Yay! I got one. (Eventually)
Honestly though, I did think Berk was Missy straight away, then I thought no, she played a male character last time, too predictable, so I changed my mind.
Quote by EagerSlut
I did think Berk was Missy
I was trying to be ES being Berk :undecided:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Oi ES I'll ave you know I was being you in your absence You should be thanking me!!! :smackbottom:
And you make a crap berk!! :smackbottom: - only our Chooon fell for it :lol2:
Quote by Berkules
is the this place has to offer - muscley but - I to - out of my way
Quote by Beelzebubwords that I don't have a fuckin clue
Huh such defence puny disdain acknowledge such bumptious effrontery pip-squeak!!
Quote by vodka_babe22uk
sorry not paying for a new account just to play a game lol
Quote by Mal
Sorry, I don't see the relevence of your post. Is it a moan about Varca, a moan against masquerade balls or something I've missed?
Quote by Dawnie
Wouldn't it have been more polite to ask Admin and Mal if they would help you and got confirmation before you posted this thread :dunno:
I politely suggest you put it on hold for now
p.s when I went to bed about 1 am, the poll was....
1 Yes
11 No