We posted this in another thread (things that piss you off in chat) a couple of weeks ago but having just revisited this thread, it's pertinent here too. This is a copy of a recent chatroom conversation we were unfortunate enough to have recently with a guy who whispered us:
"Him - wow!
Mrs Osemlover - hi
your mrs looks very tasty 
do I lol
oh thats embarrassing haha and yes, yes you do
im ??? by the way
you happen to like young guys with big cocks?
I like nice guys
im a nice guy, i just happen to be very well endowed aslo
how old are you?
ok that's too young for me sorry
thats a shame cos im a nice relaxed guy with a big cock and alot of stamina
I'm sure
id love to give you multiple orgasms
think you're a bit too far away as well as being too young
i travel alot round the UK with work
sorry best of luck anyway
you really dont wanna try my big cock?
there's a bit more to this than that
of course, you should read my veris
that wouldn't make you older
why do you have a prejudice against younger people?
I don't
seems it
there couldn't be another reason?
such as
oh right well that's where your lack of experience shows, I have a son almost your age is that ok?
so? why wouldnt it be?
that's why I don't meet guys your age
your not being asked to sleep with him lol
you've just exemplified why I don't want to meet guys like you who think it's all about dick size and stamina, you'll grow up one day."
Yes folks, there are plenty like this character out there sadly...