What can I say Will... you asked ... I answered and unlike Sarge I am commissioned...,, not that it charms the ladies.... but Hey I can second a police(wo)man or an army man( or woman) at will... or so it says in commission....
As for fermented apple juice...its white lightening...
only 7.5 %
YOu are rights re Rabbie.... he sure was an exciseman.... and something with the lasses....
and yes my other tipple is Malt.... I did spend some time in the most northerly distillery.... albeit when I was a lad some 25 years ago( go one see if you can find it) ... polished off a bottle of its product this Xmas... very good stuff.....
so do I like a fool rise....
come on Misschief just let memeber 5000 know what you want to do with them....
might scare them out of woodwork!!! go one Missy... allow your mind and hot bits run wild... that will serve them right... but Misschief if you fancy... feel free...
did i do somethign wrong? didn't mean to so very sorry i seem to have upset a lot of people. just my comp crashed out and i had to email mark to help me out.
i just like what i read here and you all seemed to happy and cheerful what is bfz and what did i win?
So Misscihef as far as I count that makes three... care to photo the proceedings?
left holding nothing as ever
Do I get anything for being runner up?
The lady comes second again!!! Gman should be asamed of himself!!!
I am sure I could come up with something for you Alex!
But you would have to accept it in person!! :twisted:
WooHoo tdah - well thank you!
Is it portable?