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me monitors trying to frighten me . . . .

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1 watcher
erm . . . .
why exactly is my monitor whistling at me? there's this really high piched whiney thing and i've got all the neighbourhood dogs barking outside me window, and it keeps making crackly noises . . .
<<< back away from it a bit more as he types . . . >>>
even me modems scared. every time it crackles i get booted off!
do you think it might explode?? :eeek: decapitation by cathode ray tube??? :scared: should i be very very afraid?
<<< ducks down and cowers a bit . . . . >>>
if i'm offline soon, i'm either in hospital, or buying a new monitor!
oh, hang on . . .
it's stopped . . . . i can feel it psyching itself up to do something scary . . . . .
neil x x x x
OMG Neil!!!!!!!
Don't leave us.
Has he been sucked into the monitor?
or abducted bt aliens??????
Neil needs our help - have we a psychic in the house?
Sounds dodgy to me too. I had one like that once which died very soon after. Luckily it was still under guarantee.
Um Neil. wave
Try chewing gum. I find it's like the oral equivalent of gaffer tape: fixes anything!!
Whistling you say....oh yeah, you must have the Roger Whittaker model. Bad luck Neil. Mind you, could be worse, you could have the 'Jade ' model. That does stupid things, the speakers utter unintelligible noise, the spell check is completely duff and the grammar check doesn't understand what it's for.
Sorry Neil but when i saw the title i thought it was from Debbiewebs :shock:
I had a monitor that crackled once.... very soon after it blew up while I was sat staring at it. It was rather alarming. I went like this.... :scared: and then this :fuckinghell: once I realised it was a week out of its warranty.
Erm....... Neil, have the fire brigade on stand by! :shock:
Sorry man, it's on it's last legs. It won't do you any harm though, just up and die with a slight sad BANG
so you're all saying it's fooked, and this is the way the world ends, not with a bang, but a whimper? nooooooooooo i can't afford a new bloody monitor! monitor old friend don't desert me. hang on . . . purlease . . .
A short ode to my monitor!
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Monitors burn and blaze at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Old friend, near death, who see with blinding sight
My screen shouldn't blaze like meteors then go grey,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
sad :( :( :( :( :( :(
neil x x x ;)
Will (Shakespeare) EAT YOUR HEART OUT!! Neil's right behind you
lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
Quote by neilinleeds
A short ode to my monitor!
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Monitors burn and blaze at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Old friend, near death, who see with blinding sight
My screen shouldn't blaze like meteors then go grey,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

WOW Neil, with words like that, you could have this girl swooning and falliing at your feet unconscious! God knows what you would do in the meantime :twisted:
Without wanting to sound like a spanner, I've got a serious answer for you... Try changing the refresh rate of the monitor to something lower. It's a short term fix, as if it's only just started whistling after working quite happily for so long it probably is on it's way out.
If it does blow up though I've got a 19" monitor sitting on the coffee table doind sod all, so you can have that for 50 notes if you like.
Crikey! Thought that was Blake or do I mean Wordsworth!
Never mind Neil, Monitors are two a penny these days!
LC wink
Quote by GenHertsCpl
A short ode to my monitor!
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Monitors burn and blaze at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Old friend, near death, who see with blinding sight
My screen shouldn't blaze like meteors then go grey,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

WOW Neil, with words like that, you could have this girl swooning and falliing at your feet unconscious! God knows what you would do in the meantime :twisted:
erm . . . . best come clean. i nicked 'em. from Dylan Thomas! redface i just did a bit of cheeky editing really! rolleyes
but poetry is it genherts? i see! duly noted! :lol2: ;)
neil x x x ;)
If it's whining I bet it's a 'single male' monitor.
Now before you go off the deep end I don't mean you - you know what sort of single male I mean!! lol :lol:
its wasent my pervey pm that i sent you that did it was it neil? rolleyes .................. just stop trying to bonk the thing!.
You naughty boy! smackbottom :smackbottom: :smackbottom:
hey, it might fancy you and it is a monitor wolf whistle, well u never no..............rofpmsl
it sounds like something from tales of the unexpected
Quote by neilinleeds
so you're all saying it's fooked, and this is the way the world ends, not with a bang, but a whimper? nooooooooooo i can't afford a new bloody monitor! monitor old friend don't desert me. hang on . . . purlease . . .
A short ode to my monitor!
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Monitors burn and blaze at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Old friend, near death, who see with blinding sight
My screen shouldn't blaze like meteors then go grey,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
sad :( :( :( :( :( :(
neil x x x ;)

Just as we suspected.
You are a bloody
Gill & Del x
Sensible answer:
If yellowfrog's advice works it's the tube, and it's on its way out sad If it doesn't, it's the power supply capacitors and it's on its way out soon. If it's a TFT it's definitely the latter, sorry :cry:
Sounds likle the line transformers on it's way out.
Whistling is not too much of a problem as it can just be a loose winding in the transformer jiggling about a bit (bit like yourself Neil. :P lol ), but if it's started to make cracking sounds that's a bit more serious.
The screen requires a high voltage to operate (between 15-25 Kvolts (that's 15,000 - 25,000 volts WBB :P :lol: )). The cracking you can hear is probably the votage "arcing" over to somewhere it shouldn't. :shock: Do you notice a flicker on the screen when it cracks?
Now don't panic. The chances of you getting a shock from it are almost zero. Just don't go poking metal coathangers or pieces of wire into the back of it. Oh and it might be a good idea to keep the cat away from it as well. wink :lol: :lol: :lol:
It's going to go mate and pretty soon as well I'll bet. You'll find that one day it just fizzes and dies. It's probably going to cost you more to have it repaired than to buy a new one, so I'm sorry, but you'd better start saving those pennies.
easy would like to remind you that this is a distance diagnosis and he cannot be held responsible for any incorrect opinions or explanations. Sorry.
Alas poor Neil - we knew him well. Looks like he's gone now then.
Just give it a bang along with a smattering of swear words - that normally works on mine!!!
Quote by Alex_Female
Just give it a bang along with a smattering of swear words - that normally works on mine!!!

alex i already do that, cos it's already flickering at times and i have to keep tapping the thingumbobs, the screen width whatchamacallit. :lol2:
jomu cheers for the link mate!
yellowfrog i've tried adjusting me refresh to 60Hz, and it's still whistling. think it's doing it's rendition of danny boy at the moment! dunno
neil x x x ;)
Phew! I thought another one had sucumbed to a tragic monitor related accident!
Quote by neilinleeds's still whistling. think it's doing it's rendition of danny boy at the moment! dunno
neil x x x ;)

Well at least it's not singing Barry Manilow yet! lol
Could it be magic???
Ok, ok, I'll fetch me coat (tm warwick) yet again................
slinks out of the door slowly
Quote by cu3b4ll
Phew! I thought another one had sucumbed to a tragic monitor related accident!

:eeek: like how tragic? was it fatal? :scared: :shock:
Quote by fem_manc
Well at least it's not singing Barry Manilow yet!

are you taking the bleedin' piss? why would it be singing barry manilow then? go on! let's have it? it's my nose isn't it? cheeky bloody mare!
<<< humph! >>>
neil x x x ;)
Quote by Alex_Female
Just give it a bang along with a smattering of swear words - that normally works on mine!!!

Strange....that seems to work well with Countess as well. confused :? :?
hump :fuckinghell:
Get's her working. wink lol
Having just read this thread, here is my bit of advice.
The whistleing is down to the age of the monitor.
As you know older thing start to sag.
This looks like a sympton of your monitor.
What you have to do , is turn the monitor upside down
Then all the sagging parts go back to where they were previously.
Now I hear you say that my monitor is upside down and I can't see it properly.
This is the good bit, you stand on your head and put cotton wool in your ears.
This stops the blood running out, and also stops you hearing the whistle.
It is also good for relaxation. altough one would have to practice using the mouse in this position.