Hi all,
Does anyone know the new legislations on permitted maxium temperatures allowed at work.
If anyone can help we would be gratefull.
Comfort standards were set out by Ole Fanger's thermal comfort model (Fanger 1970, ISO 7730 1994), which can be used to predict comfort conditions.
ASHRAE 55-1992 views thermal comfort as a zone (combinations of thermal variables in which 80% of people will not express discomfort.
ISO 7730 views thermal comfort as a specific combination of thermal conditions that will elicit the desired physiological state of comfortable (thermal comfort temperature). Also accepts the notion that 80% satisfaction is adequate.
Complying with ASHRAE 55 (1992) or ISO 7730 (1984) means:
Maintaining the operative temperature between 20°C to in winter and between and 26°C in summer.
Maintaining the relative humidity level between 30 to 60%
Optimum Operative Temperature (top) = (76°F)
Minimum clothes ( clo), top = (81°F)
An activity level of <= 1.2 met, clothing resistance of 1 clo in winter and 0.5 clo in summer and air velocity <= 0.2 m/s to prevent the sensation of draft (the three parameters and the associated values are typical of any office environment
Thanks guy's,
Mrs shad has been working in temperatures between 33 and 35 for 8hrs a day and is not a happy bunny at all.
Thought i would get as much info on the matter as possible prior to her going into work in the morning.
Health and Saftey, Working Environment, legislation state that there is a minimum temperature but not a maximum, but the employer does have to ensure there is adequate ventilation, light and there must be drinkable water (even though they can get away with yukky tap water).
Office I work in is a constant 86degrees at the mo, so I am throwing all I can at them to get something done.
Sorry folks , there is NO maximum .......... I have scars to prove it. Although H&S is a very good stick to threaten any boss with if you feel so inclined...
(now if you were livestock under transportation,,,, different story!)
There isn't a maximum temperature where you are legally in your right to leave the workplace BUT if you are working in conditions that are over 26 for long periods you do have the legal right to leave that area until it has become a cooler place. This is due to heat stress which is an underestimated problem.
You should ask your line manager about what they conceive as a maximum temperature. If they say something rediculas then you can go the next step up. If you have no luck there then you can ask directly to the personnel manager and demand some action taken. If no action is taken or no plan is made then you can just go to work but not actually do anything. You can sit in the kitchen all day if you want and get paid for doing it.
You can not leave the premises through maximum heat unless there is an immmediate danger to yourself or others. Heat stroke or dehydration are immediate dangers.
Thats the law we have at our company which we had to fight for to be written. This is only because during winter workin on night shifts it would get as low as 10. I rang the on call person and left the building to stay in my running car until it was sorted. Funny that they can get things done when you threaten your employers like that.
pah, you bunch of softies.
used to have to calibrate a brick oven each year in the middle of summer, 1600 degrees inside and about 50 outside.
and those luverly H&S guys insisted we wear overalls and steel toecap boots, nice!
I used to drive tube trains and it's often well over 40°C in the tunnels. Bearable for an hour or so, but if you get stuck it can be lethal. We put up with it because there was nothing we could do about it. Air conditioning on tube trains is a waste of time because there's no room outside the train to put decent kit and the filters get clogged up with brake dust as soon as you put them in.
No matter how conscientious an employer is about H&S, you just have to accept that sometimes unpleasant conditions are unavoidable.
I see what you mean Ice. I'm glad they've done so much. It is in there own and your interest to do so. Do you reakcon things could be improved. You say there is a lot of dust from the cirface etc so hwo about an air filter like a dyson that could be put in place beofre the intake of the air con? There should always be investigations to make working more comfortable and if possible more fun.
I know a lot of people who have just said, well its always been like that, and it was never pretty seeing them suffer like. I'm glad you are saying they (underground) are taking it seriously.
like some other people have said there is no maximum but it does depend on industry you workin ,example armed forces personal expected to workin temps of +40c can epxect no more than 4 hours of work,if they are requiredto work longer then they get whats called excessive temp allowance as a work for mcdonalds and they were the same no more than 4 hours work in temps of more than 40. of course if you a firefighter your screwed.
There is a minimum but no maximum .... like loads of people have said !!
But if you keep fainting due to the heat ... hows much work can they expect u to do ! lol
Now here's a novel idea from a boss that has done all he can to firstly buy in fans, provide cold drinks, allow a more relaxed dress code and secondly hire in portable air con units for the places where none exist (but has failed because lo and behold there are none available) yet is still to blame for the fact that the sun is shinning.............why not offer to work a different work pattern that avoids the warmer part of the day, well fuck me that would just be too inconvenient wouldn't it, cos I've tried that one as well.
Yes I'm hot.....yes I'm trying to deal with it....and yes I'm pissed off with those that will dig up a problem but dont wanna be part of a solution.