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Michael Jackson - the verdict is out!!

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Quote by tallnhairy
Well put Jas, we live in a world where you need training to cover yourself from 'false' claims before you can work with kids is it a surprise that these charges were levied? Sorry still think he was innocent, eccentric does not make you an abuser...

Totally agree with you babe
and it looks like 8 women and 4 gentlemen did too
Hope they just leave him alone now
in the words of steve v
money talks........if it was you or me.. do you think we get let of?....
Quote by kinkyluton
in the words of steve v
money talks........if it was you or me.. do you think we get let of?....

Given the credibility of the witnesses and the quality of the testimony against him, yes.
Quote by Mark
Hahaha Mark Appreciation Department (M.A.D) :P

Watch out Mark your fans are massing, if the line gets too out of control you could always call in the Black Dalek Security Men...
but on topic, thanks Vicky smile, I hate to hear 'The world we are in today...' Did someone change it when I wasn't looking? It is the same world, we just catch the buggers now. Still we have to see conspiracy everywhere. Each one we catch rather than making us feel more secure is reported in a way that makes us think 'how many more have we missed?' Its the half full or half empty glass of milk arguement. If the Police catch 50% more than last year is that because suddenly more people went off the rails, or the Police just did a good job? Does paranoia have to set in until we keep our kids under lock and key all the time to make them 'safe'?
I suppose I have 3 major beefs with anything to do with this, all of them I think affected MJ case in some way:
1. The way as I say above the media has us all searching for that ' ', you would think they are everywhere. Now I'm all for vigilence, but really it goes too far sometimes. (IMHO)
2. The way because of number 1 you can't even think somthing is going to far as you instantly go under suspicion if you do.
3. Peoples lives destroyed by false accusations, because even when equitted they get comments behind their back and people out to get them? Can't we protect the accused until / if they are found guilty? Still report on a man, or a woman, but keep identity a secret?
Just remember I not defending the real abusers, they get long jail sentances and life long monitoring, this is good, but to site two examples (both people were known to me so these not 3rd hand stories):
Example one where the 15 year old admitted she made alligations up after a parent pointed out that when the alleged abuse was taking place the teacher was outside the room talking to them. So the alleged incident could not have happened. Still nearly lost them their job. Under cross examination the kid admitted they did it to get back at the teacher for a low grade...
Example two where a totally innocent person had slogans ( , etc) daubed all over their home. Someone else where they worked was found to be an abuser, and locals saw the company car and decided it must be them.
Just a couple of examples of how 2 and 2 can make 76... I hope all the real abusers get caught, and I hope todays kids still have the freedom to enjoy life without restrictions to protect them to the point the cure is worse than the disease...
ok rant over and I still think MJ was a man with eccentric (by modern standards) attitudes, but with innocent intent, caught in a world where we almost expect abuse...
Ah fuck it.....
Did you all need a bloody invite to witness it personally?
Quote by Ice Pie
in the words of steve v
money talks........if it was you or me.. do you think we get let of?....

Given the credibility of the witnesses and the quality of the testimony against him, yes.
so had nothing to do with how good his lawyers was... oj simpsons comes to mind
Quote by tallnhairy
Hahaha Mark Appreciation Department (M.A.D) :P

Watch out Mark your fans are massing, if the line gets too out of control you could always call in the Black Dalek Security Men...
but on topic, thanks Vicky smile, I hate to hear 'The world we are in today...' Did someone change it when I wasn't looking? It is the same world, we just catch the buggers now. Still we have to see conspiracy everywhere. Each one we catch rather than making us feel more secure is reported in a way that makes us think 'how many more have we missed?' Its the half full or half empty glass of milk arguement. If the Police catch 50% more than last year is that because suddenly more people went off the rails, or the Police just did a good job? Does paranoia have to set in until we keep our kids under lock and key all the time to make them 'safe'?
I suppose I have 3 major beefs with anything to do with this, all of them I think affected MJ case in some way:
1. The way as I say above the media has us all searching for that ' ', you would think they are everywhere. Now I'm all for vigilence, but really it goes too far sometimes. (IMHO)
2. The way because of number 1 you can't even think somthing is going to far as you instantly go under suspicion if you do.
3. Peoples lives destroyed by false accusations, because even when equitted they get comments behind their back and people out to get them? Can't we protect the accused until / if they are found guilty? Still report on a man, or a woman, but keep identity a secret?
Just remember I not defending the real abusers, they get long jail sentances and life long monitoring, this is good, but to site two examples (both people were known to me so these not 3rd hand stories):
Example one where the 15 year old admitted she made alligations up after a parent pointed out that when the alleged abuse was taking place the teacher was outside the room talking to them. So the alleged incident could not have happened. Still nearly lost them their job. Under cross examination the kid admitted they did it to get back at the teacher for a low grade...
Example two where a totally innocent person had slogans ( , etc) daubed all over their home. Someone else where they worked was found to be an abuser, and locals saw the company car and decided it must be them.
Just a couple of examples of how 2 and 2 can make 76... I hope all the real abusers get caught, and I hope todays kids still have the freedom to enjoy life without restrictions to protect them to the point the cure is worse than the disease...
ok rant over and I still think MJ was a man with eccentric (by modern standards) attitudes, but with innocent intent, caught in a world where we almost expect abuse...
Certainly a tough balance nowadays, guess I still worry about the precedent that it's acceptable for a grown man to have a continual stream of young children sleeping in the same room with him....alone dunno
Quote by kinkyluton
in the words of steve v
money talks........if it was you or me.. do you think we get let of?....

Given the credibility of the witnesses and the quality of the testimony against him, yes.
so had nothing to do with how good his lawyers was... oj simpsons comes to mind
Just because Simpson killed his wife, doesn't mean all rich people are guilty, and it doesn't mean all poor people get convicted. If Jackson were poor, I believe he would still have been acquitted, whether he actually did it or not, and not because he had clever lawyers but simply because the case against him was such a farce and an obvious stitch up.
You'll know me normally as a man of few words so I apologise in advance for the length of this post - This rant was written before the jury began deliberation. Does the verdict change anything written here? Nope.
I was born in the seventies, and I like to say I really lived in the eighties. Needless to say, I was exposed to the gloved one pretty early on, and like everyone in the world it seemed, I was amazed at the man. No, I don't mind admitting that a pimply, sickly, little kid from West London, was a Michael Jackson fan. Seems like a better question was who wasn't?
The changes.
So after MJ had become a fixture in our collective pop culture did we start to see the changes. Sure, musicians are eccentric by nature. Pushing that particular -envelope seemed part of the job. But MJ, well let's just say he was pushing alot harder. When news about Neverland hit the press, we all thought pretty much the same thing. "Must be nice to have that much money to throw around." Often times we said this while looking at our Wageslip, which was at least twice as small as we thought it should be. Then the tabloids focused on MJ like no one else. It seemed like the man couldn't have a bowel movement without the press picking him apart for how, why and when. So in that respect alot of us thought "If I were in his shoes I'd act weird, too."
Then... it started getting beyond weird. The skin, for one thing. I have a unique perspective. When I was in Primary Schooll I had a classmate named Tina Buchannon. She was a black girl, and she was one of those kids who made friends out of everybody. I loved hanging around with her. Her mother, on the other hand, scared the living hell out of me. She had that skin disease, the one where her skin was colored with random splotches of white. Something about the pattern of those blotches of color in her skin made her face seem to come alive when she talked. Even the smallest word or motion and she seemed to be making horrific faces. So when MJ suddenly appeared chalk white, and a touch thinner to boot, I thought "Ok, I can see why" and quickly forgot about it.
The money.
Ok, let's just put this out front. If you didn't know Michael Jackson was obscenely rich in his prime, well you were in the dark. And as his insane spending begin to reach its zenith, I think even MJ himself was convinced he was obscenely rich. Too rich to ever go broke, it seems. Buying things that were always thought to be above purchase became the norm for the ol' gloved one. Right around this time did small hints and allegations of financial woes began to surface for MJ. I'm pretty certain most of us thought the same thing. "He's got the money." Now in retrospect, a five year old can see how MJ was spending money faster than he was making it. You doubt it? Look at his global record sales from fifteen years ago, then look at them today. Hell, you can look on Ebay and see how he has devalued.
The habits.
I'm not going to pretend about this for a minute, dammit the man is weird. Beyond normal "I want to be left alone" weird. If I were a young man in the center of his universe, with all his resources and notoriety, I would be absolutely smothering in pussy. After the novelty wore off I would no doubt see the light of day and hopefully come back to reality. Reality being a little more caution and some conservation. But MJ.... well he was petting Bubbles the chimp and playing with his own little zoo of exotic animals. So he let kids - sick kids foremost - come to his personal Shangri-la for free. That is great and very kind of the man. It was and still is a very generous gesture. But..... after we hear he has children sleep in his bed, well that whole generous and kind shit starts to look like "Hey kid I'll give you a piece of candy if you'll sit on my lap." Can we fairly say that was his motive? Who knows?
I don't think he had his little three ring circus built for the specific purpose of grooming child victims, not for a minute. What I do believe is that MJ is a man who has always been and still is CHANGING and if the desire to be with a child in such a way developed, he had the perfect setup to indulge himself. Putting myself in the man's shoes, I bet I would be insanely cautious about everything. Imagine those crazy ass - and yes I did say CRAZY - fans of his, everywhere he goes. It seems that some of the habits he developed because of his crazy followers could be used as a disguise for other things. We see a brief clip of MJ ducking behind a door - well hell, we all think "Of course, it's Michael Jackson, he has to run and hide for some privacy." Maybe I'm wrong, but I think he has played that card for all it's worth, and some very disturbing habits of MJ have started to appear obvious to us.
The fans.
I'll get no less than a thousand hate mails for this next paragraph alone. Oh well, HIT ME. Most Michael Jackson fans are regular people. Some of his devout fans are normal people as well. Many of them are people who contribute positively to our society. But.. as for the ones who follow him like he's some kind of God come to earth, YOU PEOPLE ARE SAD, PATHETIC AND TO BE PITIED. Furthermore, I want MJ's fanatic fans to think about this, the people in the jury are every day people like ALL OF US. They have families, lives, friends and people they love waiting for them when this trial is over. In the mean time YOU ARE MAKING THEIR LIFE HELL with your behavior. If you believe MJ is innocent, then stay your crazy asses away from the court house and let the judge and jury do their jobs. Quit complicating the procedure. Don't you think when the jury gets sick of your antics they are going to be angry at MJ for it? After all it's his name you are screaming. It's him you all seem to worship. And call it what you want, it's worship. Maybe instead of showing up at the court house hours before the start of the trial each day, you should go out and try to GET A FUCKING LIFE. If it's that hard for you, let me know. I'll burn you a few of my Prince cd's. Prince is eccentric too, but at least he can play any musical instrument like a madman, and oh, he likes PUSSY.
( Did I seem a touch angry about that? Yep, you're right. I've lived through the insane crowd scenario first hand. And believe me, people suffer for the actions of fanatics. )
The families of the children.
I agree with most of you when I think "What the hell were those parents thinking, letting their child spend the night with an eccentric, rich weirdo behind locked doors and barred gates in the first place?" I agree that those thoughts are at the front of all our minds. It also led me to a sort of epiphany. It really made me mad, it did. I have seen cancer first hand. It's a fucking green eyed monster. It's a harsh, hungry snake mean son of a bitch and when you think it's going to relent, it comes back three times as strong. So I have also been through the whole long hospital ordeals so many of us have. You know what I mean. Up the lifts, down them again, over to this wing, wait in this room, stand in that line, wait on the phone, fill in this form, wait in another line for whatever else, spend days on end waiting for.... folks it just goes on and on. So my point? After a while it does certainly make things feel hopeless.
Enter stage right.......... a man with endless finances who has taken an interest in your dying child's welfare. I can see how a parent who was distraught with fear and hurt would be blinded to the obvious by even the smallest sign of, you got it, HOPE. And that is why it makes me so damned mad. Am I excusing it? Why hell no. I still think it's foolish and odd as hell, but I can certainly see why someone clinging onto no hope at all is suddenly willing to let things like that happen. When you are faced with losing a loved one, a child no less, you're a hell of alot more open to suggestion. Desperation is, in its own way, just as mean a son of a bitchr as cancer. It can certainly force your hand.
I don't think it's right for the parents to let their children spend a single minute alone with MJ, but knowing how it feels to watch them slowly die, and believing the man holding their hand is the only one who can help, well I guess I can see why they would make such a terrible and obvious mistake.
The worship.
It's clear as a crystal bell to me. MJ wants to be worshiped. He hopes the crowd of fans never goes away. Reality check Mr. Happy Pants, they are dwindling. And quickly, too. The ones that are left, well dammit man just look at them. More hate mail will come from this, but man oh man are they a poor fucking crowd or what? I still consider myself a fan of his music, but I won't chase his limo down the block screaming and tearing my shirt off. Maybe Weight Watchers could cop a deal with his fan club, run that limo around the block three times in a row, trim some of that fatl off his psycho fans.
The music.
I admit it, I hear one of his older songs on the radio every now and then and I crank that shit right up. He has a few songs I think will always be classics, even if he were to rise to be the next Hitler. Why the Hitler reference? Well think of this, is either one more well known than the other?? So I like some of his music and sing along. I draw the line there, and I can not identify with someone who does not. Let's say you are a singer, composer, dancer, etc etc. I can appreciate you having a deeper appreciation for the man than I do. But give me one good reason to take it beyond that?
The race card.
This just baffles me. In the eighties Michael Jackson single handedly knocked down racial barriers with his (then) squeaky clean image and snappy dance moves. He has sold just as many albums to white people as to any other demographic. Then, years later he sues Sony music for... you guessed it. Discrimination. Please, I mean really. I honestly thought he was above that. MJ got filthy rich standing on the shoulders of the entire world and America, black and white. ( I bought the album Dangerous just because of a sound byte on the song Jam, a really cool glass breaking sound - so there, I admit I helped pay for one of the doorknobs somewhere in Neverland. I also bought the Smooth Criminal single. Annie are you ok, are you ok Annie?!? )
The cohorts.
Ok, so you're filthy steenking rich. You need a lot of people to help you keep your affairs in order. That makes sense. So let's do this, a simple scientific experiment. Take a picture of each of MJ's close associates, aides, whatever the hell you call them. Put the pictures side by side and show them to any person over the age of eighteen. Anyone, regardless of age, color, ethnicity, etc. Nine out of ten will most likely say the same thing you and I did. Looks like a bunch of fucking thugs to me. Shifty looking, shady characters they are.
The truth.
I honestly, honestly hope MJ is innocent. If it's all an ugly lie then he should be vindicated. But what a lot of his fans and followers haven't taken into consideration is this; Most people who believe MJ is guilty didn't come to the conclusion immediately. We've seen things over the years that make us ask questions, that raise concerns, and over time we've felt growing doubts about the man. In time a picture is painted with words, actions and images. If the man were proved innocent beyond a shadow of a doubt tomorrow, how many of us would be somewhat relieved.....but still think "Damn he's just plain weird"? So the doubt is most certainly justified.
The kid.
What if everything stopped suddenly? The trial, the media coverage, the insane fanfare. What happens to the kid? Will his treatment continue? Will he be faced with another tumor? Why hasn't anyone in the ever present media mentioned his best/worst case scenario? Of course, there will be a few belly crawling scum bags who will eventually point the finger at the kid himself. Put yourself in his shoes. What is his best hope for day to day life? I would say at this point, a shit load of confusion, at best. I hope that he can scour a little hope out of all of this, and maybe some vindication.
The mother.
I'll make this perfectly clear. I feel the kid's mother is trying her best to get into MJ's pockets. Is she trying to take advantage of MJ in order to get a fat cheque? I think so. BUT... I also feel that MJ himself took advantage of the opportunity to indulge himself. He felt that by using his resources - that being money, people, and more money - he could quell any situation that might occur. I strongly believe that if MJ is convicted, child welfare services should conduct an equal investigation into the mother's conduct as well. I feel there have been too many strange incidents and too many odd occurrences surrounding MJ and children for the issue to be ignored. What if the court determined he was innocent, but afterward he continued sleeping with young boys? I know how that would make me feel, how about you? Furthermore, name one other celebrity who could do such a thing and effectively pass it off as harmless?
MJ's family.
When someone close to us is accused, we want to believe in them. We want to trust them. So for MJ's family, well I truly feel for them. I think the entire Jackson family is living proof that enough money and attention can drive anyone just plain crazy.
After the trial.
Face it, most of The World is going to be sick and tired of the trial way before it's over with. If he's found innocent, then by all means let the man live his life. Just one condition... could he do it else where? I mean, damn. I'm sick of hearing his name. Give Neverland to the American Cancer Society and let his henchmen run the Ferris wheel for half of what he was paying them to kiss his arse. Move to some obscure country and be at peace with your bad self. And if he's guilty, then he faces what any of us would. Let's hope. After seeing Scott Peterson convicted, some of my lost faith in the system was restored. Let's just see what happens.
In closing.
That's my Ten Pence worth. Some of you agree, some of you hate me. I have given some of you what you wanted to hear, and others, well I've pissed you off. Either way, at the very least I've given you what I feel is the TRUTH. Why are you reading my ten pences worth and I'm not reading yours? Well because I took time to share mine, that's why. And I encourage you to do the same.
Now beat it.
Laughing insanely rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
AOL News:
Another juror said testimony about Jackson sleeping with boys made him believe Jackson probably was a molester, but it was not proved in this case.
"I feel that Michael Jackson probably has molested boys,'' Raymond Hultman said. "I cannot believe that... this man could sleep in the same bedroom for 365 straight days and not do something more than just watch television and eat popcorn.
"I mean, that doesn't make sense to me.
But that doesn't make him guilty of the charges that were presented in this case and that's where we had to make our decision.''
If a member of the jury can say this, why can't a member of this site?
Any answers for why someone who posted on this thread a comment that some people may find offensive but is still a worthy argument within a debate, has been banned !!!!! ... when said same person was allowed to be publicly abused and humiliated just days ago by another site member and that member was not banned????
If your face fits ... like I said all along.
BTW, I think Jackson is GUILTY, so shoot me!
I'm soo glad he's been proved innocent, i have been a huge fan of his since he had big hair and a wide nose LOL. The case would never have got to court, if it was Joe Bloggs from the street. Tom Sneddon was a man on a mission, looking to further his career on the back of the greatest entertainer the world has ever seen. People have been riding on his back for years looking for their own personal gain. Yes he's wierd, i myself am a father and there's no way i'd let my kids get in bed with anybody even if it s MJ. But this man is not a . As to those who say his career is over, i don't believe that for a second, purely because of his fan base, it's huge, so for as long he continues to make/sell music he will constantly reach No.1. Gone are the days when artists sell 20 million albums, Thriller has sold 60 million and counting, Bad sold 27 million and counting, Off The Wall has sold 20 million and counting, Dangerous has sold 25 million and counting. The fact is his back catallogue still out sells a lot of todays music so finished i think not! Will he gain new fans, well that's a different matter and only time will tell.
But today he is free man, i would say he needs help, whether or not he'll get it i s another matter.
The prosecution were unable to present their case "without reasonable doubt".
Too much money, silences bought and paid for, look at the mans history. Who the hell pays out £xxxxxx if he's innocent. Sorry guys, this case is still not resolved.
Wonder how some of those paid off victims feel now he hasn't been found guilty as I'm sure they must have convinced themselves he would be.
What really gets my goat mad is it's hard enough for child abuse victims to come forward and tell someone in the first place.
How awfull when no one believes you!
Ditto ditto ditto babe !!! brilliant post.........
I dont believe that any Mother who thinks their child had been abused .............would take money from the abuser and let it go..............(.there just isn't enough money in the world ! )................ I would take an axe from the garage and chop it off !!!!
That's why I believe he is innocent
would you let him babysit your 10 to 14 year old kids at his own house ?
NO REALLY !!! would you
thought not
Exactly what I said in the chatroom yesterday....
If your child was (allegedly!) plyed with alcohol and shared a bed with a 40 year old man would you seriously not have any doubts about him? Hmmmmmmm! rolleyes
Quote by SXBOY
would you let him babysit your 10 to 14 year old kids at his own house ?
NO REALLY !!! would you
thought not

No babe.............. I wouldnt coz I think he is strange, weird etc etc........
but I also wouldnt accept any amount of money if I thought he had so much as looked at them in an inappropriate manner............ let alone more than that !!!
blonde as usual i am right behind you on that one,,if i had kids and that happened the only money being spent would be on a grave stone
your loyal stalker
To MJ, in the words of Bob Dylan.....
Standing on the waters casting your bread
While the eyes of the idol with the iron head are glowing.
Distant ships sailing into the mist,
You were born with a snake in both of your fists while a hurricane was blowing.
Freedom just around the corner for you
But with the truth so far off, what good will it do?
Jokerman dance to the nightingale tune,
Bird fly high by the light of the moon,
Oh, oh, oh, Jokerman.
So swiftly the sun sets in the sky,
You rise up and say goodbye to no one.
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread,
Both of their futures, so full of dread, you don't show one.
Shedding off one more layer of skin,
Keeping one step ahead of the persecutor within.
Jokerman dance to the nightingale tune,
Bird fly high by the light of the moon,
Oh, oh, oh, Jokerman.
You're a man of the mountains, you can walk on the clouds,
Manipulator of crowds, you're a dream twister.
You're going to Sodom and Gomorrah
But what do you care? Ain't nobody there would want to marry your sister.
Friend to the martyr, a friend to the woman of shame,
You look into the fiery furnace, see the rich man without any name.
Jokerman dance to the nightingale tune,
Bird fly high by the light of the moon,
Oh, oh, oh, Jokerman.
Well, the Book of Leviticus and Deuteronomy,
The law of the jungle and the sea are your only teachers.
In the smoke of the twilight on a milk-white steed,
Michelangelo indeed could've carved out your features.
Resting in the fields, far from the turbulent space,
Half asleep near the stars with a small dog licking your face.
Jokerman dance to the nightingale tune,
Bird fly high by the light of the moon,
Oh. oh. oh. Jokerman.
Well, the rifleman's stalking the sick and the lame,
Preacherman seeks the same, who'll get there first is uncertain.
Nightsticks and water cannons, tear gas, padlocks,
Molotov cocktails and rocks behind every curtain,
False-hearted judges dying in the webs that they spin,
Only a matter of time 'til night comes steppin' in.
Jokerman dance to the nightingale tune,
Bird fly high by the light of the moon,
Oh, oh, oh, Jokerman.
It's a shadowy world, skies are slippery gray,
A woman just gave birth to a prince today and dressed him in scarlet.
He'll put the priest in his pocket, put the blade to the heat,
Take the motherless children off the street
And place them at the feet of a harlot.
Oh, Jokerman, you know what he wants,
Oh, Jokerman, you don't show any response.
Jokerman dance to the nightingale tune,
Bird fly high by the light of the moon,
Oh, oh, oh, Jokerman.
it dont matter what you think of michael jackson .love him or hate him the fact is the evedence against him was pathetic and no sane jury could convict him on anything given the so called evedence they were given.
almost anywhere else in america he would have been GUILTY
california dont do majority convictions must be 12-0 to get a verdict
Money motivates many people to do things other people may find abhorrent, so
..... yes, maybe if it looked like the parents would be fighting a losing battle .. against someone of such wealth, fame and social stature, then yes, maybe they would accept a reasonable settlement/pay-off as compensation and to avoid dragging their poor kid and the rest of the family through the courts, media etc.
Doesn't make him any the less guilty just cos he paid them off. In fact, I think it proves it more. If he knew he was innocent, why would he be buying people's silence?
Quote by Marya
Doesn't make him any the less guilty just cos he paid them off. In fact, I think it proves it more. If he knew he was innocent, why would he be buying people's silence?

guilty of what sxboy ????????? show me some good piece of evedence well any evedence ?????????? .lets get one thing strait here the fact is if this was a joe bloggs in the dock with no money and fame it would have never got to court .like i said before no evedence no convition
Quote by pleasure40070
guilty of what sxboy ????????? show me some good piece of evedence well any evedence ?????????? .lets get one thing strait here the fact is if this was a joe bloggs in the dock with no money and fame it would have never got to court .like i said before no evedence no convition

Yes you're right. With the state the courts are in he'd be walking the streets like my dad and the rest of the pedos.
40 year old ADULTS do not sleep with kids. End of!
Quote by pleasure40070
guilty of what sxboy ????????? show me some good piece of evedence well any evIdence ?????????? .lets get one thing straIGHT here the fact is if this was a joe bloggs in the dock with no money and fame it would have never got to court .like i said before no evIdence no conviCtion

MJ has paid off kids parents
lots of ex staff have questioned his motives
Quote by redstilletto
no smoke with out fire
You should see my exhaust pipe
Jackson would never have been able to gain access to boys in the same way if he was not so wealthy and naïve. The case in 1993 set a precedent and was bound to be eventually abused by some unscrupulous mother who was quite willing to let their child be exposed to a “potential ” in order to make an allegation whether any improprieties occurred or not.
“In 1993, Tom Sneddon was given the job of investigating claims made by another 13-year-old boy against Jackson. Sneddon clearly believed that he had enough to bring Jackson to trial and was angered when the singer settled with the boy and his parents for sums estimated at between $10m and $25m (£5.9 to £14.7 m).” – he cut his nose off to spite his face in this case.
i hate pedos libra love i just dont beleive jacko is .hes strange yeh i grant u that that and i beleive he has brought all the problems he has onto himself with the wacky lifestyle he leads but the trial was run by the accusers mother and as a witness she would have done a better job if she was sitting on the defence rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:this trial was all about money as all trials are when famous rich ppl are involved (russel crow throws a phone and bloke wants a million dollors compo ) everyone has there own oppinions on the case and i'm sure there will be many more posts on this thread but just for the record i always said he was not guilty and the flimsey evedence that was given to the court has proved me there anybody out there that could say they would convict him on the evedence given .if so what peice of evedence. i am not talking like hey i hate jacko lets convict him or i think hes guilty i am asking could u hand on heart convict him on this evedence
Quote by wildwilly
Jackson would never have been able to gain access to boys in the same way if he was not so wealthy and naïve. The case in 1993 set a precedent and was bound to be eventually abused by some unscrupulous mother who was quite willing to let their child be exposed to a “potential ” in order to make an allegation whether any improprieties occurred or not.
“In 1993, Tom Sneddon was given the job of investigating claims made by another 13-year-old boy against Jackson. Sneddon clearly believed that he had enough to bring Jackson to trial and was angered when the singer settled with the boy and his parents for sums estimated at between $10m and $25m (£5.9 to £14.7 m).” – he cut his nose off to spite his face in this case.

It was actually MJ's insurance company who insisted on paying the damages not MJ, or so the story goes today rolleyes
good answer mark
but ive never been in trouble in my life
no smoke without fire
its just too un believable hes done nothing wrong