is it just me or are people either too lazy or just down right rude when it comes to messaging
surely a simple no thanks is not too much to ask or if sending a message something a bit more than do you want a fuck might be nice
mike x
Quote by mike2453
is it just me or are people either too lazy or just down right rude when it comes to messaging
surely a simple no thanks is not too much to ask or if sending a message something a bit more than do you want a fuck might be nice
mike x
Quote by mike2453
is it just me or are people either too lazy or just down right rude when it comes to messaging
surely a simple no thanks is not too much to ask or if sending a message something a bit more than do you want a fuck might be nice
mike x
Quote by couplefunuk
I've said it before and i'll say it again. I don't think it's rude to not reply. 9 times out of 10 the mail we receive is well outside our criteria. That's unsolicited and i'm not wasting my time replying when they didn't waste their time reading our profile.
I used to. Most times i'd get a response saying "why not", or "but i'm only 2/5/12 years outside your age limits" then once i'd replied to that (and the other 2 or 3 mails that had come in whilst I was doing that) I'd get another one back in response saying something to try and change my mind. So now I've got 4 to reply to with another 3 or 4 coming in whilst i'm doing that. You can see how that could get rather time consuming? You're not the only person mailing people. Once or twice I got a "well I didn't wanna fuck you anyway you ugly cow" Theres several reasons right there why some people don;t reply.
For the odd one who clearly did read our profile but we're just not attracted to, then we will usually reply.
I think a non response can be taken as a no. If you're that outraged by it then maybe a swinging site is not right for you?