can user photo`s be posted via e-mail?
if not are there any plans to make this possible?
As far as I can tell, you can save an ad photo in the usual manner. You should then be able to attach the photo to an email and send it... but why would you want to?
I must confess I'm not entire sure what you're on about. Can you be more specific about the problem you're having?
As a beginer struggling to understand the complexities of computers, could some genius advise me on how to change a file from txt to one that can be read?
I have saved some photo's on to a floppy disk and when I try to use them all I get is a lot of symbols, but no photo's, when I go to properties, it says it is a TXT file and I don't know how to change it.
I would be gratefull, if someone would explain to me why my photos have been put in a TXT file, as it wasn't intentional and am interested to know how to avoid it in future.
hiya mate...
Not sure how you saved them, but mostly if they have been saved in the wrong format ie as a .txt file, you should just be able to rename the file but obviously as a graphic file.
Do you know what they were before hand? .jpg .gif etc?
try just renaming with the diferent extension.
the question i was asking is .... is it possible to add a photo to my ad via e-mail, i.e sent via e-mail from a camera phone
The pic you want to add to your ad needs to be located on your computer. When you click to attach a photo to your ad, the software asks you for the location of the pic on your hard drive or floppy...
You can't create an ad via email - it has to be done whilst online and hooked up to the site.
That's about all I can tell you, Russell..