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This will be a short-lived vignette, I know and some will accuse me of name dropping but believe me it is necessary to get the ridicule of the story over.
This morning there I was standing in front of the mirror, like ya do, waiting to slide me slinky hipsters up over me thighs to encase me tackle in the soft expensive pouch waiting to caress the little darling into position.
Aaah the soft material did it's job and the warm comfy feeling lasted a second or two before I noticed a furrow in me brow- summat was wrong! What could it be?
It took a few seconds for the penny to drop when I notice that I could read the label in the waistband - 'Calvin Klein'. I shouldn't be able to read it!
Yup! - I had 'em on inside out!
The sad thing is that I had to put 'em on the right way and read 'neilK nivlaC'(you know what i mean! rolleyes ) to make absolutely sure!!
So I ask you 'Why do mirrors turn you left to right but not upside down' or have you ever done summat similar.
And here comes the science:
Mirrors simply reflect light. Your head is still at the top of your body... your right arm is reflected in front of where it actully is.
However, mirrors aside, your eyes actually see things upside down, but your brain translates the image to be the right way up :shock:
Quote by cu3b4ll
And here comes the science:
Mirrors simply reflect light. Your head is still at the top of your body... your right arm is reflected in front of where it actully is.
However, mirrors aside, your eyes actually see things upside down, but your brain translates the image to be the right way up :shock:

I was waiting fer the scientific response!! wink
If all it does is reflect light then why does a concave mirror turn you upside down and a convex mirror not?
I really am hoping fer a hijack of this one!!
I done this befor some where but i think mirrors still make you look fuller than you are. But i was shot down in flames on the science bit so my mirrors must be curved lol
Quote by westerross
And here comes the science:
Mirrors simply reflect light. Your head is still at the top of your body... your right arm is reflected in front of where it actully is.
However, mirrors aside, your eyes actually see things upside down, but your brain translates the image to be the right way up :shock:

I was waiting fer the scientific response!! wink
If all it does is reflect light then why does a concave mirror turn you upside down and a convex mirror not?
I really am hoping fer a hijack of this one!!
Imagine dropping a rubber ball into a metal bowl - it can't bounce straight back up - it bounces off sideways passing the middle of the bowl as it goes. That's cos of the curve redirecting the ball. Light does the same thing. In a concave mirror the light ends up totally reversed by the time it gets to your eye so in that case the feet are at the top, your left hand is on the right etc.
Imagine dropping the same ball on the outside of the same bowl (turned upside down) it shoots off away from the bowl. Light does the same thing on a convex mirror - which is why the image on the back of a spoon is so wierd.
Sorry, couldn't help myself - encyclopaedia mode off.
Quote by foxylady2209
And here comes the science:
Mirrors simply reflect light. Your head is still at the top of your body... your right arm is reflected in front of where it actully is.
However, mirrors aside, your eyes actually see things upside down, but your brain translates the image to be the right way up :shock:

I was waiting fer the scientific response!! wink
If all it does is reflect light then why does a concave mirror turn you upside down and a convex mirror not?
I really am hoping fer a hijack of this one!!
Imagine dropping a rubber ball into a metal bowl - it can't bounce straight back up - it bounces off sideways passing the middle of the bowl as it goes. That's cos of the curve redirecting the ball. Light does the same thing. In a concave mirror the light ends up totally reversed by the time it gets to your eye so in that case the feet are at the top, your left hand is on the right etc.
Imagine dropping the same ball on the outside of the same bowl (turned upside down) it shoots off away from the bowl. Light does the same thing on a convex mirror - which is why the image on the back of a spoon is so wierd.
Sorry, couldn't help myself - encyclopaedia mode off.
I'll come and bounce inside yer metal bowl anytime ya like!! :twisted:
I find that mirrors make you look older than you are!!! confused :? :? :? :?
Yer dead right there. There was some old geezer looking at me from mine this morning.
Seriously though when Angelica and I get into a hotel room she'll go 'round all the mirrors and test 'em, uttering things like ' That's a bad one - makes me look awful. That one's good......'
I can never tell the difference - she looks stunning in 'em all as far as I'm concerned dunno
Quote by cu3b4ll
And here comes the science:
Mirrors simply reflect light. Your head is still at the top of your body... your right arm is reflected in front of where it actully is.
However, mirrors aside, your eyes actually see things upside down, but your brain translates the image to be the right way up :shock:

AND on top of all that they actually see colours in reverse, what we see as white is infact black and vice versa.
Quote by Morbius
And here comes the science:
Mirrors simply reflect light. Your head is still at the top of your body... your right arm is reflected in front of where it actully is.
However, mirrors aside, your eyes actually see things upside down, but your brain translates the image to be the right way up :shock:

AND on top of all that they actually see colours in reverse, what we see as white is infact black and vice versa.
Glad I had a look on here this morning.....NOT! confused
Now I'm all confused dunno
Don't you all know its a Monday morning and I need eased into the week gently?? rolleyes started it smackbottom wink
Quote by LadyFeeBee started it smackbottom wink

Are you sure you're doing :smackbottom: the right way 'round? Isn't the stick in yer right hand and are we really upside down?
D'you think the mirror would even reverse the roles?? :twisted: bolt
Does anyone have an eyetoy for thier PS2. There's a gome on that whereby you have to hit red markers in the corners of the screen and avoid the green ones, sounds simple enough but then the image is flipped round and then upside down. A great laugh after a glass of wine.
and the ninja game, and the boxing challenge :giggle:
I knew this was going to be a bad day.
I've waited for ages and it hasn't got any better.,
The only thing so far is that Calvin Klein is just as much an idiot as me. Why does he have his name in his underwear? If he needs to remember his name why not buy a cheap biro and put it in the palm of his hand? Then, when he's remembered it, he can wash it off.
Hang on. Do I know anybody who actually wears underwear? I've just looked at mine ad I'm horrified to find that I haven't got any.
There was somtehing else I wanted to say. Shit, I can't remember what it was.
No, I can remember. I've spent ages trying to download something called "I don't give a damn". Well I've tried for ages, and you know what? I don't give a damn any more.
Do I sound confused? You want to try it from my end.
x x x
Quote by westerross started it smackbottom wink

Are you sure you're doing :smackbottom: the right way 'round? Isn't the stick in yer right hand and are we really upside down?
D'you think the mirror would even reverse the roles?? :twisted: bolt
:crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
I knew there was something I wanted to say.
"Tune, why are you wearing Calvins underwear?"
x x x
Quote by maidinheaven
I knew there was something I wanted to say.
"Tune, why are you wearing Calvins underwear?"
x x x

Prolly coz Tune's Y-fronts are all in the wash bolt
Quote by H-x
Does anyone have an eyetoy for thier PS2. There's a gome on that whereby you have to hit red markers in the corners of the screen and avoid the green ones, sounds simple enough but then the image is flipped round and then upside down. A great laugh after a glass of wine.

Now would I own somthing like that? redface Of course I always thrash everyone on the drumming one! biggrin
I also have several different singstar games/CD's - absolutely brilliant fun!
Quote by LadyFeeBee
:crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

Aaaaaha! I have the lovely Feebs where I want her... :twisted:
Quote by maidinheaven
I knew there was something I wanted to say.
"Tune, why are you wearing Calvins underwear?"
x x x

I wasn't. I was wearing s'nivlaC but from now on I'm following you and wearing none!! Much better idea!! cool