Staying in Manchester this Saturday and considering trying out a club. Can anyone recommend any within easy access of city centre?
Xanadus is the only one that is not a good cab ride from the centre. It is just off Deansgate in the city centre. The next nearest would probably be Cupids in Swinton. PM if you need any more info.
Yep, Xans is the nearest to the town centre, Cupids and Adam and Eves are about 5 miles away from the centre (give or take). On a Saturday night Partners is very busy and it is usually a good night, but it is in Bury which is quite a few miles out of the centre.
You could try a nice friendly club, called Liaisons but its in Rochdale, again 12-15 miles out of M/c, Its usually a good night, and Sats are Couples only, except for the first Sat each month, when singles are allowed.
city and united are both crap
london clubs are better go on you arsenal