In my view there aren't that many themes that have wide enough appeal to work well.
I think the one where we played well known fictional characters was the best.
I would nominate Superheroes - maybe with a quota of just one special power each?
What ever it is, bring it on :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Ooooh yeh, or what Chooon said - well known fictional characters :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Red Carpet Chaos – the movie star look-a-likies come to town.
Soap Suds and Bath Scum – those soap characters you know and love/hate.
Great Thinkers of Now & Then, in a Bar!
you get the picture
Mr Benny Hill... forthose who may not have included the Master in your list of great thinkers
Nutty Names – the username you would hate to keep (though most of the Long_Hard_Throbber2006 and Gagging4Fanny type names have already been taken).
History Repeating Itself – great and not so great historical figures.
Shoppaholic Heaven – Brand yourself with a high street store or label.
Heaven’s Haunted House – where the household gadgets, appliances, implements and furniture come to life.
SH Glastonbury:
be the whole band as part of your fave festival..
PornStar Preview – the undiscovered names in porn/burlesque.
Countdown Conundrum – the cheeky username that is also a tea-time-teaser.
Sporting Legends – though no WS please.
Heaven House of Horror – horror and thriller characters.
Cartoon Capers – take on the persona of your favourite cartoon character.
the Good/Bad Gang Bang!
people of honour and character, along with nasty types of a bygone age Get It On!
oooooooh these used to be great fun!!!!!!!
so would I be right in thinking that those want to take part:
set up a free account in the name of their chosen character...
with profile and all that jazz....
PM you Mal with the name etc...
you will set up the account as *live* for posting etc in the spirit of the Masquerade Ball (rules?)..
and thats it?... away ya go?
sounds good to me, if Im right that is.
not that I think I'll be taking part... working all blasted weekend again... doubt Ill be able to do it justice, not that I do much justice to owt at all really.....
cheers Mal....
I may throw a sickie
does whatever a sciver can.
catches zeeeeeee,s
closes eyes!
thoughts of work?
eats his pies!!!
Look ouuuuut!
can't find the sciver-man
can't find the