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Manchester Social - Thank You!!!

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Hi all..for those that are wondering, ummmmmmm i have had about an 1hrs sleep lol redface cool :twisted:
Anyway....first of all, a massive thanks to Easy, and Mistress Sas..Fluffyk...Miss Duracel.....It was a wonderfully run munch, with the location fantastic. I even got to be door per..I mean door bitch for a bit.....I loved it. Sas and Easy please thank the bar staff as well smile)).
Anyway thanks now goes to my partner in interviewing..nice to see you again. Mrs DjCouple...I am sooooo sorry i didnt recognise you....Gem you always know its nice seeing you :). Cel and the Tart, nice to see you both again been to those that say i have puppy dog eyes... surprisedops: quite true. : :twisted:.Sexykitten WOW!!! :)))
I would like to thank the many snogs i got......oooooooo :wink My Pm box is open for people that didnt snog me and wanted to..... Anyway time for me to get me coach and try to recover some sleep......
i will be sending more personalised PMs soon :)))
A great big thank you to Easy & Mistress Sassy for a great Munch, we both had a really great night.
Vert2go was a tad on the nervous side before we got there, but very soon was relaxed & enjoying the night.
Great to see old friends, and meet some new ones and put faces to names, and as always, never got round to saying hello to half of the people that I wanted to.
And on the way home we even managed to take a few photo’s that were requested by Fil lol

Oh and I think we made the security guards night at the services when he walked round the corner lol
Thanks to Easy and Sassy - loved the venue and the music, just couldn't hear anyone talking!
Sassy - make sure you tell them about that spelling mistake lol
Lovely to see so many familiar faces and lots of new ones too.
We'd gone into a new hour at the car park and MrFB wanted to come back rolleyes but I think it's maybe a good thing that he didn't - he's only just left for work and he was supposed to start at eight. confused
Were there a lot of no-shows? Just had a look at the list and if they all showed, I missed loads of people!
thanks sassy and easy for last night
dont think the venue you choose was the right 1 as it was far to dark to smokey and the music far to loud for a socail
but we made the most of it smile
thanks jo xx
Almost forgot - Easy, you're a wuss! I expected a different name badge, you chicken lol
Well I was going to try and do the names thing, but I've just counted up and there are about 65 people I'd need to mention. Quite frankly I can't be bothered lol
Suffice it to say, we had a fab night, spoke to loads of people, made a few future plans :twisted: managed to get up and down the stairs loads of times without falling on my bum :lol: and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves :happy:
Only drawbacks were a) the woman who drove into the back of our taxi on the way there :shock: b) having to leave early(ish) so that Budsy could get up to go on holiday today and c) the alarms going off at 6 this morning :cry:
Huge thanks to Sassy and Easy for organising it, when's the next one?! biggrin
Big thanks to Easy and Sassy for this tremendous Munch!! Always good to be with the NW crowd, such a lot of great characters from over there. Also, good to see a load of people from Scotland and a few from the NE.
As usual for us won't name names but enjoyed speaking, shouting, saying "what?" to all the people we knew and making some new friends as well.
John & Shel
Quote by Geordiecpl2001
As usual for us won't name names but enjoyed speaking, shouting, saying "what?" to all the people we knew and making some new friends as well.
John & Shel

lol One day, I need to have a conversation with you somewhere quiet so that I can see whether it's the music stopping me from knowing what you say, or your accent rotflmao bolt
Quote by AngelnBudsy
As usual for us won't name names but enjoyed speaking, shouting, saying "what?" to all the people we knew and making some new friends as well.
John & Shel

lol One day, I need to have a conversation with you somewhere quiet so that I can see whether it's the music stopping me from knowing what you say, or your accent rotflmao bolt
And One day Angel, I need to have a conversation with you somewhere quiet so that I can here whether it really is bollox you talk :lol: :lol:
Thanks easy n sassy for a great night.
Great to see old friends and lovely to meet some new ones too.
I wont do the "names" thing as its far to long, with one exception.
Finally got to meet one of me old sparing buddies from way back, i used to kick his arse all over these forums back in the day :lol: :lol: :lol:
was great to see ya at last Pete s w, and the lovely varca.
Still pole dancing on your avatar i see pete, you sexy swinger you wink
Dino biggrin
Actually Angel, apparently the best place to decypher the Geordie accent is under a duvet.....something to do with the acoustics I believe.
That was fun!
Thanks Easy smile
Great to see everyone again (everyone looked fab and Gem was as gorgeous as ever) and all those new people I was gabbing to as well. I had the hots for all of you biggrin There were some people I wanted to meet but didn't, and, um, other stuff. It was a great night.
thanks easy and sassy for organising a great night...... biggrin
sounds like you had a fab time....maybe i will make the next one smile
top night,
many thanks to easy and sassy for organising such a great munch,it was great to meet everyone again
Many thanks to sassy and easy for organising a great party. Was good to see some old friends and meet a couple of new peeps.
Apologies for not staying late, but my ear was throbbing (had a bit of an ear infection).
Celery, I will drop that coat off before the year anniversary! lol
Dino & HornyRed , thanks for the chat, you two are cool cool love ya to bits xxxxx
Thank you to Sassy and Easy for another fab Manchester Munch.
Was wonderful to see the faces that we havent seen for ages and to catch up again. We seemed to spend far too long catching up with old friends and not enough time saying hello to new ones redface
Too many names to mention but thank you all for turning out for fab night
Thanks Easy & Sassy for a cracking night, me and the missus had a wicked time!
Didnt really mingle as much as we should have but saw a few familiar faces, besides, we were far too busy doing the YMCA on stage lol
Great choice of venue in my opinion, compliments to the dj and to the bar staff etc
By the way, are we keeping our badges for next year as the date has Nov 2008 on them? :lol:
Thanks Easy and Sassy for a fab night!
Great too catch up with everyone smile
Next time I must remember to wear comfy shoes, my feet are destroyed sad
Would like to thank "easy" and "sassy" for doing a great job organising this munch, we had a great time meeting old and new peeps.......too many names to mention-your a great lot. Really enjoyed it!
Can't wait for the next munch.
Cheers.......Clint Northwood xxx
Thanks for a brill night and it was so good to see so many old and new faces there......
sorry I left early.... now have my knee and ankles in various braces... boy they kill at the mo!!
had a blast... when is the next one!!!!! lol :lol:
What a night! I really enjoyed myself, all credit to easy and sassy for putting it together :thumbup:
Thank you also to all the relevant lovely people responsible for my door-to-door car-to-car and hotel-to-venue chauffeur service :mrgreen:
Its so good to catch up with good friends and thank god for the smoking ban or I wouldn’t have met all the new people outside whilst polluting my lungs!
Im not going to do names either coz this time theres actually a huge list of people that I finally got to meet and will look forward to meeting again....maybe when the musics not so loud and ive not had as much cider wink
Oh, I do apologise if I knocked anyone out with my flailing arms and legs on the dancefloor, it was deecee’s fault :P
thankyou easy and sassy. It was a super duper night. It was lovely to put faces to names.
I really enjoyed using a certain gentleman as my pole. I didn't realise you were actually going to supply your own 3 mins in tho' redface
For all the people that made me and 'wor lass' welcome thankyou thankyou thankyou. To all our dancing partners- thankyou.
wor lass is going to change her log in name as so many people seemed disappointed that she isn't actually called 'wor lass'
No names as that would be rude.. But wow- I got some lovely hugs and a gorgeous kiss (I did have to show a pic to get it tho' rolleyes )
Thanks Easy & Sassy for a great night :thumbup:
Thanks to all my lovely mates, kiss and it was great meeting new friends as well - can't wait for the next one lol
Wow what a night !!!! Thank you Sassy and Easy for pulling it off....
What a apt venue name for some of us :P innocent
It was great to see all the familiar faces and meet some new ...upskirt couple you can pull my hair any was a lovely to meet you xx.
To the couple I don't see enough of thanks for the chat it meant a lot biggrin
Sassy can I have you know who for Christmas please ...I promise I wont break him :twisted: :twisted:
Finally to my hand holder for the night thank you hun it was a pleasure :inlove: passionkiss sillyassionkiss: :passionkiss:
Thanx to Sassy and Easy for an excellent night.
It was great to meet lots of lovely new people and catch up with old friends.
Can't wait for the next one!
Well done Easy & Sassy
Easy think you need to take it easy for a while after that :giggle: Was really really great to finally put some faces to the avatars that I have been chatting to in the forum and else where. I wish I could have chatted more but could not hear much over the fab DJ, I did get my dancing boots on even if it was brief lol
For some reason some people knew my name more that I did theres rolleyes
To a special lady kiss
As always sf can be proud of itself with such people as Easy and Mistress Sassy organising a fantastic night, the venue was great, the bar staff hard working and the badge man fabulous redface that was Easy 99% of the time, damn I'll not get away with that one! Mistress Sassy, the mop is in the cupboard under the stairs so anytime you feel like using your maid service feel free to do so, you were great bent over the table cleaning up after those that split their drinks!
Please thank the DJ for a great range of music, and good mixing! You can tell it is his day (night) job!
All the dancers were great wink
Thanks also to all these that helped you behind the closed doors.
It was nice to meet old faces and have a catch up natter as well as meeting a few new faces, although I shall not remember the names but hopeful if we are ever at another venue I shall recognise you!
Markz I didn't see you there and I did look on the dance floor for you! Although sadly I did not join those that had fun there due to my ankle still paining me and possible 5in shoes was not my best idea for the evening! A dance another time Markz lol
MikeC ever you didn't recognisee me or you no longer want me! surprisedops:
Take care all, enjoy the pleasures life holds for those willing to take in both hands and cherish.
For those too lazy to turn up, or to lazy to let someone know, you missed a good night which is shame on you!
(I do not include in this those that due to circumstances beyond their control, who contacted either Easy, Mistress Sassy or the site mobs, there are times when someone has to pull out of things in life which are out of their hands, if this was your case, then lets hope there is another munch, another moment in time)
sorry mobs, if I am out of line, ...... I am allowed to be naughty at least once a year .... pretty pleaase worship :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship:
Thank you easy and Mistress sassy for last nights munch - I had a fantastic time.
It was my first munch so thank you again to everyone who made me feel so welcome.
Columbia xxx
Thank you Easy and Sassy for organising such a great evening. It was great as usual to meet all the regulars and to also meet so many new members. Brilliant night!
I wont do the naming thing or I will be here all night but I do have to mention two people - Mr Morethan and Sexkittenhfx, all I can say is sillyhwoar:
Thanks everyone involved in this.
Well I've just realised a downside to having such a large munch. I've been through the list and there are so many people I would want to mention that me keyboard would run out of ink!
So I'll say thanks to easy and Sassy for making it all possible - fantastic night. I was also served at the bar by a real beaut, who looked just like Sass! confused :inlove:
Some real good and old friends were there and it was lovely to renew some good acquaintances. Some took me back to me swinging youth - some more recent.
But thanks everybody for such a blast of a night.