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Masquerade Ball - They're back!!! 18th- 20th May

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Quote by Dawnie
I liked the ball where we played at being each other :lol2:

I so want to play other forum members :lol2:
St3v33, Noeel or maybe even Martiin would suit me innocent
In my view there aren't that many themes that have wide enough appeal to work well.
I think the one where we played well known fictional characters was the best.
I would nominate Superheroes - maybe with a quota of just one special power each?
What ever it is, bring it on :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Ooooh yeh, or what Chooon said - well known fictional characters :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Quote by Missy
Ooooh yeh, or what Chooon said - well known fictional characters :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

Nooo - I like your Superheroes idea. No more arguing or I'll zap you with me electric bollox (in the little sack)! wink
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Red Carpet Chaos – the movie star look-a-likies come to town.
Soap Suds and Bath Scum – those soap characters you know and love/hate.
Great Thinkers of Now & Then, in a Bar!
you get the picture
Mr Benny Hill... forthose who may not have included the Master in your list of great thinkers
Nutty Names – the username you would hate to keep (though most of the Long_Hard_Throbber2006 and Gagging4Fanny type names have already been taken).
Quote by PoloLady
Nutty Names – the username you would hate to keep (though most of the Long_Hard_Throbber2006 and Gagging4Fanny type names have already been taken).

I'd have to play myself redface
History Repeating Itself – great and not so great historical figures.
Shoppaholic Heaven – Brand yourself with a high street store or label.
Heaven’s Haunted House – where the household gadgets, appliances, implements and furniture come to life.
SH Glastonbury:
be the whole band as part of your fave festival..
PornStar Preview – the undiscovered names in porn/burlesque.
Countdown Conundrum – the cheeky username that is also a tea-time-teaser.
Sporting Legends – though no WS please.
Quote by PoloLady
Sporting Legends – though no WS please.

....and no more polo ladies? lol
Heaven House of Horror – horror and thriller characters.
Cartoon Capers – take on the persona of your favourite cartoon character.
the Good/Bad Gang Bang!
people of honour and character, along with nasty types of a bygone age Get It On!
Right - this will take place this coming weekend, starting on Friday evening through 'till Monday morning.
Unless anyone has any violent objections it will be
Final decision will be tomorrow evening and you can then start setting up your free accounts and PM me with your details of the account name you are using. We will then get them set up for Friday.
so would I be right in thinking that those want to take part:
set up a free account in the name of their chosen character...
with profile and all that jazz....
PM you Mal with the name etc...
you will set up the account as *live* for posting etc in the spirit of the Masquerade Ball (rules?)..
and thats it?... away ya go?
sounds good to me, if Im right that is.
not that I think I'll be taking part... working all blasted weekend again... doubt Ill be able to do it justice, not that I do much justice to owt at all really.....
Quote by Mal
Right - this will take place this coming weekend, starting on Friday evening through 'till Monday morning.
Unless anyone has any violent objections it will be

Final decision will be tomorrow evening and you can then start setting up your free accounts and PM me with your details of the account name you are using. We will then get them set up for Friday.

Is that with only one SUPER POWER??
yep - that's correct. You open a free account, let me know the user name and we get it set up for normal posting for Friday.
Tomorrow night I'll post the rules on playing and anything you need to know regarding setting up your accounts.
cheers Mal....
I may throw a sickie
does whatever a sciver can.
catches zeeeeeee,s
closes eyes!
thoughts of work?
eats his pies!!!
Look ouuuuut!
can't find the sciver-man
can't find the
Quote by LondonPlaything
cheers Mal....
I may throw a sickie
does whatever a sciver can.
catches zeeeeeee,s
closes eyes!
thoughts of work?
eats his pies!!!
Look ouuuuut!
can't find the sciver-man
can't find the
rotflmao :rotflmao: