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Masquerade Ball

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Eeerr lucreziaaah borgiaaah
I would like to be your friend, but you will have to lower yourself very low as i'm no were near ya status.
Not yet anyways, but I try ard. confused
Quote by DAVlD BENT
Look Lucrezia, I've just bought this Babycham for you.

It is not often that anyone wants to partake of ale or wine with me nowadays, I cant fathom why!
Perhaps I can dally for a short time with you, shall we adjourn to the banquet hall?
Tell me about this babycham beverage, is it made from REAL babies?
I fear some of the servants may discover I have partaken of it, and I do hate the thought of being centre stage in yet ANOTHER scandal!
Perhaps we can sup some sahcks instead.
Quote by DAVlD BENT
Stay and drink it with me, or the lads will laugh their socks off and take the piss ........

what type of "mates" are these? that they will steal the chamber pot from under your very bed?!!!!!!!
Quote by Eliza Doolittle
Eeerr lucreziaaah borgiaaah
I would like to be your friend, but you will have to lower yourself very low as i'm no were near ya status.
Not yet anyways, but I try ard. confused

Howdy Eliza
(spits, lights cheroot)
When I was drifting in the High Plains, I heard tell that
'All you want is a room somewhere'
'far away from the footlights' glare'
Well, I reckon I know of a vacancy at the hotel. Eli the Ugly won't be needin' his room pretty soon.
Be seein' ya Ma'am
Gotta mosey
Gotta go to Londis for some more cheroots
Quote by Eliza Doolittle
Eeerr lucreziaaah borgiaaah
I would like to be your friend, but you will have to lower yourself very low as i'm no were near ya status.
Not yet anyways, but I try ard. confused

hmmm perhaps i can find a "position" for you in the household. it will have to be a below stairs one though.
have you any experience as a scullery maid?
I like to do my bit to help people further themselves socially you know!
Thank you Lucrezia, much respect to you. If you could just hold on for one minute I will be right back - hold my pint too can you please.
*saunters over to the lads*
Quote by lucrezia borgia
Perhaps we can sup some sahcks instead.

Alright lads, look I may not be around much later. The one and only David BRENT has pulled, he he he .... and get this ........ She wants to sup my sahcks!!! oooooooooeeeeeeerrr he he he wink
struts back
Thank you Lucrezia, so what's a nice young lady like you doing in a place like this then?
Quote by DAVlD BENT
hold my pint too can you please.?

no problem :twisted:
Quote by DAVlD BENT
Alright lads, look I may not be around much later.

Quite possibly lol
My word, where have all the people gone? I was rather hoping that Miss Bennett would have been here. She still hasn't had a ride on my bicycle.
I've been rather busy today, trying hard to rediscover my mean and moody look. There seem rather too many unsavoury characters around, I need to keep my vowels clipped and consonants sharp, otherwise, culture is done for.
I rather like the look if Mrs Borgia: would make a good 'agent' . Could she be No.1?
Right, time for chess.
No.6 (Patrick)
Quote by Fagin
ello Mistress Bennett...I'm wondering if a little assistance may be desired, I'm sure we can come to some arrangement my dear.

ere fagin, if bill sykes ain't about, i got a big ugly staff, all white, patch over one eye, called bullseye if you'd adam'n'eve it ((( honest promise ))) big bleedin 'ead fulla teeth. few sovs, or summat a bit tasty, yours for the askin mate!!?? sort the bleeders out good n proper n no mistake!
neil x x x x
Quote by Elizabeth Bennett
Senor Ugly
As for missing you, I had not noticed that you had departed. I did, however, notice a rather dashing gentleman (he did not give his name) who was most anxious to find you.
That pistol you are fingering - rather dainty - is quite amazing how small they can make them.
Miss E Bennett
Virginal Spinster of this Parish

Heya! Mees Bennetta,
Youa know a how to hurt a guy's feelengs eh?
<< mutters to heemself >> Weemin eh? Youa turn ona the charma and they speeta you outa eh? I theenk I shoota my Boll**cks offa he!
Quote by The Prisoner
I was rather hoping that Miss Bennett would have been here. She still hasn't had a ride on my bicycle.

Anda asa fora youa my fina frienda - you cana steek youra bika uppa youra penny farthinga. Eet's probably smooth eenougha!
You dona need bicycle cleepsa - you just gotta taka one froma your vowels heh?
jesus mr no name, you've been spittin beetroots all round this place for two days now :doh:
My shoes ands spats are a right old mess
any chance you could perhaps try a tissue now and then
Did someone metion bikes?
Anyone want their bell ringing or their horn squeezing?
Quote by miss whiplash
Did someone metion bikes?
Anyone want their bell ringing or their horn squeezing?

Heya Meesa Wheeplasha you coma ride ona my crossa bara eh? Eet's nearly as beeg asa my peestol!
Heya deed youa doa the soundatracka fora 'The Good, Bad anda the Ugly' - lotaa wheepa-cracking going ona!
Anyday hun...
I DID the soundtrack myself???
Wanna rerun, and i just LOVE riding bareback on bumpy gravel.....?
Oii eli you fecking ugly fecker! back rite off ffs!!!
miss whiplash? i've been unsheathing my sword all weekend to no avail?? having a rapier wit counts for naught if you can't plunge said rapier every so often!!! quiet corner over there, away from the stinking mexican person perhaps??? hhhmmmmm????
<<< all said in a sexy, weak at the knees kinda french accent obviously! >>>
CYRANO babes...
I just LOVE a man with a big appendage....?
Heya 'Speet - Conque' you go seet ona youra rapier eh? You'lla probably not a noteece eh?
well he can always tickle my fancy with his feather...?
ggrrrrrrrrr eli vous foutu baiseur mexicain en sueur laid
vous m'appelle un souffle ?
jesus do i ave tooo get mon epee out again??? je suis foutu knackered avec tout ce combat en duel!!!
if that helps at all??? :P
hey,Frenchy and Ugly,
I see you two varmints is still here-despite my warning...
Well, Frenchy, I'm gonna drill so many holes in you you'll whistle 'La Marseillaise' when the wind blows.
And you, Ugly, you ain't got a whole lotta time to grow much prettier...
Ladies, I remain at your service.....just don't expect a whole lotta conversation.
Quote by man with no name
And you, Ugly, you ain't got a whole lotta time to grow much prettier...
Ladies, I remain at your service.....just don't expect a whole lotta conversation.

Yesa anda most of eet weel coma out of heees arse Heh! Heh!
Quote by Eli the Ugly
And you, Ugly, you ain't got a whole lotta time to grow much prettier...
Ladies, I remain at your service.....just don't expect a whole lotta conversation.

Yesa anda most of eet weel coma out of heees arse Heh! Heh!
Funny you should mention that part o' the body Ugly, 'cos that's where I'll be aimin'.
See ya later, shorty
(spits, lights cheroot)
Gotta mosey, gotta cricket celebration to go to at Trent Bridge...
well if no name is off to what was that clue??
I might just go for a run on his horse?? now I wonder if he has given that a name?
Quote by groucho
well if no name is off to what was that clue??
I might just go for a run on his horse?? now I wonder if he has given that a name?

You seen my horse before-well, at least a picture of him
Quote by man with no name
well if no name is off to what was that clue??
I might just go for a run on his horse?? now I wonder if he has given that a name?

You seen my horse before-well, at least a picture of him
Dont where coyote ugly has got to stubble chops but I think I am tracking you real fast now !!
Quote by groucho
well if no name is off to what was that clue??
I might just go for a run on his horse?? now I wonder if he has given that a name?

You seen my horse before-well, at least a picture of him
Dont where coyote ugly has got to stubble chops but I think I am tracking you real fast now !!
Top Marx, quim- lip, if I gave you any more clues you'd get a hernia carryin' em!
(spits, lights cheroot)
Gotta mosey, gotta kill me a varmint
Well, here I am : best blazer and trousers freshly pressed. I've polished my No.6 badge and am all set to reveal myself.....and no one is here! I have clipped my vowels neatly, re-emphasised my consonants and have perfected the most fetching of matinee idol stares-my, you could programme a 'method-acting' school on me at the moment.
Why don't we all unmask at say, 10pm-a reasonable time for an English gentleman that likes to retire early?
And I understand that the soccer game will have finished by then....
Oh, a clue....well, I am indeed a prisoner, but more of my own artistic leanings-and more galvanised than brick is seen in my 'cell'...
Blast, read this too late, I just revealed myself in the other thread redface