This morning there I was standing in front of the mirror, like ya do, waiting to slide me slinky hipsters up over me thighs to encase me tackle in the soft expensive pouch waiting to caress the little darling into position.
Aaah the soft material did it's job and the warm comfy feeling lasted a second or two before I noticed a furrow in me brow- summat was wrong! What could it be?
It took a few seconds for the penny to drop when I notice that I could read the label in the waistband - 'Calvin Klein'. I shouldn't be able to read it!
Yup! - I had 'em on inside out!
The sad thing is that I had to put 'em on the right way and read 'neilK nivlaC'(you know what i mean!

So I ask you 'Why do mirrors turn you left to right but not upside down' or have you ever done summat similar.