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Miracles do happen

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Got home today to be told my Mrs TE that she'd lost her front door key and hadn't been able to go out all day. She'd looked absolutely everywhere for 'em but to no avail. She was really worried that she'd left 'em somewhere and security was breached.
After a quick scour around meself we decided to retrace steps from when she last knew she had 'em and step by step we replayed the last moments of the keys only to find 'em on the conservatory table - out in the open!
How do you go about finding lost things?
I start in the fridge tune....most lost things turn up in the fridge, I can only guess its that half asleep thing where I go in there to get the milk and stick me socks, ties, wallet and other personal tat that happens to be in my hand at the time back in there dunno
I do have a 'usefull things' box thats errrmm...full of unusefull things that occasionally turns up trumps, failing that, the same as you, I back track.
Quote by davej
I start in the fridge tune....most lost things turn up in the fridge, I can only guess its that half asleep thing where I go in there to get the milk and stick me socks, ties, wallet and other personal tat that happens to be in my hand at the time back in there dunno
I do have a 'usefull things' box thats errrmm...full of unusefull things that occasionally turns up trumps, failing that, the same as you, I back track.

I put the phone in the fridge the other day, we had to ring it to find it rolleyes loon
I usually retrace my steps even though my memory isnt that good anymore....
However, the most embarrassing time I lost something was when I had lost my keys and ransacked the Flat swearing oath's for over an hour, only to have my flatmate point out I had them in my hand all the time.....!
yep, done similar with glasses, spent a minute or two looking for what is firmly planted on my face.
davej one would surmise you needed a new pair then :giggle:

I put the phone in the fridge the other day, we had to ring it to find it rolleyes loon
Quote by redpantherman
davej one would surmise you needed a new pair then :giggle:

They are new RP, them ultra light bendy ones...don't even know your wearing them according to the adverts and dya know what?......they are right.
Quote by davej
davej one would surmise you needed a new pair then :giggle:

They are new RP, them ultra light bendy ones...don't even know your wearing them according to the adverts and dya know what?......they are right.
Mine are Titanium armed things (they're rimless) and I have the same problem.....I forget to take them off to go to sleep...... rolleyes
Quote by Pete_sw
I put the phone in the fridge the other day, we had to ring it to find it rolleyes loon

:laughabove: Tried ringing Angelica's phone the other day when she'd lost it (she doesn't lose everything) - didn't work - battery was flat. I found it when I sat on it.
Quote by davej
yep, done similar with glasses, spent a minute or two looking for what is firmly planted on my face.

Jeez - I've done that too!
I put the sky remote in the freezer, still works thou after splashing out £25 quid 4 a new one because I couldn't find the bloody thing.
Quote by Pete_sw
I put the phone in the fridge the other day, we had to ring it to find it rolleyes loon

Are you one of them cold callers we keep hearing about..........groan redface
I did read that this actually has some sort of rejuvenative benfit to the battery, although I suspect its just hogwash made up by folk that stick phones in fridges rotflmao
Quote by davej

I put the phone in the fridge the other day, we had to ring it to find it rolleyes loon

Are you one of them cold callers we keep hearing about..........groan redface
I did read that this actually has some sort of rejuvenative benfit to the battery, although I suspect its just hogwash made up by folk that stick phones in fridges rotflmao
Now I resemble that remark smackbottom
I guess it gets serious when you can't find the fridge?
Quote by westerross
I guess it gets serious when you can't find the fridge?
rotflmao :rotflmao:
Quote by westerross
I guess it gets serious when you can't find the fridge?

Your just being silly now rolleyes
Quote by Dlep
davej one would surmise you needed a new pair then :giggle:

They are new RP, them ultra light bendy ones...don't even know your wearing them according to the adverts and dya know what?......they are right.
Mine are Titanium armed things (they're rimless) and I have the same problem.....I forget to take them off to go to sleep...... rolleyes
Yep - same here too - and dont believe it when they say they are unbreakable!!
Like you Tune (hello to you and Angelica, by the way wave) I always retrace my steps and it usually works. Lately, I have started to mislay my mobile phone (simple I just call it), my keys and my glasses (which I hardly ever wear, which is why I can never remember where they are! :dohsmile.
As for the condoms, well we know perfectly well where they are - we just never think of it at the time! redface surprisedops:
Personally, I blame the mrs! bolt
(Something tells me I am going to pay for that one!) :shock:
one particular day mr dpg made a start on a partition wall (a start that took him 2 years to make) anyway 8 hours later the wall was finished skimmed and ready for painting.
the base unit for the phone starting ringing but couldnt find the phone spent the next 2 hours looking for it ringing it off the mobile ect ect ect going upstairs into the room with the new wall and low and behold the wall was ringing lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
then mr dpg suddenly remembered that his mate had rang up and he had put the phone down.................. yes on the wooden support batten in the middle of the wall and proceeded to put the plasterboard over it
telling him he would have to cut it out he was not impressed needless to say he went to argos the next day and brought a new one as apparently it was cheaper to do that than re do the whole wall.
:doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:
mr and mrs dpg xxxx (mrs dpg)
at work the other day the boss and i got out of the mercedes car and he swore he put the keys on the kitchen worktop,not just an ordinary set of keys but those fancy keyless entry dog has a habit of pinching things an takin them down the paddock out of his house ,well after 3 hrs searching the paddock to no avail he rings mercs and orders a new set at the princely sum of 300 pounds and the dog gets a severe rollocking!!!!. 3 days later im there and go to the banana stand for a banana and wo n behold,theres the keys hung on the stand!!the dip had hung them up on the banana stand instead of the key hook!!! when u got a valid excuse to rib the gaffer!!!! innocent :whistling: :whistling: lol
Quote by dpg230272
one particular day mr dpg made a start on a partition wall (a start that took him 2 years to make) anyway 8 hours later the wall was finished skimmed and ready for painting.
the base unit for the phone starting ringing but couldnt find the phone spent the next 2 hours looking for it ringing it off the mobile ect ect ect going upstairs into the room with the new wall and low and behold the wall was ringing lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
then mr dpg suddenly remembered that his mate had rang up and he had put the phone down.................. yes on the wooden support batten in the middle of the wall and proceeded to put the plasterboard over it
telling him he would have to cut it out he was not impressed needless to say he went to argos the next day and brought a new one as apparently it was cheaper to do that than re do the whole wall.

Classic :laughabove: Love it. Any number of corny comments spring to mind.
Quote by willxx69
Like you Tune (hello to you and Angelica, by the way wave) I always retrace my steps and it usually works. Lately, I have started to mislay my mobile phone (simple I just call it), my keys and my glasses (which I hardly ever wear, which is why I can never remember where they are! :dohsmile.
As for the condoms, well we know perfectly well where they are - we just never think of it at the time! redface surprisedops:
Personally, I blame the mrs! bolt
(Something tells me I am going to pay for that one!) :shock:

You mean you haven't already?? :lol:
I suppose you've tried the defence that 'it takes two tango' haven't you.
Didn't work, did it?
Hi Tune I have never posted before, even though I,ve been a member for quite a while.! But I had to let you know what my hubby did at Xstasia 2 years ago. We woke up in the hotel next door to club, got our things together ready to leave but we could not find our car keys anywhere. We searched that hotel top to bottom, knocking on all the upper floor levels (Swingers rooms) asking if they had seen keys. My hubby then says i,ll go an check the car incase I left them in it. TWO long hours later my hubby came back I was fuming at him for being away so long. He had gone to the car and it was open (he had not even locked the car the night before) BUT as he opened the car door in gale force winds it blew off and was thrown over the road, He went after the car door and was nearly killed himself as the gales had lifted him and edged him on to the main road. When he finaly got the door back to the car he realised he had nothing to tie it back on. He had to struggle in gales, holding car door to bend down and take his shoe-laces out from shoes .We phoned a few garages up from the hotel but none were open as it was Sun, 6 hours later a couple where leaving the hotel and saw us sat in the reception looking rather worse for wear. Oh glad we saw u2, here are your keys you left them on the bar & i picked them up thinking they were ours banghead
Birmingham 2 Liverpool all the way down the motorway i had to hold/grip on to that car door, Lorries beeping every 2 min to tell me that my door was hanging off.
But the most embarrassing thing was redface Nobody could believe that a couple of scousers could not hot wire our own car!!! :shock:
:laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove:
:welcome: to the cafe sexyscorps :giggle: :giggle:
mr and mrs dpg xxxx
We have a girl at work who can and does lose anything and everything.... purse, bags, keys shopping the lot!! The funny part is whatever she mislays now shops all around us including the local police ring us first to see if anything handed in is hers first!!!
My own strange one was losing a set of keys in the river Trent years back when teaching canoeing to a group of kids, a quick roll and wham keys are gone from pocket to the bottom of the Trent........ no point in even trying to look. Then about 7 or 8 years after I got a knock on the door at about 11pm one night and standing there were 2 fishermen with my set of keys and they said they thought they were mine from a keyring picture of my daughter who was only 2 years old in the pic!! No denying she was mine then lol...
Mike x
Quote by sexyscorps
Hi Tune I have never posted before, even though I,ve been a member for quite a while.! But I had to let you know what my hubby did at Xstasia 2 years ago. We woke up in the hotel next door to club, got our things together ready to leave but we could not find our car keys anywhere. We searched that hotel top to bottom, knocking on all the upper floor levels (Swingers rooms) asking if they had seen keys. My hubby then says i,ll go an check the car incase I left them in it. TWO long hours later my hubby came back I was fuming at him for being away so long. He had gone to the car and it was open (he had not even locked the car the night before) BUT as he opened the car door in gale force winds it blew off and was thrown over the road, He went after the car door and was nearly killed himself as the gales had lifted him and edged him on to the main road. When he finaly got the door back to the car he realised he had nothing to tie it back on. He had to struggle in gales, holding car door to bend down and take his shoe-laces out from shoes .We phoned a few garages up from the hotel but none were open as it was Sun, 6 hours later a couple where leaving the hotel and saw us sat in the reception looking rather worse for wear. Oh glad we saw u2, here are your keys you left them on the bar & i picked them up thinking they were ours banghead
Birmingham 2 Liverpool all the way down the motorway i had to hold/grip on to that car door, Lorries beeping every 2 min to tell me that my door was hanging off.
But the most embarrassing thing was redface Nobody could believe that a couple of scousers could not hot wire our own car!!! :shock:

:laughabove: Love it!
Well I said Miracles do Happen and what a pleasant 'miracle' to see you here!!
Thanks fer resurrecting me thread! Mind you that's not all you've resurrected - you've just resurrected me interest in life!! wink
biggrin Fanxs for the lovely welcome :inlove:
Hi sexyscorps kiss and welcome to the forums.
Hijack over rolleyes
Mr H once returned to his car and found a note from a traffic warden saying he'd left his keys in the ignition, and they could be claimed at the local police station! How kind biggrin
And next to the note the nice chap had left a parking ticket! arse! mad
Mrs H xx