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Mentors required !!! Sign Here ...................!!!

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Over the past week or so there have been several posts concerning the behaviour of both new and old members. One of the points raised was concerning passing on advice to the newbies. This is something I brought up months and months ago, but never got round to dotting the i's and crossing the t's and was probably trying to overcomplicate it!!
However, now seems the right time to impliment it. The idea is this. I want a group of willing volunteers who would be allocated some newbies to chaperone for a while, to help them find their feet and guide them through the minefield of do's and don'ts on the Site. The newbies would apply to me and I would allocate them to a mentor. The mentor is not there to make sure they get a quick shag or an intro to a munch or meeting which they don't match the criteria for. What they ARE there for is to help them through that difficult time of knowing what to post, how often to post, who to contact, how to contact them and various other answer all the stupid questions that they want to ask and would get shot down if asked in open forum. This will only be for newbies who ask for it and will not be imposed on all. We will monitor it to see how well or not that it works and see whether it is worth the extra effort to continue.
That's the basics. For those who are interested in being a Mentor and who have the time, patience and understanding to do it, please PM me. Not everyone will be suitable, so please bear with me if you get knocked back. It isn't a 'no' for ever, just for the time being.
And if you are a newbie, please don't contact me yet about getting mentored. Let me get the system set up first and then I will post again asking for you to apply.
Hopefully this will help retain the good ones and give some of the 'oldies' a chance to pass on their wisdom and renew their interest in the Site.
Im not on as much as I used to be but if any newbies wanna pm me any reasonable questions i wouldnt mind biggrin
So are you volunteering Clare or thinking out loud? lol
Quote by mal609
So are you volunteering Clare or thinking out loud? lol

Ill tell you once I decide :lol:
What an absolutely marvellous idea Mal.
Wish you luck with it and hope it can be made to work.
Quote by dambuster
What an absolutely marvellous idea Mal.
Wish you luck with it and hope it can be made to work.

OOh are you volunteering too then??? lol :lol: :lol:
Comments on here are fine, but volunteers by PM please.
Fang Q !!! lol
Hi Mal
Just a quickie lol What is the definition of a newbie, is it ,
a) length of time been a member ?
b) number of posts ?
c) munches attended ?
d) meets attended ?
e) number of recommends by " oldies " ?
:love: xxx
Quote by hornet harlot
Hi Mal
Just a quickie lol What is the definition of a newbie, is it ,
a) length of time been a member ?
b) number of posts ?
c) munches attended ?
d) meets attended ?
e) number of recommends by " oldies " ?
:love: xxx

a and b would definitely define a newbie, the other categories are irrelevent as a lot of people don't go to either munches or meets. Recommendations - let's not go there!!!
Quote by mal609
Hi Mal
Just a quickie lol What is the definition of a newbie, is it ,
a) length of time been a member ?
b) number of posts ?
c) munches attended ?
d) meets attended ?
e) number of recommends by " oldies " ?
:love: xxx

a and b would definitely define a newbie, the other categories are irrelevent as a lot of people don't go to either munches or meets. Recommendations - let's not go there!!!
Right......... so what is the desired lenght of time? and the required number of posts confused:
:love: xxx
There's no hard and fast rule. Someone who joined 18 months ago and has only posted 3 times could, in fact still be classed as a newbie. Conversely, someone who joined a month ago and has posted hundreds of posts could also be classed as a newbie.
Anyone got a piece of string? :shock:
Well as i seem to get more than my fair share of newbies wanting help i might as well apply, though i rather think imight be on of the ones you dont want to have!!
After saying that i dont want inundating with teenagers or students!! rolleyes Can we assume you will be matching mentors to newbies and vice versa?
Quote by foxylady 123
Well as i seem to get more than my fair share of newbies wanting help i might as well apply, though i rather think imight be on of the ones you dont want to have!!
After saying that i dont want inundating with teenagers or students!! rolleyes Can we assume you will be matching mentors to newbies and vice versa?

Knew you were abit of a softy really.........
Hmmmmmmmmmm.................this is an interesting one Mal.
Do we gat allocated just anyone randomly or can we pitch you for people who fit, for example fit, horny chick who fancies a fit, horny trucker? wink :wink: :twisted: :twisted:
Um, just joking really! redface surprisedops: :oops: :oops:
PS :idea: :idea:
Wouldn't it be better if you PMd the people you think would fit the bill and asked them if they'd take it on board? I'd feel less rejected that way if I didn't get a PM from you rather than me asking you if I could do it and then being refused dunno :undecided: :undecided:
i dunno if i'm the best person to be a mentor, but i'm willing to give it a shot!... i tend to try and help some of the newbies in the chatroom, when the Ops are not around.
deleted in edit as once again I proved that rule about not opening up your mouth to show everyone you're an idiot.
Quote by mal609

For those who are interested in being a Mentor and who have the time, patience and understanding to do it, please PM me.
And if you are a newbie, please don't contact me yet about getting mentored. Let me get the system set up first.

One of the points of having a mentor is to explain to them about reading posts properly and answering what's been asked!!
And no, Rick, you can't choose your newbies!!!
Quote by foxylady 123
After saying that i dont want inundating with teenagers or students!! rolleyes Can we assume you will be matching mentors to newbies and vice versa?

What wrong with students? sad
:laughabove: why not see if anyone wants help going to the loo to rolleyes they mite not be able to do that on there own :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove:
Quote by satin
:laughabove: why not see if anyone wants help going to the loo to rolleyes they mite not be able to do that on there own :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove:

It's aimed at helping them get the best from the Site, Satin. If they have an incontinence problem, I think it would be better if they spoke to their family GP, don't you?
How's this plan shaping up, Mal?
Care for updating us?
I'll give ya a BJ if you tell.
I am quite a newbie myself, but wouldn't mind helping out anyone who is genuinely trying to get to grips with the site/etiquite etc... nice idea, could have done with it myself at some points when i first joined, instead of bothering people who couldn't be arsed...
Count me in...
Quote by Vix
How's this plan shaping up, Mal?
Care for updating us?
I'll give ya a BJ if you tell.

Just a quick update, thanks for the prompt Vix!!
So far I've had over 20 volunteers to be mentors and thank you all for offering. I appreciate it very much. Over the next couple of days I'll get it sorted and let those know who will be doing it. As this is a trial to see how well it works, it's likely I'll start with about half a dozen. That doesn't mean to say I'm snubbing the rest, far from it. If the trial is successful, then I will be contacting the others to see if they still wish to be mentors.
Thanks again lol
Quote by firebladegriff
Well i wouldn't mind a little help. Cheers

Read thru the thread again, hun.
I am sure as soon as this is set up and running, we'll all be informed what's what.
In the meantime... give us a shout if you get stuck, ok?
i am quite a newbie, but as i was helped out and mentored during my early months at sh i wouldnt mind helping people out.
I am a kind hearted soul and would love to give something back to SH.
I was going to offer but then I realised it didn'y say Minator - that could have given some poor sod a shock :shock:
i will be a mentor to any girls between the ages of 16-20,anything above i want mentoring lolol
I am what you call a newbie, just joined today and I think Mal's idea will help people like me to move around here without offending anybody and to follow the site rules, and hopefully have as much fun as the rest of you
Quote by acetates
i will be a mentor to any girls between the ages of 16-20,anything above i want mentoring lolol

Well, since the lower age limit on here is 18, you've narrowed your choices down quite considerably, haven't you? confused