I will probably add more to this later, but more from a female perspective if a 'playing' partner couldnt get or maintain an errection.
The one sentiment I would like to add to the very brave people who have spoken up, is remember, an errection does not make you a man. Its the person inside what makes you a man. Its been said before, its the package, not the tackle that matters :thumbup:
Though confused by the origianal poimt raised (cuz i'm thick) the thread is an important read i think.
Some of the points raised within resonate to the point of me having a lump in my throat, Finding i agree with Jaymar's first entry in this thread. (not sure how to use the 'quote thing and dont want to appear a bigger pillock than i already do) and lots of others.; Then Darks input which i have read three times and feel humbled, educated in some small way a kindred spirit with mr dark and priviledged to have witnessed this piece of amazingly honest writing.
Appreciate this thread it is deep, thought provoking revealing, and pushes buttons stimulating on a high level i think.
Sometimes how do you say thank you with enough brevity ?
from what i can see couples who have had this 'problem' and i use the term very loosely have found a new level that most of us will never find, a higher understanding of what makes the other tick and an ability to make sex, love making whatever you want to call it into something far superior to the 'normal' (god i hate some of these words) sex life that most of us or some of us, you know what i mean have.
am i talking bollox, it feels like i am talking bollox, but i know what i mean.
Earthy xx
In answer to the question: For me there does not have to be a cock. I have never had a penis induced orgasm anyway so although it feels great when it's in I can and could live without it.
PS Dark that was an awesome post and will go down in my book as one of the best I have read on here for provoking my little thought engine!
Haven`t read the whole thread so sorry if what I`m going to say has already been said.
I`ve had a pretty poor sex life to say the least, a lot to do with the girl I was with for so long. Then I suffered a heart attack and the resulting need for medication has removed any chance of having an erection "on demand". I do on occasions, get a stiffy early in the mornings but I`m in no condition to use it. :shock:
When I celebrated my 50th birthday with my first swinging experience, a threesome, I was completely honest with the lady concerned and told her that I was more than happy just to use my tounge and fingers on her, she did , after all, have her male partner to satisfy her if need so.
Dawnie has removed comments that break the AUP - expect a pm
I suppose that someone who had a better sex life than me, may suffer loss of face when presented with a loss of performance. I find that quite understandable. The worry of not being able to keep the partners interest must be quite a worry.
It does make complete sense Mallock...
I too am completely in awe of the honesty on this thread, and recently had (a regrettably too short) relationship with someone who suffered in this area.... but I can honestly say, that I had absolutely fantabulous sex with that man!!! We only managed penetrative sex once, and it was wonderful, but I think that was mainly down to the closeness I felt with him anyway. I felt that we connected on a very deep level (intellectually, socially, whatever you want to call it) and although he didn't manage to "rise to the occasion" on the first few attempts, he made absolutely sure that I was satisfied anyway (and omg, wasn't I just!!!)
As a few women on this thread have said, you seriously don't need a hard cock to satisfy a woman, but I don't think any man will ever truly believe that, no matter how many orgasms he gives a woman without one
I think that's a real shame :cry:
I really do find posting someting like this difficult but Dark And Mr Dark i can understand a lttle of what you have written, in 1999 i was struck with Meningitis and ended up in ITU for 14 days and was very close to losing the bottom half of my legs, i was pumped full of every violent antibiotic going which had a very adverse effect on my sex drive. which is still not as was it was and TLF really took it hard and i think harder then me i am sure she though it was because of her and it was a form of rejection, it has only been in the last 2 years that i have had the desire to have sex again,
The think i have to say though is that other sensation have increased as a result i find kissing and play a lot more passionate they full on penatrateive sex and seeing TLF orgasm is more erotic and sort of gives me an internall orgasm on a much deeper scale and i have to say this site is defantley help me get some of my sex drive back
Hopefull i have made sense if not please feel free to ask any question
And can i say Respect to Goose and Mr&Mrs Dark for posting cause you gave me the courage to post something
oooh have found out what a daisy chain is
Dammy - could well be :twisted:
Earthy xx