Help!!!!! I've looked everywhere. Occasionally I see a glimmer of it when I am reading, or feel a tingle of it when I am driving but alas, if I were to direct my attention to it, it vanishes. It catches me unaware and if not acted upon swiftly, it flutters away. I've lost my sex drive!! I have more passion for cherry laurels and the healing properties of calendula.
Is this common or should I consult a sex therapist? I have issues, right? My other half is tearing his hair out (thank God he has quite a bit) and the only time he seems to get any chance is at about 6 am in the morning and 1 am at night. It's not like I don't enjoy it as once I get into the thick of it, it's hard to get me to stop but just starting is the problem.
We should have an agony aunt thread.
I reckon it turned up naked & hungry on a 'plane to Edinborough.
Send the airline a note saying you have some orios, and see if it retrurns to you.
Hmm - I know how you feel, mine waxes and wanes sometimes - I'm sure there's a cycle to sex drive just like anything else. I'd go with it and see what happens, it can be nice laying off something for a while, makes you discover it anew when you get back in the groove...
Here's to mellow times
and the rediscovery of your mojo...
crystal's sex drive wanders off for no reason what so ever all the time in this house and can be on walkabout for months on end to sudanlly reapear without warning and end up with me screaming no more please dear go let it stop after a week of being used as a human sex toy.
its ur other halfs job to find ur sex drive babes not urs , all it takes is a well planned suduction at an unexpected time rather than spur of the moment or bedtime sex ect .