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Men ever patronising towards you too ???????

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Quote by equi-princess
I took my new car back to the garage on Saturday morning... as there is a problem with the brakes.....!!!!
The mechanic assigned to see what the problem was..... treated me like a complete idiot.... he was extremely patronising and very sarcastic....
The sarcasm i can deal with.... but why is it that men think that women know nothing about the cars that they drive???????
He even asked me if i knew how to open the bonnet????????
I was speechless.... although i'm considering a strongly worded letter to the Manager of the garage....
This ever happen to you......??????
Or is it just me ??????????????
equi-princess xxx

You should have reminded him who cooks his bloody dinner every Sunday afternoon when he ambles home from the boozer three parts to the wind and complains that the 'gravy should go on last ffs, woman! *Hic* ...... now darlin'.... fancy a bit?'
Answer: "fix the fecking car first ya drunken bum!!!"
Quote by Wishmaster
I took my new car back to the garage on Saturday morning... as there is a problem with the brakes.....!!!!
The mechanic assigned to see what the problem was..... treated me like a complete idiot.... he was extremely patronising and very sarcastic....
The sarcasm i can deal with.... but why is it that men think that women know nothing about the cars that they drive???????
He even asked me if i knew how to open the bonnet????????
I was speechless.... although i'm considering a strongly worded letter to the Manager of the garage....
This ever happen to you......??????
Or is it just me ??????????????
equi-princess xxx

You should have reminded him who cooks his bloody dinner every Sunday afternoon when he ambles home from the boozer three parts to the wind and complains that the 'gravy should go on last ffs, woman! *Hic* ...... now darlin'.... fancy a bit?'
Answer: "fix the fecking car first ya drunken bum!!!"

Sorted..... I rang the garage and invited the Manager to test drive my car with me in it.......i then drove into a small dead end road and headed directly towards the brick wall at the end at speed..... and applied the brakes....... result.... it is going in tomorrow to be a priority........oooops........ i think i scared him.......... lol
equi-princess xxx
p.s. i did not hit the wall........ !!!
Quote by Silk and Big G
Ok hands up all the men here who have NEVER in their entire driving career encountered a lady on a petrol forecourt and had to help her remove her own petrol cap ?
Be honest ........... lol

Does my ex in her first car count? I was a passenger at the time so it had extra fun value.. She had of course removed the cap of my car dozens of times previously.... :shock:
Quote by equi-princess
I took my new car back to the garage on Saturday morning... as there is a problem with the brakes.....!!!!
The mechanic assigned to see what the problem was..... treated me like a complete idiot.... he was extremely patronising and very sarcastic....
The sarcasm i can deal with.... but why is it that men think that women know nothing about the cars that they drive???????
He even asked me if i knew how to open the bonnet????????
I was speechless.... although i'm considering a strongly worded letter to the Manager of the garage....
This ever happen to you......??????
Or is it just me ??????????????
equi-princess xxx

You should have reminded him who cooks his bloody dinner every Sunday afternoon when he ambles home from the boozer three parts to the wind and complains that the 'gravy should go on last ffs, woman! *Hic* ...... now darlin'.... fancy a bit?'
Answer: "fix the fecking car first ya drunken bum!!!"

Sorted..... I rang the garage and invited the Manager to test drive my car with me in it.......i then drove into a small dead end road and headed directly towards the brick wall at the end at speed..... and applied the brakes....... result.... it is going in tomorrow to be a priority........oooops........ i think i scared him.......... lol
equi-princess xxx
p.s. i did not hit the wall........ !!!
pmsl!!! nice one equi
Quote by clair
I like being treated like a girlie !!!! Dont want to know how to open the bonnet or the boot for that matter.............. dont want to know how to change a tyre or put water or oil in anything !!!!
Bit like LIbra really costs too much to get the nails !!! lol

I'm with blonde on this one?
If someone wants to be patronising and treat me like a dumb blonde I let them.
I once left my lights on while at work all day. It was pooring with rain and freezing.
I asked one of the guys at work to give help me out (I always have jump leads in the car)
He completely took over and started explaining to me in a patronising manner what I needed to do.
So I stood there with my best "blonde" expression and he told me to wait inside while he went out in the pooring rain to do it for me.

rolleyes I ask you. Who's the dumb one?
That's all good if you need your car starting ( or a flat tyre changing :shock: ) - but how about if you have to take/send your car to the garage for post accident repair, but the mechanic insists on speaking to your father/brother/husband/boyfriend to explain the damage confused: :?:
Warming the Bed
I firmly believe that you treat folk as you'd like to be treated yourself, so the garage guy should have asked how much you knew, as a general question, before assuming you didn't know how to open the bonnet.
If you really fely that upset then a letter to the garage won't hurt, it'll make ya feel better anyway biggrin
Sex God
Oh god yes..... except i don't drive.....
I came face to face a cpl of weekends ago with my ex...
He was trying to patronise me and spoke to me like i was a peice of crap... but unfortunetly didn't bargain on wot he got next....
Yes...... I punched him in the gob!!!! Needless to say he move pretty sharpish...
Now.... i must emphasise... Im not a violent person, i've never had a fight in my life... But he pushed me that little bit to far... confused
Quote by LilMissGullable
Oh god yes..... except i don't drive.....
I came face to face a cpl of weekends ago with my ex...
He was trying to patronise me and spoke to me like i was a peice of crap... but unfortunetly didn't bargain on wot he got next....
Yes...... I punched him in the gob!!!! Needless to say he move pretty sharpish...
Now.... i must emphasise... Im not a violent person, i've never had a fight in my life... But he pushed me that little bit to far... confused

Did he love? Naughty man! Now go and put the kettle on and make me a cup of tea, theres a good girl.
Hang on - you thumped him! :shock: bolt
Quote by dambuster
I like being treated like a girlie !!!! Dont want to know how to open the bonnet or the boot for that matter.............. dont want to know how to change a tyre or put water or oil in anything !!!!
Bit like LIbra really costs too much to get the nails !!! lol

I'm with blonde on this one?
If someone wants to be patronising and treat me like a dumb blonde I let them.
I once left my lights on while at work all day. It was pooring with rain and freezing.
I asked one of the guys at work to give help me out (I always have jump leads in the car)
He completely took over and started explaining to me in a patronising manner what I needed to do.
So I stood there with my best "blonde" expression and he told me to wait inside while he went out in the pooring rain to do it for me.

rolleyes I ask you. Who's the dumb one?
That's all good if you need your car starting ( or a flat tyre changing :shock: ) - but how about if you have to take/send your car to the garage for post accident repair, but the mechanic insists on speaking to your father/brother/husband/boyfriend to explain the damage confused: :?:
Don't even get me started on that one! mad :x :x
Now he really did need driving into a brick wall!!!
Warming the Bed
ok picture the scene me and an ex girlfriend (she size 6-8 5'1 )took her car to a little known garage (has kwick and fit in the name) to have two new tyers fitted, during our 2 hour wait one of the young gentlemen spent all of his time blatently flirting with her (dont think he realised i was her bf) now i was ready to lamp the little sh*te but she kept me restrained. any how her car gets taken on to the ramp they change the tyers then spend 15 minutes looking round the car tapping various bit and pieces and shaking manager walkes up to ex and reals off a list of jobs that need doing and a rather large quote to do the work. now she askes to be shown on the car what needs doin and who shows her round? the little git thats been trying to chat her up so i get up to folow and catch up just in time to hear him say 'theres nothing wrong with your car i just wanted to get you out of the waiting area and see ifyou wanted to come in the back room with me' now befor ei could reach him my ex smiled sweetly at him....... and proceeded to smack himover the head with the nearest spanner
Quote by equi-princess
I took my new car back to the garage on Saturday morning... as there is a problem with the brakes.....!!!!
The mechanic assigned to see what the problem was..... treated me like a complete idiot.... he was extremely patronising and very sarcastic....
The sarcasm i can deal with.... but why is it that men think that women know nothing about the cars that they drive???????
He even asked me if i knew how to open the bonnet????????
I was speechless.... although i'm considering a strongly worded letter to the Manager of the garage....
This ever happen to you......??????
Or is it just me ??????????????
equi-princess xxx

How DO you open a bonnet? redface
Yes Equ,
Its tough being a girl in a mans world. Try music for instance.
Been playing guitar for quite a few years now.
Go to gig,say to the guy" nice les paul guitar you have there "
he looks at hubby "you play"ignoring me.
hubby says a bit but she can play. dont listen.
I'm kinda used to it now, in the begining thay would follow me around
the shops, making sure i didnt break anything,they got used to me now.
I find anything remotley male orientated will be looked on with humour
or patronisum( sorry if i spelt it wrong)
i have only once had a posetive reaction and that cause i was wearing
a mini skirt and the guys thought i would look good in the band.
but there are acouple of benifits of being a girl. and i enjoy them.
Sex God
I think women can do any task a man can do, but sometimes I think women act all girle to get the men to do jobs they don't want to do. rolleyes
dont bother with the letter equi_princess...
return to the garage in oily overalls with a ciggy hanging out of your mouith...
when he asks you if you know how to open the bonnet suck air in through your teeth and say....
hmmm might be a big job this 1 love its gonna cost yer smile
hes obviously the type of mechanic that can tell you your clutch is buggered by kicking the tyres...
Patronising anyone should not occur, but sadly does in the real world.
It shows contempt for the inexperienced recipient whatever their gender/age.
Ladies you are not entirely blameless, and who amongst you would cast the first stone when you consider the times you have patronised men when they have bravely entered the traditional theatres of female dominence such as the kitchen, fashion, decor, tidyness, etc?
What, (after all) could we possibly know about such things,eh? rolleyes wink
There is a flip side to this coin though *** Going into Defensive Male Posture *** .....
Advertising for home products nearly always ridicules men, remember those stupid ads where the guy buys separate washing powder / detergent and the woman shows him a combined one that saves money, and that other ad where the guy buys two products when one will do then woman explains that the single product saves time so they can go to the pub grrrrrrrrrrr (that really pisses me off coz us men are stereotyped as lager louts boozing down the pub all day... really seething now mad )
........and what about at daytime TV ..... purely aimed at women and a complete load of bollox (I know coz I work from home and I have now taken to leaving Sky News on all day even though it repeats every fecking hour but I prefer that just to get rid of crap TV shows about babies, fecking knitting patterns or dickhead families that need to air their shite on national TV (Springer/Trisha crap) grrrrrrr)
... but to top the lot (and this really takes the piss).... there is that ridiculous show where all the women in a small village are ferried off for a weekend leaving the husbands to run the house, kids etc.. what's all that about??? ... me and my daughter manage quite happily thank you
Us guys get a fair bit of bashing on the sexism side too.... but we're not allowed to complain about it, but I do sympathise with women who are victims of blase crass males who are merely trying to either a) rip them off .. or b) rip off their knickers.
There are roles in life that men should play and roles in life that women should play ... it's just the way it is .... Man = Hunter/Gatherer .... Woman = Nest Builder.... together = Team.

This thread has bloody annoyed me for some reason even though I've commented on it before.
:x :x :x :x :x :x :x
Ho Hum . rant over!!!
lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Quote by markz
I think women can do any task a man can do, but sometimes I think women act all girle to get the men to do jobs they don't want to do. rolleyes

rotflmao :rotflmao:
Sex God
I just love my job, in the construction industry............
I go out on site, hi viz jacket, toe tector boots, etc, into site office, male site manager, looks up,
I say Hi, I'm xxx and come to meet xxx.
Site manager.. looks up and down again, and says 'you are a woman, on my building site......'
I say: so I'm here to do a job, and yes I am a woman
Site manager: 'but women don't do your job'
I say: 'oh yes they do' and proceed to baffle him with all BS and EN standards I can think of,
Back in office that has just cost him £500 on his quote............. :shock: miserable git
Sex God
dodgy builders making the quotes up as they go along biggrin
Warming the Bed
Quote by equi-princess
I must admit.... as i drove away i could think of 1000's of things to say back to goes back in very soon.... i shall have my responses ready..... lol

Him: Do you know how to open the bonnet?
You (sarcastic tone): Yeah! With a crowbar.
Warming the Bed
Quote by Sarah
I just love my job, in the construction industry............
I go out on site, hi viz jacket, toe tector boots, etc, into site office, male site manager, looks up,
I say Hi, I'm xxx and come to meet xxx.
Site manager.. looks up and down again, and says 'you are a woman, on my building site......'
I say: so I'm here to do a job, and yes I am a woman
Site manager: 'but women don't do your job'
I say: 'oh yes they do' and proceed to baffle him with all BS and EN standards I can think of,
Back in office that has just cost him £500 on his quote............. :shock: miserable git

You sound like my kinda girl biggrin :D
I think its great women working in the construction inustry,seen a few that know more than the guys
Also think theres something very sexy about it :D
On the patronising... is this you just thinking that they are patronising? I ask as a 2nd line engineer. I often have to talk to people of all abilities, and I start very basic with anyone, male or female, as I don't know their level of skill.
Now if you talked to me you may assume (wrongly) that I was stepping you through a process because you were female, rather than I met loads of people of all ages, races, languages, and sexes that could not do it, so now I ask everyone to avoid confusion?
Just a point from a outsider to the incident. I know how easy it is to feel victimised, and how hard it can be from the other side to put somthing across without causing offence if someone expects it...