenly hit upon the undisclosed conspiricy theory of the century.
Now.. in the 1960's all of the worlds armed forces were made up from men of the male type, so.. it made sense that if you could invent a virus that would only attack those with the male gene, in a stroke you would gain a massive advantage in any conflict situation.
So the 'cold' virus was invented by the CIA to attack the male population in a far more serious manner than that of the female.. of course, the Soviet Pack got wind of this and started to produce 'colds' of their own - hence the birth of the huge amount of colds that now float around our atmosphere and the expression 'COLD WAR....'
Of course.. herindoors has already deliberated at some length and is of the opinion that this theory is .. and I quote.. "a complete load of utter bollox"...
All I am looking for is a confirmation that I am on the right track with this from someone who may have 'inside' information, maybe an ex-member of H. M. Government (MI5 - MI6??)......
Sharky withdraws into another glass of red at this point - hoping that the alcohol will help kill the germs - it may be working, or not, but the germs are a lot happier.......