Following on from the divoce thread, thought i might as well put this one in!
Seeing the number of people that get divorced nowadays, and the number of people onto there 2nd or 3rd marriage, do you think there is much need to actually get married in the first place?
I've never been a fan of getting married, never liked the idea of being with one person for the rest of my life- probably why we ended up here! So now I know that's not going to be the case, I'm not so against the idea any more.
Having said that, I'm not religious so wouldn't be doing it for that reason.
I also reckon it's different for my generation as we're not expected to settle down and start a family straight away, and it's quite accepted to live/have children with a partner without being married first of all, so this is why I say do you still think there is a need?
What are your reasons for being /getting married or not, and was it worth the pennies!!!!
maz xx
i have been completely happy for the last 5 yrs single after my divorce, i cant really see the need to get married to be honest anymore, i would never rule it out cos you just never know whats round the corner
EArthy xx
I'm divorced.
I loved been married. I loved my wife. It gave my a wonderful feeling of warmth and security.
It went wrong.
A number of factors contributed and we found we spent more time argueing than anythig else. We still meet socially (mutual friends) and recently we have started being able to spend some time in each others company before we start sniping.
I don't regret my marriage but I do regret not being able to make it work.
ive never married and deks divorsed we come to blows over disagreements about marraige all the time
i beleive marraige is for life and all about loving that certain person etc "til death do us part" n all that and would actually like to get married
Dek on other hand been there done that been caught out and thinks its all about showing off he wont go there again until hes a dying man and then he will marry me so i will get whatever money he has left (which i actually hate the thought of not because i dont love him but because for me its about being with some one for the rest of yours/their life and not about money)
for this reason alone i will always refuse to marry someone who is dying (may it be dek or anyone) it just would go against everything i beleive in about marraige i would rather never marry than marry a dying man or women
Marriage is great when it's working but hard work and heartache when it's not.
It doesn't suit everyone and sometimes you try it a couple of times before you find the perfect one. Unfortunately for me, it's taken two marriages ( and subsequent divorces ) to finally meet my soulmate. Even though we'll never marry, it proves your soulmate doesn't necessarily have to be your life partner.
when i got married i did it for life and spent so much time making sure i did not make the mistakes mine and her parents made i did some thing totaly different and it still went wrong.
when it works it works i do think our lifes are run differently these days and that there other pressures we never had before.
Marriage: the biggest high and the biggest low
hmmm i said that about champagne to.
at the moment i will never marry again as i feel that she was my soul mate but who knows the world is once again my oyster
I've never really had the desire to get married... you know the girlie notions of a meringue and a big day, they just bypassed me. Not really my bag. The thought of being the centre of attention in that situation (or any situation really) gives me the heebie jeebies!
I understand that principle of marriage... my parents have been married for 44 years this year and are still as in love now as they were all those years ago. I guess I see that as the fairy tale and if I were ever to go down the wedding route then I'd want it to be like that. I don't think I'd settle for less.
Same as you. I was always dead against it. I think mainly because my own Parents are seperated. Plus I was a fatalist. My logic went that marriage is rendered meaningless because divorce exists. In effect, whats the point of swearing "till death do us part" if your high st solictor can get you out of it?
And I have friends in long relationships with children who arent married or are have been engaged for years with no sign of a wedding.
But now I feel differently. Im nowhere near ready now. But when the time comes and I find the one and I 100% know she is, I wont hesitate or fudge like I did in the past.
Its a big committment especially when you consider the emotional & financial cost if the marriage breaks down, but its one that the person you truly love deserves.
Its more than just a piece of paper to me. The ritual and ceremony is a meangingful symbol.
This is so not the topic i'd be covering on a date thou. One lady did!
Friday x
I really cant see the point of getting married to me its just a bit of paper and dont show love or commitment, you only have to look at the amount of cheating people on here to see that lol
If you love someone you love them to dont have to get married to prove it
Marriage is Good! :giggle:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Tomorrow we celebrate our 11th anniversary :inlove:
It works for us!