Sorry guys ladies talk again unless you have experience of this lol
Anyone out there got a mirena coil just had one fitted not sure if its gonna be anygood
I tried the Mirena after other options failed but I had to have it removed. It did nothing to reduce my periods and the pain I had was the worst ever.
That said, I know more women who have benefitted greatly from having it and I'm sadly one of the minority for whom it didn't work.
Give it a try and good luck! :thumbup:
i have this coil fitted,
i had tried the pill,varies different types and two children later i decided i didnt want to risk the pill,trie dthe injection and put on 4 stone in the 2 years i as taking it.
decided after convo with practice nurse to go fo this coil.
omg it hurt going in, but it was over in about 3 mins, then i had the most amazing ache for about 12 hours, but nothing a few ibuprofen and a hot water bottle didnt sort out.
i would say give it a month or two before you make a desision to have it removed. ive had mine in for over 4 years and its has been really fantastic, no periods since about the 4th month.
i would have liked tobe sterilized but no doctor would do it. ive tried several times over the years.
good luck with it and remember to check the strings every month
xx fem xx
I have had a mirena for over 2 years and its fantastic. No periods but occasional spotting, but compaired to what i had b4 its amazing. It took 2 min to put in, (better than the dentist) and 6 months to settle down. I dont have pmt or weight gain with it and would kill a doc that tried to remove it. Says it all really.
my wifes got one, had it for a while no probs, sometimes i can feel it touching the head of my penis but it doesnt hurt just means we having a good time lol
my wifes got one, had it for a while no probs, sometimes i can feel it touching the head of my penis but it doesnt hurt just means we having a good time lol
yikes! :shock:
I was going for this at the end of January, but now I'm being ever so slightly put off!!!
i have had the marina for 18 months now and its the best thing ever for me ... no periods ... no pmt ... no weightgain .. in fact the only problem i have is that it is not longer than 5 years
having it inserted by someone that knows what they are doing uis vital tho and it did take about 3 months to settle down for me but the benifits far outweigh the downfalls
whatever you decide to do i hope it works out for you
J here. I had this fitted 3 years ago as I am not allowed to use the pill and I had problems with my period. Apart from being difficult to put in and a couple of days ache it has been the best thing ever.
I had one in for 4 years and after the intitial discomfort of having it put in, and a couple of days of aches it was fabulous.
I hardly had a period during that time . Then it suddenly dislodged itself - no idea why - so I had it removed, and didn't fancy another - lost my confidence in it a little.
It didn't hurt at all having it removed.