Hmm a completely PANTS conversation ! I love it.
For me I have bought ( this is probably quite dull ) Black Boxer Trunks exclusively.
I tend ( to the annoyance of my wife ) to wear a fresh pair every day or swap into a fresh pair on really sweaty days.
Since I only wear black boxer trunks I find I can spot when some of them are turning grey and needing the bin.
Its about the only metrosexual act you can catch me doing. I think.
talking of pouch:
Im thinking of quitting the fags... and have prepared to start running/jogging/whatever it's called these days, as I feel I will have an urge to get a bit healthier as a consequence.
so.. I have running shoes and sweats etc... but what about undies?
are there any runners in the fora who may have advice on what to wear underneath.. to prevent any chafing, rubbing... excess sweating?
and as an aside, is it the done thing to carry a small portable supply of oxygen as a beginner?
The only boxers I have ever tried were the loose flimsy type things. Absolutely no good at all. No support, no control so very uncomfortable.
I instantly went back to wearing briefs usually black and always tight enough to keep everything firmly in place.
I would be happy to try the tight fitting very short boxers and, judging by this thread, maybe I should!
Y fronts? No, not ever. Not since I was about 12!
When I joined the RAF in 1958 (yes, you heard right!!) we were issued with 'shreddies' - so-called as they were an aertex-type fabric, resembling poor-man's boxers....awful things, I blatantly broke Queens Regulations and Air Ministry Instructions by wearing civvy briefs, never been out of them since. (Well, I have, but you know what I mean!) Incidently, in case the ladies were'nt aware, the gay community are well into Kalvin Kleins....check out the pics on the gay sites! (I have...ooops...)