Hello again after reading through this site I was wondering are there many women who go out dogging?
So far it seems mainly men not tha I have a probelm with that. Is it just a case that not many women find it attractive to watch couples?
Ok I appreciate that in these days its not the safest of thing for women to go out alone but do any of you still go or go with another female friend?
I'm female (oh no you're not, oh yes I am...) and I like watching couples and man-man (not so much girl-girl though - soz!), any time any place. So, here's one! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
And did you know that according to violent crime figures, more men become victims of violent crimes than women do - thus, it's actually SAFER :shock: :shock: :shock: for women to go out at night than men -so, come on girls, where are you!!!!! :twisted:
thanks I was just curious,
I can imagine that if you turned up alone you wouldn't get left alone for to long lol.
oh well time for us to start learning lol