Got home today to be told my Mrs TE that she'd lost her front door key and hadn't been able to go out all day. She'd looked absolutely everywhere for 'em but to no avail. She was really worried that she'd left 'em somewhere and security was breached.
After a quick scour around meself we decided to retrace steps from when she last knew she had 'em and step by step we replayed the last moments of the keys only to find 'em on the conservatory table - out in the open!
How do you go about finding lost things?
yep, done similar with glasses, spent a minute or two looking for what is firmly planted on my face.
davej one would surmise you needed a new pair then :giggle:
:laughabove: I'm gobsmacked!!! :laughabove:
I put the sky remote in the freezer, still works thou after splashing out £25 quid 4 a new one because I couldn't find the bloody thing.
I guess it gets serious when you can't find the fridge?
:laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove:
:welcome: to the cafe sexyscorps :giggle: :giggle:
mr and mrs dpg xxxx
We have a girl at work who can and does lose anything and everything.... purse, bags, keys shopping the lot!! The funny part is whatever she mislays now shops all around us including the local police ring us first to see if anything handed in is hers first!!!
My own strange one was losing a set of keys in the river Trent years back when teaching canoeing to a group of kids, a quick roll and wham keys are gone from pocket to the bottom of the Trent........ no point in even trying to look. Then about 7 or 8 years after I got a knock on the door at about 11pm one night and standing there were 2 fishermen with my set of keys and they said they thought they were mine from a keyring picture of my daughter who was only 2 years old in the pic!! No denying she was mine then lol...
Mike x