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Masquerade Ball

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Quote by The Prisoner
Mr Wallach,
You may recall that I was once in an episode of 'The Prisoner' called 'Do not Forsake Me', which had a 'Western' theme (a genre I am very fond I have said before??). I don't think you are treating these good ladies with respect. and need to be taught how we British deal with thugs.
Meet me at The Old Churchyard, with your friend from 'Rawhide', and we will have a 'shoot out ' to the chimes of an old fob watch. Please ensure this is not a Virgin Trains watch, or else we could be there an awfully long time.
And please do not insult Miss Bennett again or I may be forced to give you one of my long., moody, 1960's matinee stares..
Until later
No. 6 (Patrick)

Ha! You thinka your Eeenglish smootha charm ees gonna blow me away Heh?
I speet on youra smooth Eeeeeeengleeeesh charm (actually if you'd seene the film I'd peeesss on it. I ama verya respectaful ofa Meess Bennetta - she of coursa don'ta know who the hella you are ('cos your stuck in Porthmadog in 1964 mate Ha!)
Thees ees the mark of Ugly :!:
I order silence, all!
And challenge the whole pit collectively!--
I write your names!--Approach, young heroes, here!
Each in his turn! I cry the numbers out!--
Now which of you will come to ope the lists?
You, Sir? No! You? No! The first duellist duel
Shall be dispatched by me with honors due!
Let all who long for death hold up their hands!
Modest? You fear to see my naked blade? ((( oooerr missus )))
Not one name?--Not one hand?--Good, I proceed!
ho-hee-ho-he-haw.......est-ce qu'il ya un bouteille du bordeaux ici, s'il vous-plait???
baisez-moi un kangourou!!!
ladeez, allow me the honeur of defending your honeurs............
Quote by Cyrano de Bergerac
Modest? You fear to see my naked blade? ((( oooerr missus )))

Now I recognisa thata Oooera Meeesusa from somewherea.........???????
You be carefulla or I shoota you - Eh?!!!
Quote by Eli the Ugly
Modest? You fear to see my naked blade? ((( oooerr missus )))

Now I recognisa thata Oooera Meeeusa from somewherea.........???????
You be carefulla or I shoota you - Eh?!!!
not in the nose....not in the nose.....
Hey meeester Groucho! - Wheeech one eees a youra nosa Eh ??
O me gorrrddd !! wat is that man lying on. Has nobody swept up tha dirt. :shock:
Please Mr Groucho, even me digs aren't that bad!!! rolleyes
OK Ugly, I've tracked you over a hundred miles of desert (spits and lights cheroot). I aint hangin' around here for more than 24 hours. So, you gonna be a good boy and come quiet or am I gonna have to lift my poncho??
ello me us yer wares, I'll give ya a good price or me li'lle urchins ul ave em from ya
Quote by man with no name
OK Ugly, I've tracked you over a hundred miles of desert (spits and lights cheroot). I aint hangin' around here for more than 24 hours. So, you gonna be a good boy and come quiet or am I gonna have to lift my poncho??

You cana lifta youra poncho - but you forgeta I seen a under it - you shaved!!!!
Quote by fagin
ello me us yer wares, I'll give ya a good price or me li'lle urchins ul ave em from ya

Hey I gotta no pocketsa to picka so f***cka offa!
wright then Eli spect a visit from bill sykes
Quote by fagin
wright then Eli spect a visit from bill sykes

If hatties coming I'm hiding the cakes.....oh shit wrong Sykes
merde!!! j'ai oublié de mettre mon masque dessus! ((( forgot to put me 'ead on ffs )))
Quote by Groucho
not in the nose....not in the nose.....

not much of a disguise i know! was a bit limited for options avec un nez comme-ca!
<<< slaps Eli about a bit with a lacy hanky in a slightly foppish way! >>>
monsieur!! if you would so dishonneur yourself duelling with pistols. well, i shall await satisfaction at dawn. pah!
Quote by Eli the Ugly
OK Ugly, I've tracked you over a hundred miles of desert (spits and lights cheroot). I aint hangin' around here for more than 24 hours. So, you gonna be a good boy and come quiet or am I gonna have to lift my poncho??

You cana lifta youra poncho - but you forgeta I seen a under it - you shaved!!!!
Yeah, I shaved-with an axe.
So, I'm hittin' the sack now shorty, better get yourself some shuteye -might be the last you get for a while. I'll be back in the mornin'...(spits, lights cheroot) the way Mex, you made a will? Sure would seem a good idea...
Groucho are ya one of me lads....I'm sure yur dab and at the old pockets
Quote by fagin
Groucho are ya one of me lads....I'm sure yur dab and at the old pockets

Brought up in the halls above Burtons so there aint nothin I dont know about break was 26 and...
see there I go again gettin it wrong.........goes for another whiskey
Eeeer MR Fagin Issss eard bout you. This is not ya usual haunt?
Got moved on did ya!
Quote by fagin
wright then Eli spect a visit from bill sykes

Heh? Who ees theees a Billa Sykesa heh? I shoota hees bullseye offa eh?
Hey! You keepa heees handsa off my Eliza eh?
hey man with no name,
was you ever in a band called the Village people?
Eliza....Eliza is she one of me gels....she costs a pretty penny i'm sure we can come to some arrangment
grouch's goin up to bed
taking off my second head
but clues to give its in the game
else you'll never guess my name
Better known for bollox than style
we've been around a little while
poems posted one, two, three
letters written that weren't from me.
Is it safe to emerge from my hut?
All this talk of duels
And all these strange people?
second thoughts-I'll stay within.
Quote by groucho
hey man with no name,
was you ever in a band called the Village people?

(spits, lights cheroot)
But I was in a village with no people. Lottsa people when I rode in, none when I rode out.
Gotta mosey
Gotta find 'Two Mules for Sister Sarah'.
Can I have your attention
See you don't have to talk loud to get attention - some of us just have a presence about them.
I registered but for some reason the 'r' in my surname didn't register as well. Now I don't want any jokes about it. I can take them, might even laugh at them, because I'm like that, can laugh at myself - you have to be able to do that in my job (Boom Boom). But it's not correct to take the piss out of poofters, they don't deserve it, they have feelings too you know.
Everyone knows I'm not gay anyway, always got the chicks hanging round me - I know some of them are old slappers, but there's a couple of classy birds that have looked at me a few times too.
I have that 'aura' about me, stating I love classy birds and not the gays - that's why I don't attract gays, not that I would want to anyway, god no, not my scene at all, revolting if you ask me ....... but I wouldn't say that, no, they deserve our respect. So long as they keep it behind closed doors they can do what they like in my opinion.
Ok I just wanted to clarify that with you. We can carry on with the ball now - not that I like balls or anything, if you know what I mean eh, nudge nudge wink
Might even have a dance with one of the tasty birds here - need a few drinks in me before that though, eh lads?
David BRENT!
I leave out the ballroom for one night
And look what I come back to find..
Not only it’s claimed I am rumbled,
But the “proof” has been sealed and signed!
The PM’s come through fast and furious,
From everyone playing in here
But none of you know who I really am,
No one has even come near!
Well I say that, but hey, can you trust me?
After all I am here in disguise.
I may be as honest as the day comes,
But then again I may revel in lies.
Hey, another comedian !!
That reminds me, I once dialled a wrong number when I tried to book somebody to clean my office............. and I couldn't sit down for a week !!!
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ! lol :lol: :lol:
Good afternoon fine people.
I have had to come inside lest the sun disturbs my porcelain complexion.
The ballroon is quiet just now - I may just lie quietly on the chaise-lounge until the party resumes. Gosh this bodice is tight, I am feeling quite faint.
Could one of you fine gentleman get me a glass of water please - No, not that champagne, I had some the other evening and I do believe I was on the verge of losing my virtuousity.
Miss E. Bennett
Virginal spinster of the parish
Quote by Elizabeth Bennett
Gosh this bodice is tight, I am feeling quite faint.

"You're feeling faint ?"
Who said that ?
Faint / Feint ?
Give this bear a break !