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Mark, a query about PM's for you !

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Just wondering (as others have) what sets a PM moving from your outbox ?
Is it a time based thing or does the person you're sending to have to go to a certain place or places to trigger it.
Only asking as on a couple of occasions (like this very night) I've had a PM in my outbox for somebody, they've been on the site for a little while, even posting a message and when they leave the message for them is still there waiting to go !!
Just curious !
Mr C
I think it moves from your outbox to sentbox when the recipient has read it.
Someone correct me please if I'm wrong.
I've just realised I assumed you are a Mr.
Sorry if you're a Ms or Mrs or even a Prof (I know there's a few of them hanging around these parts....)
Someone correct me please if I'm wrong.

Sorry David, but the PM system is set up to follow the Murphys Law coding principle,
A PM will only move from your out box to your sent box when you are not watching it. lol :lol: :lol:
Quote by Mark
Sorry for not seeing this sooner. Although having said that, davidd03 was right on the money, so I have nothing to add!
Proving another of Murphy's Law when all is said and done, there is more said than done wink
Thanks, one and all for the effort (or the intention !)