I agree, no mud-slinging, but just to reiterate.....
The jury did not find Michael Jackson innocent of child molestation charges; they found him not guilty by virtue of reasonable doubt.
Quote by blonde
Why would any Mother or Father let their children go and stay with a 40 year old man anyway ?
The Mother said she knew they slept in the same bed.......... fgs
Some of the witnesses for the defence said they knew their kids had slept in the same bad as him !!!
HELLO !!!!! ............ these are the people who need locking up !
Quote by Mark
good answer mark
Quote by SXBOY
no smoke without fire
Quote by SXBOY
its just too un believable hes done nothing wrong
Quote by longhandle8
I've said this before but we should be more concerned that the verdict safeguards the future welfare of children ! The most worrying outcome of this verdict is the potential message it sends to the general public that it's ok for an adult to have a continual stream of young boys sleep in the same room with him alone
Quote by longhandle8
all involved (accused and guardians) should have been taken to task for putting the the children in the position in the first place.
Quote by blonde
Why would any Mother or Father let their children go and stay with a 40 year old man anyway ?
Quote by SXboy
hes been in trouble / accused before of same things
Quote by wishmaster
. . . . . quite a lot of stuff . . . .
Quote by Jags
How any of you can claim to know better than the 12 people who sat through the trial for 4 months and heard every single bit of evidence is totally beyond me.
:censored: :censored: :censored:
Quote by Marya
How any of you can claim to know better than the 12 people who sat through the trial for 4 months and heard every single bit of evidence is totally beyond me.
:censored: :censored: :censored:
Quote by Jags
Nope - Kinkyluton has been told why he's been banned and it's not appropriate to discuss in the open forum. It's a matter between Kinky and Mark and nothing to do with anyone else at all.
As for MJ - he was found not guilty of all the 10 charges put before the court. What else he may have done was not subject to trial. But I do have to repeat my outright horror at some of the comments left here. Stinks of lynch mob attitude and I really don't want any part of it.
Quote by Libra+Love
He was not found innocent. He was found not guilty without reasonable doubt.
Makes no diffs to me how bloody eccentric he is. What he did, and those around who turned a blind eye, was wrong.
Quote by neilinleeds
I've said this before but we should be more concerned that the verdict safeguards the future welfare of children ! The most worrying outcome of this verdict is the potential message it sends to the general public that it's ok for an adult to have a continual stream of young boys sleep in the same room with him alone
Quote by Libra+Love
Tabloids/newpapers...sometimes they get it right, sometimes they get it wrong, sometimes it's pure sensationalism and sometimes they can't go near it for the costs in legal damages. But you'll trust them your footie scores, match break downs and team character assassinations etc. What's with that? Selective tabloid crap reading?
I watched that Neverland interview. Anyone got it? Watch that kid's body language. I'm no expert, I do however recognised that behaviour.
Quote by Calista
The "payoff" however many years ago has always left me uncomfortable ... not because I saw it as a hush up but any parent who suspects their child of being abused and accepts money instead of justice leaves me sick to my stomach. If MJ did abuse that boy and paid up, then the parents of that boy should be prosecuted for not stopping him with a court case then ... instead they possibly "allowed him to move to his next victim" sick sick sick. A child's (any child's) protection is surely worth more than money?
I have no idea if he abused those boys or not, I have no idea if he is innocent or not. i do know though that the parents of those children are at least morally responsible for endangering their children, there is no way on this earth I would agree to leave my child alone with anyone who wasn't family and even then it depends on who it is. They were blinded by his money to allow it at the time, and then saw the chance to make after it.
Quote by longhandle8
I'm concerned that a statement should be made that this situation was inappropriate for all concerned, such that any abusers can't quote this case as a precedence in their defence.
Quote by neilinleeds
I'm concerned that a statement should be made that this situation was inappropriate for all concerned, such that any abusers can't quote this case as a precedence in their defence.
Come on Neil, my point about sharing a bed was clearly pertaining to the trial and specifically at people who aren't parents or guardians. Your response sounds like you're looking for an argument thats not there
Quote by Ice Pie
He was not found innocent. He was found not guilty without reasonable doubt.
Quote by neilinleeds
Come on Neil, my point about sharing a bed was clearly pertaining to the trial and specifically at people who aren't parents or guardians. Your response sounds like you're looking for an argument thats not there
Quote by Jags
He was not found innocent. He was found not guilty without reasonable doubt.
Quote by SXBOY
Asked by nationally syndicated radio host Howard Stern whether anyone on the jury had wanted to convict Jackson, juror Eleanor Cook said, "a lot of us wanted to, but we couldn't."