Quote by BiFemCplHants
Idiots we maybe Jags but new ?? We have probably been on or used this site longer than you. Just cos we dont use the forums give us no more or no less right to expect some form of common decency
Don't worry, I certainly recognise you. You have another user name not too dissimilar to this one and yes, you have been here quite some time. And if my memory serves me correct you spent a lot of time moaning under your old forum name. Courtesy works both ways. You stay because you like the site, correct? Tell me if I'm wrong, won't you? I mean, if you didn't like the site or the Moderators, you wouldn't stay, would you? Now I don't know if I'm talking to the male or the female of the partnership, because you never have the courtesy to say, but what I will say is that if you have such a major problem with the way the site is moderated, I suggest you email direct to the owners and tell them you want your money back or you'll go elsewhere. Throw your teddy out of your pram with someone who gives a toss, because frankly, you've done nothing to improve my lifestyle, even though we, the moderators, must have done something to enhance yours - or why would you still be here?
Oh shit, I just remembered - you didn't pay in the first place, did you? So we owe you the square root of fuck all, then!
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: And I thought I could rant glad I could improve your lifestyle lol though I very much doup't you could improve ours
At least Mal's rant was not abusive and made a good point well. Not much can be said about yours.
:roll: :roll: