Thanks, if I carry on like this I'll never get out, but it'll solve my problem of what the hell do I do next year!
Well that's hardly going to encourage me to get back to work now is it?
1 down
1 tomorrow morning
2 next week, then thats it!!!!
Done, dusted, time for money to start going INTO my bank account (that will please my bank manager lol)
Mature students of the world unite - well nearly cos I'm not really student any more. still can get onto my uni email account tho so does that count lol?
yes good luck to the lot of you - including Alex fem where ever she is at the moment!!!! I did a one week course a few weeks ago and had 2 exams (which I passed !!!!) - buddy hardest thing I have had to do in years so I know just how hard work being a student is - so good luck all of you out there!!!!!