Would it work if I set up a guy from here to hit on my girlfriend? We have been swinging for a while, but it could be fun to try a new angle. Anyone out there done something similar?
You mind me asking why you'd want to anyway? I mean sex is one thing, kinking up your bedroom activities and having fun is great. But just watching a guy chatting her up, making passes at her and seeing her flirt back; Would that not hurt you if you care about her? I don't know, maybe im just a romantic or something, but it sounds silly to me. Unless you just want to say "I saw you getting off with some bloke" to try and windle your way our of the relationship.
Hrm, nahhh no porkies, they havnt really said anything that could imply that. Just wants to watch as someone tries their luck, just an odd kink, one message went to the next and we are all thinking him as a very bad man. Our bad, sorry mate