For those who haven’t a Scooby do what I’m talking about, let me explain. Anyone who wants to play sets up a new account, but under an alias, depending on the theme. Over the course of a weekend they can post in a specific thread in the Café under their alias – no-one except the Mods know your real identity! At the end of the weekend, the accounts are deactivated and all back to normal!
So what next?
We need a theme and we need a date. That’s where you lot come in, so any suggestions, get them on here. Previously we have had –
Stars In Their Eyes
The Superheroes
The Magic Roundabout
The Imposters
SH towers is under attack!!
Once the theme is sorted you need to think up what you want to call yourself. You may want to find yourself a suitable (or unsuitable!) avatar. You will be able to upload pics relevant to your alias. We will have some leeway for that weekend, as we know the pics may not really be you!
Ads will be allowable, but only in the context of your alias and will also be deleted when the account is deactivated.
That’s the bare bones of it and here’s a link to a previous one to give you an idea of what goes on.
SH Towers is Under Attack!!
So now it’s up to you – date, theme, fun and imagination!!
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
The date is now fixed for the weekend 18th - 20th May. We still need to fix a theme, so get yer finkin hats on!!!

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: