do you ever get too desperate to wait untill returning home to your loved one. how many of you would/have/would never consider a little sly self indulgence at work and if you would, where would be your prefered hifding place.
Wankin at work?
Bit lame innit?
Once had a B j in a photo darkroom.
Lb :love:
Me and my ex used to do it in the IT comms room at work untill we got caught by a startled telecoms engineer.
The assessment centre competency tests I put applicants through are certainly different!
got any jobs you are currently interviewing for?
I want to work under someone to start with
When I saw the title of this thread I thought it was a t.v summat,y'know like Doctors at work.
D'ya see my lateral thinkin there?
Feckin clever bastard, me.
Lb :love:
Masturbation at work?
All I can say is it didn't work for me.