what is it with men that keep letting me down, i know i'm a bit over weight but i thought i looked pretty good, so why every time i get something sorted do they keep letting me down :sad:
mandy xx
Quote by noladreams
Seriously, as one who is slightly plump, I can honestly say that I doubt it's your weight that's an issue here.
The problem is that a lot of folk like the idea of a meet much much more than the actual going through with it and they bottle it. Simple as.
My first meet arranged on SH I got stood up. Subsequently I've had other folk let me down even when they knew I was in a hotel I'd booked for us. Grrrr!
I've learned over time to set up a series of personal 'hoops' a potential meet has to jump through before I will agree to a meet and I've pretty much eliminated the no-shows. You have to get very good at trusting - but more importantly *testing* - your gut instinct.
:rose: Persevere though; some great folk on this site!
Quote by mandyandjohnukTake it from me that there is absolutely nothing wrong with the way you look
i know i'm a bit over weight but i thought i looked pretty good, so why every time i get something sorted do they keep letting me down :sad:
Quote by tweeky
You to NolaWell they did at least send a last second text message
Yeh you have to find what works for you. Our philosophy now is expect nothing and have a back up option. That way you dont spend all week getting ready for something then have nothing to do :( On the night we were stood up with Hotel room booked we went to a club and ended up playing elsewhere
Quote by mandyandjohnuk
Thanks guyys ! its just so bloody anoying, got to all of the trouble of john waxing me,and me waxing him cutting his hair cleaning the house getting wine in, doing my hair doing my nails grrrrrrrrrrrr all for there bloody denefit.
as pointed out maybe in future we should have a back up plan, like getting pissed lol
mandy xx
Quote by mrs-bmw
But its not just men
We have been stood up by couples on a few occasions for outdoor fun even after umpteen emails and a few social meets throw in :doh:
Quote by the_magik_s
But its not just men
We have been stood up by couples on a few occasions for outdoor fun even after umpteen emails and a few social meets throw in :doh:
Quote by Waterpistol
I had a situation several years back when I was invited round to someone's house and made my way over without giving it second thoughts (They were only 5 minutes from me)
When I arrived they were both there and the poor (and drunk) girlfriend wasn't even aware I'd been invited ... I think he'd mentioned the idea of swinging as a passing fantasy and was hoping to change her mind once I was there and she was drunk enough. :shock:
Quote by the_magik_s
I had a situation several years back when I was invited round to someone's house and made my way over without giving it second thoughts (They were only 5 minutes from me)
When I arrived they were both there and the poor (and drunk) girlfriend wasn't even aware I'd been invited ... I think he'd mentioned the idea of swinging as a passing fantasy and was hoping to change her mind once I was there and she was drunk enough. :shock: