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Maz to the rescue?

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Ok, i just did something that I'm sure most will think is very stupid.... I rescued my fish (i think)
My poor little goldfish had managed to sook up a stone from the bottom of the tank and get it stuck in it's wee mouth!
After watching the poor thing struggle to get it out, and being stuck nose down on the botton, and trying to bash the stone of the side to get it out, something compelled me to go and rescue the creature! (maybe I was taking inspiration from steve crocodile hunter?......)
Anyway, after guddling about for a few minutes I finally caught him and tried to pull the stone out, but with no luck.
By this point I felt like I was on a real rescue mission, so ran to get some tweezers.
When I put my hand back in the tank, the wee fish actually swam (well, an attempt at swimming with a giant rock in it's mouth) over to my hand and sat in it, v strange.... then I was able to pull out the stone with the tweezers - ouch!! it looked nasty!
I can't believe how much the adrenaline was pumping, all for my little gold fish!
He'll probably die by tomorrow, but at least I tried!
Does anyone think this is weird? I just phoned den and he laughed at me!
Maz xx
Haha, den has also reminded me of the time when I tried to rescue a shrew that had been caught by a cat.
This involved me sprinting across the road after a cat I saw with it in it's mouth, then getting scratched all over by said cat as I tried to get the thing out its mouth, then watching the wee thing leap out my hands and down a drain.
It had tried to escape from me and the nearest place was down the drain, which must have been like one us falling down a well.
I could see the shrew swimming round and round in circles, but the drain was covered over by a grate, with no way out for the shrew.
Instead of me thinking that was it, I ran to ask a builder for a screwdriver so I could save the creature.
After unscrewing the cover, I had to dip my hand in the minging drain to fish the beastie out.
I then carried it all the way back across the road so I could show den, but just as I said
'look what I've got' , it decided to sink its teeth into my thumb and not let go!
I think it got more damage from me shaking it off, than it did from being in the cats mouth!
i can truthfully say that ive also resuccitated a goldfish..... but not with the use of tweezers...
i just shook him around and blew onto him....
he's lived another 6 months atleast... and still going strong.....
well done hun
Quote by mazandden
Ok, i just did something that I'm sure most will think is very stupid.... I rescued my fish (i think)
My poor little goldfish had managed to sook up a stone from the bottom of the tank and get it stuck in it's wee mouth!
After watching the poor thing struggle to get it out, and being stuck nose down on the botton, and trying to bash the stone of the side to get it out, something compelled me to go and rescue the creature! (maybe I was taking inspiration from steve crocodile hunter?......)
Anyway, after guddling about for a few minutes I finally caught him and tried to pull the stone out, but with no luck.
By this point I felt like I was on a real rescue mission, so ran to get some tweezers.
When I put my hand back in the tank, the wee fish actually swam (well, an attempt at swimming with a giant rock in it's mouth) over to my hand and sat in it, v strange.... then I was able to pull out the stone with the tweezers - ouch!! it looked nasty!
I can't believe how much the adrenaline was pumping, all for my little gold fish!
He'll probably die by tomorrow, but at least I tried!
Does anyone think this is weird? I just phoned den and he laughed at me!
Maz xx

You want to get out more!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quote by mazandden
Haha, den has also reminded me of the time when I tried to rescue a shrew that had been caught by a cat.
This involved me sprinting across the road after a cat I saw with it in it's mouth, then getting scratched all over by said cat as I tried to get the thing out its mouth, then watching the wee thing leap out my hands and down a drain.
It had tried to escape from me and the nearest place was down the drain, which must have been like one us falling down a well.
I could see the shrew swimming round and round in circles, but the drain was covered over by a grate, with no way out for the shrew.
Instead of me thinking that was it, I ran to ask a builder for a screwdriver so I could save the creature.
After unscrewing the cover, I had to dip my hand in the minging drain to fish the beastie out.
I then carried it all the way back across the road so I could show den, but just as I said
'look what I've got' , it decided to sink its teeth into my thumb and not let go!
I think it got more damage from me shaking it off, than it did from being in the cats mouth!

ermm what did i just say...
you need to get out more hahahahhahahahhahaha
Quote by mazandden
Ok, i just did something that I'm sure most will think is very stupid.... I rescued my fish (i think)
My poor little goldfish had managed to sook up a stone from the bottom of the tank and get it stuck in it's wee mouth!
After watching the poor thing struggle to get it out, and being stuck nose down on the botton, and trying to bash the stone of the side to get it out, something compelled me to go and rescue the creature! (maybe I was taking inspiration from steve crocodile hunter?......)
Anyway, after guddling about for a few minutes I finally caught him and tried to pull the stone out, but with no luck.
By this point I felt like I was on a real rescue mission, so ran to get some tweezers.
When I put my hand back in the tank, the wee fish actually swam (well, an attempt at swimming with a giant rock in it's mouth) over to my hand and sat in it, v strange.... then I was able to pull out the stone with the tweezers - ouch!! it looked nasty!
I can't believe how much the adrenaline was pumping, all for my little gold fish!
He'll probably die by tomorrow, but at least I tried!
Does anyone think this is weird? I just phoned den and he laughed at me!
Maz xx

Oh come on guys !
Am I the only one here with a heart ? I think it was admirable. OK then not on the scale of Steve RIP Urwin, but for the same cause. Life is a life, no matter how small or insignificant you may think and is precious.
Purple heart of the day to you.
:thumbup: Well done maz would have done the same thing myself, shows a love and respect for all life.
Reminds me of when i hadnt long past my test and was driving down the road and a bird hit my windscreen and finished up on my wiper blade....i pulled the car over,got out and retrieved the was warm so i was sure it was just concussed, placed it on the passenger seat after placeing a jumper round it to keep it warm :idea: and took off for the local vets!! redface 20mins later i pull in to vets car park...gently pick the bird up and realise it cold,stiff n dead :upset: so take it home to bury it crying all the way :sad:
:doh: God knows what would have happened if said bird was only concussed and came to whilst i was driving to vets surprisedops:
Some people act first and think later and i hope the lickle fishy is ok maz :therethere:
Maz, what can I say - how the hell can I respond to those first two posts and give them justice? worship
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I absolutely cracked up when I read em, bluddy superb :lol2:
Off to work now - but gonna spend the whole day thinking up 'hints and tips' for your next super saving adventure :lol2:
I would have done the same!! Good on you - and I hope you fish lives.
The summer before last I spent a while chasing a young Starling around my next door neighbours garden, only to cut the top of my head open on their trellis, then getting pollen all over me from a plant called 'Rue' because you rue the day you touch it. When exposed to sunlight the pollen burns the skin.
So the following day I had burns all over my forearms (you can still see the feint scars) and a headache! lol
The starling spent the night recovering from what I think was general heat exhaustion, with food and water in a cardboard box. I released it the next day and it flew away.
I still try to rescue animals!
I was with my ex driving home late one night and a fox ran out in front of us straight into the front of the car. I got out and had a look and he was still alive though injured so got her coat, wrapped it up and took it home.
When I got it home I put it in a tea chest and gave it a blanket to lay on, my dog throwing a fit in the hallway because it could smell it, and also tried to give it some milk...thats when the ungrateful little bugger bit me!! I ended up in casualty having a tetanus!
Needless to say the fox was ok, released it back into its habitat later in the day after a vet had checked it out!
reading this reminded me of the time my stepson (then a cute ten year old not the nightmare seventeen year old he is now) came running into the house with an extremley injured cat.. i knew it was in a bad way but he sat for four hours wrapping it up in a blanket and trying to give it some milk. we never once stopped him even though we knew it was beyond all help. rspca finally turned up and the heartless mare told him it would be put down evil
we then spent four days with a sobbing ten year old explaining or trying to explain an easier way that the poor moggy was really poorly.. was really annoyed at the lady felt she could have explained it better.
Step away from the hampster and shrew stories :giggle:
Quote by firelizard
Step away from the hampster and shrew stories :giggle:

But they were not rescue missions ya dippy bint! :doh:
Quote by Stormwalker
Step away from the hampster and shrew stories :giggle:

But they were not rescue missions ya dippy bint! :doh:
No! cos you got there too bloody late ya doughnut rolleyes
Well, my fish has survived the night!!!!
hmmm, any name suggestions for the lucky wee thing?........................
Quote by mazandden
Well, my fish has survived the night!!!!
hmmm, any name suggestions for the lucky wee thing?........................

Swallows... cause it certainly doesn't spit..
Quote by Fektart
Well, my fish has survived the night!!!!
hmmm, any name suggestions for the lucky wee thing?........................

Swallows... cause it certainly doesn't spit..
I love it!!!!! :giggle:
Quote by mazandden
Well, my fish has survived the night!!!!
hmmm, any name suggestions for the lucky wee thing?........................

Swallows... cause it certainly doesn't spit..
I love it!!!!! :giggle:
the next question is which do you do... and when can I find out... answer by pm :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: (if you want that is)
Quote by Fektart
Well, my fish has survived the night!!!!
hmmm, any name suggestions for the lucky wee thing?........................

Swallows... cause it certainly doesn't spit..
I love it!!!!! :giggle:
the next question is which do you do... and when can I find out... answer by pm :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: (if you want that is)
Do you really have to ask???????
Spitting in public is rude didn't you know........ :twisted:
Quote by mazandden
Do you really have to ask???????
Spitting in public is rude didn't you know........ :twisted:

no didn't have to ask....
was a vain attempt to get a pm.... lol :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Quote by firelizard
Step away from the hampster and shrew stories :giggle:

But they were not rescue missions ya dippy bint! :doh:
No! cos you got there too bloody late ya doughnut rolleyes
what exactly did you expect me to do with theheadof the hamster, Give it mouth to mouth, Turn the cat inside out and super glue the body back on, Rip the battery and wires out of the radio and scream “Clear” at the top of my lungs whilst electrocuting the little fecker? banghead
Stormwalker lol
My best mate whilst housesitting had to rescue all the fish from our huge aquarium when it unexpectedly burst! She managed to get most of them into our daughters tank- before shredding the carpet with a stanley knife & posting it through the window.
Word of advice- choose your friends carefully- this one has spent years working in marine rescue!
Classic quote though- her, on phone late at night "omg- your fish tanks busdt, theres water everywhere- shit- your carpets ruined mate!!"
Me "oh well, it needed hoovering anyway"
Im so laid back it scares me sometimes!
I always move snails out of harms way on peoples paths when i'm out on deliveries! redface
Well i think thats sweet.... smile
Quote by da69ve
I always move snails out of harms way on peoples paths when i'm out on deliveries! redface

That is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute! :inlove: passionkiss
I must confess that I have around 20-30 snails in my garden most evenings as I give them my vegetable peelings. I have found them actually quite interesting and even considered buying some Giant African Land Snails!!
I don't kill anything - ever! (Unless by accident! :crysmile
mmmmm yes snails yum yum biggrin :D :D
maz i think your great for rescueing your gold fish, id have done the same.
hope its ok and recovery now :D